CS代考程序代写 Haskell algorithm {-
Module: Types.
All the new types defined are found here. It should serve as a quick reference.
module Types where
import Data.Graph
Also see module Cell.
— Each node in the graph is represented by an index, which is an integer.
type Index = Int
— A cell is a pair (column, row). Columns are indexed by characters (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …) and rows
— are indexed by numbers starting from 1 (1, 2, 3, …).
type Column = Char
type Row = Int
type Cell = (Column, Row)
Also see module Board.
— The board is represented by a graph.
— (See https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers-
type Board = Graph
Also see module Action.
— A step is a pair of two cells representing a movement from one cell to the other.
type Step = (Cell, Cell)
— A wall is a pair of two steps representing the two steps that it blocks.
type Wall = (Step, Step)
— An action is either “moving a step” or “placing a wall”.
data Action = Move Step | Place Wall deriving (Show)
Also see module Player.
— A player is the following structure.
data Player = Player {
— Name of the player, will be printed when playing.
name :: String,
— Current turn in the game.
turn :: Int,
— Current cell occupied by the player.
currentCell :: Cell,
— Number of remaining walls.
remainingWalls :: Int,
— List of cells corresponding to the winning positions.
winningPositions :: [Cell],
— Is it a human player? If it is, you will be asked to write a command when it’s your turn, and
— if it isn’t you won’t.
isHuman :: Bool,
— Key function. Given a game state and a command, a player has to come up with an action.
— The last parameter is an integer that can be used to pass a random number from the main game
— loop, which might be necessary for certain algorithms.
chooseAction :: Board -> [Player] -> String -> Int -> Maybe Action }
Also see module Game.
— A game holds a board and a list of players.
data Game = Game Board [Player]
Also see Players.MinimaxPlayer.
— Multi-branching tree that holds a value in each node and each edge.
data StateTree v a = StateTree v [(a, StateTree v a)]
— Tree representing game states.
type GameTree = StateTree Game Action
— Tree representing scores.
type EvalTree = StateTree Int Action
— Data type that holds both the score and a list of actions (associated to that score).
data Result = Result !Int [Action]
— We can equate results by looking at the score.
instance Eq Result where
(Result x _) == (Result y _) = x == y
— We can compare results by looking at the score.
instance Ord Result where
compare (Result x _) (Result y _) = compare x y