CS计算机代考程序代写 /*
Notation program
@(#)drivers.h 3.9 (C) Henry Thomas Release 3 Dated 12/10/91
/* headers for output drivers */
#define D_ASCII 0
#define D_POST 1
#define D_TEX 2
#define D_ROFF 3
#define D_XCHESS 4
#define D_GNU 5
#define NB_DRIVER 6
/* variation convention */
#define VARIATION_IN 0
#define PS_HEADER “lib/Header.ps”
#define PS_FOOTER “lib/Footer.ps”
#define TEX_HEADER “lib/Header.tex”
/* output buffers */
#define TAMPON 256
typedef struct {
/* type of driver */
int type ;
/* output_file */
FILE *outfile ;
/* these booleans control the output format */
int print_move ; /* move numbering */
int print_piece ; /* print piece name */
int print_pawn ; /* print the PAWN name */
int roque_alg ; /* roque in algebraic form Ke1g1 or O-O */
int print_liaison ; /* print the – or x in move output */
int only_board ;
int variation ; /* variation level */
int print_headers ; /* include the header/footer file */
/* boolean to print the coordinates in ascii output of board */
int coordinates ;
int output_move_format ;
char *out_table; /* translation table */
/* procedures */
void (*out_init)() ;
void (*out_move)() ;
void (*out_variation)() ;
void (*out_text)() ;
void (*out_board)() ;
void (*out_end)() ;
/* temp vars used by move buffering */
int iswhiteturn ; /*= FALSE */
int interrupt ; /*= FALSE */
char move_buffer[TAMPON] /*= “”*/ ;
char white_buffer[TAMPON] /*= “”*/ ;
char black_buffer[TAMPON] /*= “”*/ ;
} format ;
/* fonctions —————– */
#ifdef __STDC__
extern void output_init(format *dr);
extern void output_move(format *dr, depl *d);
extern void output_variation(format *dr, int inout);
extern void output_text(format *dr, int type, char *string, int code);
extern void output_board(format *dr, game *g);
extern void output_end(format *dr);
extern format *new_driver(void);
extern void init_driver(format *dr, int driver);
extern void output_init(/*format *dr*/);
extern void output_move(/*format *dr, depl *d*/);
extern void output_variation(/*format *dr, int inout*/);
extern void output_text(/*format *dr, int type, char *string, int code*/);
extern void output_board(/*format *dr, game *g*/);
extern void output_end(/*format *dr*/);
extern format *new_driver(/*void*/);
extern void init_driver(/*format *dr, int driver*/);