CS代写 compiler assembly assembler CSCI 2021: x86-64 Assembly Extras and Wrap – cscodehelp代写

CSCI 2021: x86-64 Assembly Extras and Wrap
Chris Updated:
Mon Nov 1 02:22:23 PM CDT 2021

Reading Bryant/O’Hallaron
Read in Full
▶ Ch 3.7 Procedure Calls
Skim the following
▶ Ch 3.8-3.9: Arrays, Structs ▶ Ch 3.10: Pointers/Security ▶ Ch 3.11: Floating Point
⊠ Asm Procedure Calls ⊠ Assembly vs C
□ Data in Assembly
□ Security Risks
□ Floating Point Instr/Regs
Wed 10/27 Fri 10/29 Mon 11/01 Wed 11/03
Fri 11/05 Wed 11/10
Project 3
Asm Extras
Asm Extras
Asm Wrap-up Practice Exam 2 Lab/HW 9: Review Exam 2
P3 Due
▶ Problem 1: Clock Assembly Functions (50%)
▶ Problem 2: Binary Bomb via debugger (50%)
Start NOW if you haven’t already

Exercise: All Models are Wrong…
▶ Rule #1: The Doctor Lies
▶ Below is our original model for memory layout of C programs
▶ Describe what is incorrect based on x86-64 assembly
▶ Will all variables have a position in the stack?
▶ What else is on the stack / control flow info?
▶ What registers are likely used?
9: int main(…){
10: intx=19;
11: inty=31;
+-<12: swap(&x, &y); STACK: Caller main(), prior to swap() |FRAME |ADDR |NAME|VALUE| |---------+-------+------+-------| |main() |#2048|x | 19| |line:12|#2044|y | 31| |---------+-------+------+-------| | 13: | 14: return 0; V 15: } | | 18: void swap(int *a,int *b){ | FRAME | ADDR | NAME | VALUE | printf("%d %d ",x,y); +->19: int tmp = *a; 20: *a=*b;
21: *b = tmp; 22: return;
23: }
|———+——-+——+——-| |main() |#2048|x | 19|<-+ | line:12 | #2044 | y | 31 |<-|+ |---------+-------+------+-------| || | swap() | #2036 | a | #2048 |--+| | line:19 | #2028 | b | #2044 |---+ | |#2024|tmp | ?| STACK: Callee swap() takes control 3 Answers: All Models are Wrong, Some are Useful 9: int main(...){ 10: intx=19; 11: inty=31; +-<12: swap(&x, &y); STACK: Callee swap() takes control |FRAME |ADDR |NAME|VALUE| |---------+-------+------+-------| |main() |#2048|x | 19| | |#2044|y | 31| |---------+-------+------+-------| | swap() | #2036 | rip |Line 13| |---------+-------+------+-------| REGS as swap() starts |REG|VALUE|NOTE | |-----+-------+--------------| |rdi|#2048|for*a | |rsi|#2044|for*b | |rax| ?|fortmp | |rip| L19|lineinswap| | 13: | 14: return 0; V 15: } | | 18: void swap(int *a,int *b){ +->19:
23: }
int tmp = *a; *a=*b;
*b = tmp; return;
printf(“%d %d
▶ main() must have stack space for locals passed by address ▶ swap() needs no stack space for arguments: in registers
▶ Return address is next value of rip register in main()
▶ Mostly don’t need to think at this level of detail but can be useful in some situations

Data In Assembly Arrays
Usually: base + index × size
arr[i] = 12;
movl $12,(%rdi,%rsi,4)
int x = arr[j];
movl (%rdi,%rcx,4),%r8d
▶ Array starting address often held in a register
▶ Index often in a register
▶ Compiler inserts appropriate size (1,2,4,8)
Usually base+offset
typedef struct {
int i; short s;
char c[2];
} foo_t;
foo_t *f = …;
short sh = f->s;
movw 4(%rdi),%si
f->c[i] = ‘X’;
movb $88, 6(%rdi,%rax)

