CS代考程序代写 Exercise 7.1

Exercise 7.1
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jo ̈rg Raisch
Germano Schafaschek
Soraia Moradi
Behrang Nejad
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme
Fakulta ̈t IV Elektrotechnik und Informatik Technische Universita ̈t Berlin Lehrveranstaltung ”Ereignisdiskrete Systeme“ Wintersemester 2020/2021
Exercise sheet 7
Consider the production line shown in Figure 1. It consists of three machines; machines 1 and 3 are able to process only one workpiece at a time, whereas machine 2 has capacity for two workpieces. The first machine has unlimited storage capacity for unprocessed workpieces, which it receives from outside the line. Machine 2 also has unlimited storage capacity for workpieces coming from machine 1. The third machine, however, has no storage facility, i. e., a workpiece can only be passed from machine 2 to machine 3 when the latter is free. The processing times of the machines are v1 = 3, v2 = 5, v3 = 2. Suppose that, at the beginning, the first machine contains one workpiece, the second contains two workpieces, and the storage between machines 1 and 2 contains three workpieces. The input storage as well as machine 3 are initially empty.
Fachgebiet Regelungssysteme
Figure 1: Production line for Exercise 7.1.
a) Model the system as a timed Petri net with holding times.
b) Considering the arrival of unprocessed workpieces to the storage of machine 1 as an input for the system and the finishing of processing by machine 3 as an output, write max-plus state equations for the model of the production line.
Exercise 7.2
The firing times of the transitions of a given system are described by the max-plus equations x(k + 1) = A0x(k+1)⊕A1x(k)⊕B0u(k+1) and y(k) = C0x(k), where B0 = [e ε ε]′, C0 = [ε 1 ε], and A0, A1 are matrices whose corresponding precedence graphs are shown in Figure 2. Obtain the state equations — of the form x ̃(k + 1) = Ax ̃(k) ⊕ Bu(k + 1) and y(k) = Cx ̃(k) — and draw a timed event graph that models the system.
12 12
G(A0): e 4 G(A1): 33
Figure 2: Precedence graphs associated with matrices A0 and A1.

Exercise 7.3
The firing times of the transitions of a given system are described by the following recursive equations, in which ui(k) represents the earliest possible firing times for input transitions tui , with i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, and y(k) represents the earliest possible firing times for the output transition ty.
x1(k + 1) = max􏰉u1(k) , x2(k)􏰊
x2(k + 1) = u2(k + 1)
x3(k + 1) = max􏰉x1(k + 1) + 2 , x2(k − 1) + 7 , u3(k − 1)􏰊
y(k) = max􏰉x1(k) + 12 , x3(k) + 8􏰊
a) Draw a timed event graph with holding times whose transitions’ earliest possible firing times can
be described by the given equations.
b) Determine,forthesystemofequationsabove,astate-spacerepresentationinmax-plus,oftheform
x􏰁(k + 1) = Ax􏰁(k) ⊕ Bu(k + 1) y(k) = Cx􏰁(k) .
Exercise 7.4
Consider the timed event graph provided in Figure 3, in which tu is an input transition and ty is an output transition.
tu t12 ty
a) Let the variables u, xl, and y represent the firing times of transitions tu, tl, and ty, respectively, and let x = [x1 x2 x3]′. Consider the following recursive equations for the firing times of the transitions:
x(k+1)=􏰍Aix(k+1−i) ⊕ 􏰍Bju(k+1−j) i=0 j=0
y(k) = C0x(k) .
Provide matrices Ai, Bj, and C0, for all i ∈ {0,…,3} and all j ∈ {0,1}.
Figure 3: Timed event graph for Exercise 7.4.

b) We now want to represent the above recursive equations in the state-space form:
x􏰁(k + 1) = Ax􏰁(k) ⊕ Bu(k + 1) y(k) = Cx􏰁(k) .
How would you define x􏰁(k)? Provide also the resulting matrices A, B, and C in terms of matrices Ai, Bj, and C0. (You do not have to explicitly compute each element of matrices A, B, and C.)

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