CS代考计算机代写 algorithm BU CS 332 – Theory of Computation

BU CS 332 – Theory of Computation
Lecture 22:
• NP‐Completeness Example • Space Complexity
• Savitch’s Theorem
Sipser Ch 8.1‐8.2
Mark Bun April 22, 2020

Definition: A language is NP‐complete if 1) and
2) Every language
is poly‐time reducible to is NP‐hard”)
Theorem: If language , then
􏶍 for some NP‐complete is also NP‐complete
CS332 ‐ Theory of Computation 2
, i.e.,
􏶍 (“ and

(3‐CNF Satisfiability)
• A literal either a variable of its negation 􏶎 , 􏶏
• A clause is a disjunction (OR) of literals Ex.
• A 3‐CNF is a conjunction (AND) of clauses where each
clause contains exactly 3 literals Ex. 􏵶 􏶊 … 􏶐
􏶎􏶏􏶊􏶋􏶑􏵶 􏵶􏵶􏵶
Cook‐Levin Theorem: is NP‐complete
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Some general reduction strategies
• Reduction by simple equivalence
and 𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑋 􏶣 𝐶𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅 􏶕􏶍 𝐼𝑁𝐷𝐸𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐷𝐸𝑁𝑇 􏶣 𝑆𝐸𝑇 • Reduction from special case to general case
Ex. 𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑋 􏶣 𝐶𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅 􏶕􏶍 𝑆𝐸𝑇 􏶣 𝐶𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅 • Gadget reductions
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Independent Set
An independent set in an undirected graph 𝐺 is a set of vertices that includes at most one endpoint of every edge.
􏵼 𝐺, 𝑘 𝐺 is an undirected graph containing an independent set with 􏶖 𝑘 vertices􏶤
• Is there an independent set of size  6?
• Yes.
• Is there an independent set of size  7?
• No.
independent set
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Independent Set is NP‐complete
2) Reduce
Proof. “On input 𝜑 , where 𝜑 is a 3CNF formula,
Construct graph 𝐺 from 𝜑
Output 𝐺, 𝑘 , where 𝑘 is the number of clauses in 𝜑.”
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• 𝐺 contains 3 vertices for each clause, one for each literal. • Connect 3 literals in a clause in a triangle.
• Connect literal to each of its negations.

Example of the reduction
𝜑􏵼 𝑥􏵶∨𝑥􏶊∨𝑥􏶋 ∧ 𝑥􏵶∨𝑥􏶊∨𝑥􏶋 ∧ 𝑥􏵶∨𝑥􏶊∨𝑥􏶑
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Proof of correctness for reduction
Let 𝑘 = # clauses and 𝑙 = # literals in 𝜑
Claim: 𝜑 is satisfiable iff 𝐺 has an ind. set of size 𝑘
⟹ Given a satisfying assignment, select one literal from each triangle. This is an ind. set of size 𝑘
⟸ Let 𝑆 be an ind. set of size 𝑘
• 𝑆 must contain exactly one vertex in each triangle
• Set these literals to true, and set all other variables in an arbitrary way
• Truth assignment is consistent and all clauses satisfied
Runtime: 𝑂􏶒𝑘 􏵷 𝑙􏶊􏶓 which is polynomial in input size
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Space Complexity
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Complexity measures we’ve studied so far
• Deterministic time TIME
• Nondeterministic time NTIME • Classes P, NP
Many other resources of interest:
Space (memory), randomness, parallel runtime / #processors, quantum entanglement, interaction, communication, …
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Space analysis
Space complexity of a TM (algorithm) = maximum number of tape cell it uses on a worst‐case input
Formally: Let ∗ . A TM every input , halts on
runs in space
if on cells
For nondeterministic machines:
runs in space
cells on every computational branch
using at most
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Let ∗ if on every input
. An NTM halts on
using at most

Space complexity classes
A language
tape (deterministic) TM
if there exists a basic single‐ that
1) Decides , and 2) Runs in space
A language
tape nondeterministic TM
if there exists a single‐ that
1) Decides , and 2) Runs in space
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Example: Space complexity of SAT
Proof: The following deterministic TM decides linear space
On input where is a Boolean formula:
1. For each truth assignment to the variables
􏵶 􏶐of:
2. Evaluate on
3. If any evaluation , accept. Else, reject.
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Example: NFA analysis
Theorem: Let
Then 􏶥􏵾􏵿
Proof: The following NTM decides
∗ 􏶥􏵾􏵿 in linear space
On input where is an NTM:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Place a marker on the start state of .
Repeat 􏶦 times where is the # of states of :
Nondeterministically select .
Adjust the markers to simulate all ways for
Accept if at any point none of the markers are on an accept state. Else, reject.
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to read

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Space vs. Time
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Space vs. Time
How about the opposite direction? Can low‐space algorithms be simulated by low‐time algorithms?
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Reminder: Configurations
A configuration is a string where
• Tape contents = (followed by blanks • Current state =
• Tape head on first symbol of
and )

Start configuration: Accepting configuration: = Rejecting configuration: =
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Reminder: Configurations
Consider a TM with
• states
• tape alphabet
• space
How many configurations are possible when this TM is run on
an input
Observation: If a TM enters the same configuration twice when run on input it loops forever
Corollary: A TM running in space also runs in time 􏶜􏶭􏵳
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Savitch’s Theorem
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Savitch’s Theorem: Deterministic vs. Nondeterministic Space
Theorem: Let be a function with 􏶊 . Then
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