Packed Structures as Procedure Arguments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 }
▶ Passing pointers to structs is ’normal’: registers contain addresses to main memory
▶ Passing actual structs may result in packed structs where several fields are in a single register
▶ Assembly must unpack these through shifts and masking
// packed_struct_main.c typedef struct {
short first;
short second; } twoshort_t;
short sub_struct(twoshort_t ti);
1 ### packed_struct.s 2 .text
3 .globl sub_struct 4 sub_struct:
5 ## first arg is twoshort_t ts
6 ## %rdi has 2 packed shorts in it 7 ## bits 0-15 are ts.first
8 ## bits 16-31 are ts.second
int main(){
twoshort_t ts = {.first=10, 10
.second=-2}; int sum = sub_struct(ts);
printf(“%d – %d = %d
”, ts.first, ts.second, sum);
return 0;
9 ## upper bits could
11 movl %edi,%eax 12 andl $0xFFFF,%eax 13 sarl $16,%edi
14 andl $0xFFFF,%edi 15 subw %di,%ax
16 ret
be anything
# eax = ts.first; #edi=edi>>16; # edi = ts.second; #ax=ax-di
# answer in ax

Example: coins_t in HW06 / Lab07
// Type for collections of coins
typedef struct { // coint_t has the following memory layout
char quarters; //
char dimes; // | | Pointer | Packed | Packed | char nickels; // | | Memory | Struct | Struct | char pennies; // | Field | Offset | Arg# | Bits |
} coins_t;
## | #2048 ## | #2049 ## | #2050 ## | #2051
// |———-+———+——–+——–|
//|quarters| +0|#1
|0-7 | |8-15 | | 16-23 | | 24-31 |
### args are
### %rdi packed coin_t struct with struct fields ### { 0- 7: quarters, 8-15: dimes,
### 16-23: nickels, 24-31: pennies}

### rdi: 0x00 00 00 00 03 00 01 02 ### pndq
movq %rdi,%rdx # extract dimes ### rdx: 0x00 00 00 00 03 00 01 02
### pndq
//|dimes // | nickels // | pennies
| c->quarters | 2 |
| +1|#1 | +2|#1 | +3|#1
| c->dimes | c->nickels | c->pennies
|1| | – | | – |
### int set_coins(int cents, coins_t *coins) ### %edi = int cents
### %rsi = coints_t *coins

# rsi: #2048 #al:0 %dl:3 movb %al,2(%rsi) movb %dl,3(%rsi)
## | #2048 | c->quarters |
# coins->nickels = al; # coins->pennies = dl;
2 | 1| 0 | 3 |
sarq $8,%rdx # shift ### rdx: 0x00 00 00 00 00 03 00 01 ### pnd
andq $0xFF,%rdx # rdx = ### rdx: 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ### pnd
dimes to low bits dimes
## | #2049 | c->dimes ## | #2050 | c->nickels ## | #2051 | c->pennies
| | |

General Cautions on Layout by Compilers
▶ Compiler honors order of source code fields in struct
▶ BUT compiler may add padding between/after fields for alignment
▶ Compiler determines total struct size
Struct Layout Algorimths
▶ Baked into compiler
▶ May change from
compiler to compiler
▶ May change through history of compiler
Structs in Mem/Regs
▶ Stack structs spread across several registers
▶ Don’t need a struct on the stack at all in some cases (just like don’t need local variables on stack)
▶ Struct arguments packed into 1+ registers
Stay Insulated
▶ Programming in C insulates you from all of this
▶ Feel the warmth of gcc’s abstraction blanket

