CS计算机代考程序代写 chain data structure /*
Notation program
@(#)chesstype.h 3.9 (C) Henry Thomas Release 3 Dated 12/10/91
/* types definition */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((char *) 0)
#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define ABS(a) ((a)>=0?(a):(-(a)))
#define SIGN(a) ((a)>=0?(1):-1)
#define DUMMYCHAR ‘$’
#define MAXTOKLEN 1024
/* max number of move for displaying board */
#define NB_MOVE_TO_DISP 128
/* debugging help */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define MESSAGE(A) (void) fprintf A
#define ACTION(A) A
#define MESSAGE(A)
#define ACTION(A)
/* output move format */
#define ALGEBRAIC 0
#define SHORTENED 1
/* text type */
#define T_TEXT 1
#define T_COMMENT 2
#define T_TITLE 3
#define T_SUBTITLE 4
#define T_SCORE 5
/* ——————————————– */
/* chess data structures */
/* ——————————————– */
#define NUMPIECES 7
#define KING 1
#define QUEEN 2
#define ROOK 3
#define BISHOP 4
#define KNIGHT 5
#define PAWN 6
#define VOID 0
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK -1
/* board and move representation */
/* board size */
#define SIZE 10
/* —- structure to represent the game —- */
typedef struct {
/* board definition */
int board[SIZE][SIZE];
int color[SIZE][SIZE];
} game ;
/* —- end of structure —- */
#define GULL (game *) 0
/* french(roque) == english(castling) */
#define MOVE 1 /* un mouvement */
#define PRISE 2 /* une prise */
#define GRANDROQUE 3 /* grand roque */
#define PETITROQUE 4 /* petit roque */
#define EN_PASSANT 5 /* prise en passant */
#define PROMOTION 6 /* promotion */
#define PROM_ET_PRISE 7 /* promotion + capture */
/* structure used to describe the current move */
struct deplace {
/* system zone */
int uid ; /* node id */
/* links used to chain moves */
struct deplace * next ; /* next move */
struct deplace * prev ; /* previous move */
struct deplace * sub ; /* variation */
/* user zone */
int move ; /* number of the move */
int whiteturn ; /* boolean to tell if white’s turn */
int type; /* type of move: MOVE, PRISE, etc.. */
int piece; /* type of the piece */
int fromcol, fromlig; /* from position */
int tocol, tolig ; /* destination */
int prise; /* captured piece */
int promotion; /* name of the pice the pawn is promoted to */
int is_check ; /* if does the move provides check ?*/
char comment[SHORT_COMMENT_LEN]; /* short text comment */
char * text ; /* long text comment */
} ;
typedef struct deplace depl ;
#define MULL (depl *) 0
#define CURCOLOR(M) (((M)->whiteturn)?(WHITE):(BLACK))
#define OPPCOLOR(M) (((M)->whiteturn)?(BLACK):(WHITE))
/* structure used to hold a complete play
this structure is
– an initial board
– a chain of moves
moves are applied to the board, and coan also be undone
typedef struct {
game * initial;
depl * chain ;
} play ;
/* end headers */