CS代考 Global semantics – cscodehelp代写
Global semantics
We can calculate the full joint distribution as the product of the local conditional distributions:
Compute: Ppj ^m^a^␣b^␣eq
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 2
P px1, . . . , xnq “
P pxi|parentspXiqq
Global semantics
We can calculate the full joint distribution as the product of the local conditional distributions:
“ P pj |aqP pm|aqP pa|␣b, ␣eqP p␣bqP p␣eq “ 0.9 ̈0.7 ̈0.001 ̈0.999 ̈0.998
« 0.00063
Application of the chain rule.
P px1, . . . , xnq “ Ppj ^m^a^␣b^␣eq
P pxi|parentspXiqq
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 3
A CPT for Boolean Xi with k Boolean parents has 2krows for the combinations of parent values
Each row requires one number p for Xi “ true (the number for Xi “ f alse is just 1 ́ p)
If each variable has no more than k parents, the complete network requires Opn ̈ 2kq numbers
Grows linearly with n, vs. Op2nq for the full joint distribution
For burglary net, 1 ` 1 ` 4 ` 2 ` 2 “ 10 numbers (vs.25 ́1“31)
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 4
Local semantics
A node X is conditionally independent of its non-descendants (e.g., the Zi,j s) given its parents (the Uis shown in the gray area).
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 5
Markov blanket
Each node is conditionally independent of all others given its Markov blanket: parents + children + children’s parents
Andrey Markov
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London
Markov blanket
Each node is conditionally independent of all others given its Markov blanket: parents + children + children’s parents
Markov blanket of X?
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 7
Markov blanket
Each node is conditionally independent of all others given its Markov blanket: parents + children + children’s parents
Markov blanket of X?
Answer: B,C,E,F,G
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 8
Constructing Bayesian networks
Build Bayesian networks like any other form of knowledge representation. First figure out the variables that describe the world.
Then decide how they are connected. Conditional independence.
Then work out the values in the CPTs.
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 9
Ways of compressing further
CPT grows exponentially with number of parents ‚ Usedistributionsthataredefinedcompactly
Deterministic nodes are the simplest case. X “ fpParentspXqq for some function f
‚ Booleanfunctions:
NorthAmerican ô Canadian_US_Mexican
‚ Numericalrelationshipsamongcontinuousvariables
BLevel “ inflow + precipitation – outflow – evaporation
⃝c -Trenn, King’s College London 10