Security Risks in C Buffer Overflow Attacks
▶ No default bounds checking in C: Performance favored over safety
▶ Allows classic security flaws:
char buf[1024];
printf(“Enter you name:”);
fscanf(file,”%s”,buf); // BAD
// or
gets(buf); // BAD
// my name is 1500 chars
// long, what happens?
▶ For data larger than buf, begin overwriting other parts of the stack
▶ Clobber return addresses
▶ Insert executable code and run it
▶ Stack protection is default in gcc in the modern era
▶ Inserts “canary” values on the stack near return address
▶ Prior to function return, checks that canaries are unchanged
▶ Stack / Text Section Start randomized by kernel, return address and function addresses difficult to predict ahead of time
▶ Kernel may also vary virtual memory address as well
▶ Disabling protections is risky

Stack Smashing
▶ Explored in a recent homework
▶ See stack_smash.c for a similar example
▶ Demonstrates detection of changes to stack that could be
#define END 8 // too big for array
void demo(){
int arr[4]; // fill array off the end
for(int i=0; i cd 08-assembly-extras-code/
> gcc stack_smash1.c
> ./a.out
About to do the demo
[0]: 2
[1]: 4
[2]: 6
[3]: 8
*** stack smashing detected ***: terminat
Aborted (core dumped)

Sample Buffer Overflow Code
#include // compiled with gcc will likely result
void never(){ // only in ‘stack smashing’
printf(“This should never happen
return; }
int main(){
union {long addr; char str[9];} never_info;
never_info.addr = (long) never;
never_info.str[8] = ‘′;
printf(“Address of never: %0p
printf(“Address as string: %s
printf(“Enter a string: “);
char buf[4];
// By entering the correct length of string followed by the ASCII
// representation of the address of never(), one might be able to
// get that function to run (on windows…)
printf(“You entered: %s
return 0; }

Accessing Global Variables in Assembly
Global data can be set up in assembly in .data sections with labels and assembler directives like .int and .short
.int 17
.short 10
.short 12
.short 14
# single int
# array of shorts
# some_shorts[0]
# some_shorts[1]
# some_shorts[2]
Modern Access to Globals
movl an_int(%rip), %eax
leaq some_shorts(%rip), %rdi
▶ Uses %rip relative addressing
▶ Default in gcc as it plays nice
with OS security features
▶ May discuss again later during Linking/ELF coverage
Traditional Access to Globals
movl an_int, %eax # ERROR
leaq (some_shorts), %rdi # ERROR
▶ Not accepted by gcc by default
▶ Yields compile/link errors
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccocSiw5.o:
relocation R_X86_64_32S against `.data’ can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE

Floating Point Operations
▶ The original Intel Chips 8086 didn’t have floating point ops ▶ Had to buy a co-processor, Intel 8087, to add FP ops
▶ Modern CPUs ALL have FP ops but they feel separate from
the integer ops: FPU versus ALU
FP “Media” Registers
addss %xmm2,%xmm4,%xmm0
# xmm0[0] = xmm2[0] + xmm4[0]
# Add Scalar Single-Precision
addps %xmm2,%xmm4,%xmm0
# xmm0[:] = xmm2[:] + xmm4[:]
# Add Packed Single-Precision
# “Vector” Instruction
▶ Operates on single values or “vectors” of packed values
▶ 3-operands common in more “modern” assembly languages
256-bits 128-bits
FP Arg 1/ Ret FPArg2

FPArg8 Caller Save
%ymm0 %xmm0
%ymm1 %xmm1
… …
%ymm7 %xmm7
%ymm8 %xmm8
%ymm15 %xmm15 Caller Save
▶ Can be used as “scalars” – single values but…
▶ xmmI is 128 bits big holding ▶ 2 64-bit FP values OR
▶ 4 32-bit FP values
▶ ymmI doubles this

Floating Point and ALU Conversions
▶ Recall that bit layout of Integers and Floating Point numbers are quite different (how?)
▶ Leads to a series of assembly instructions to interconvert between types
# int eax = …;
# double xmm0 = (double) eax;
vcvtsi2sd %eax,%xmm0,%xmm0
# double xmm1 = …
# long rcx = (int) xmm1;
vcvttsd2siq %xmm1,%rcx
▶ These are non-trivial conversions: 5-cycle latency (delay) before completion, can have a performance impact on code which does conversions

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