CS代考计算机代写 | cards perms sols totalScore totalTests |

| cards perms sols totalScore totalTests |

cards := #( ‘1C’ ‘2C’ ‘3C’ ‘4C’ ‘5C’ ‘6C’ ‘7C’ ‘8C’ ‘9C’ ’10C’ ’11C’ ’12C’ ’13C’
‘1D’ ‘2D’ ‘3D’ ‘4D’ ‘5D’ ‘6D’ ‘7D’ ‘8D’ ‘9D’ ’10D’ ’11D’ ’12D’ ’13D’
‘1H’ ‘2H’ ‘3H’ ‘4H’ ‘5H’ ‘6H’ ‘7H’ ‘8H’ ‘9H’ ’10H’ ’11H’ ’12H’ ’13H’
‘1S’ ‘2S’ ‘3S’ ‘4S’ ‘5S’ ‘6S’ ‘7S’ ‘8S’ ‘9S’ ’10S’ ’11S’ ’12S’ ’13S’

perms := #( #( 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ) “1 2-6 straight flush VS 1-5 straight flush”
#( 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 ) “2 Royal flush VS straight flush”
#( 40 41 27 28 1 14 15 42 29 ) “3 Four aces VS 2-full-of-A”
#( 30 13 27 44 12 17 33 41 43 ) “4 3-fours VS 2-fours”
#( 27 45 3 48 44 43 41 33 12 ) “5 Flush VS straight”
#( 17 31 30 51 44 43 41 33 12 ) “6 3-fours VS 2-queens-2-fives”
#( 17 39 30 52 44 25 41 51 12 ) “7 Q-full-of-K VS Q-full-of-4”
#( 11 25 9 39 50 48 3 49 45 ) “8 9-K straight VS 9-J-two-pair”
#( 50 26 39 3 11 27 20 48 52 ) “9 J-K-two-pair VS K-pair”
#( 40 52 46 11 48 27 29 32 37 ) “10 A-pair VS J-pair”

sols := #( #( ‘2C’ ‘3C’ ‘4C’ ‘5C’ ‘6C’ ) “1 2-6 straight flush”
#( ’10S’ ’11S’ ’12S’ ’13S’ ‘1S’ ) “2 Royal flush”
#( ‘1C’ ‘1D’ ‘1H’ ‘1S’ ) “3 Four aces”
#( ‘4D’ ‘4H’ ‘4S’ ) “4 3-fours”
#( ‘2S’ ‘4S’ ‘5S’ ‘6S’ ‘9S’ ) “5 Flush”
#( ‘4D’ ‘4H’ ‘4S’ ) “6 3-fours”
#( ’12C’ ’12D’ ’12S’ ’13H’ ’13S’ ) “7 Q-full-of-K”
#( ’10S’ ’11S’ ’12D’ ’13H’ ‘9S’ ) “8 9-K straight”
#( ’11C’ ’11S’ ’13H’ ’13S’ ) “9 J-K-two-pair”
#( ‘1H’ ‘1S’ ) “10 A-pair”

totalScore := 0.
totalTests := 0.

Transcript clear.
1 to: 10 do: [ :test |
| poker input deal youSaid shouldBe ex |
input := (perms at: test).
shouldBe := (sols at: test).
deal := OrderedCollection new.
input do: [ :id | deal add: (cards at: id) ].

ex := false.
[ poker := Poker new. youSaid := (poker deal: input) ] on: Exception do: [ :e |
Transcript show: ‘Exception on input:’; cr; show: input; cr.
Transcript show: e description; cr; show: ‘SKIPPING…’; cr.
ex := true.
ex ifFalse: [

youSaid size > 5
ifTrue: [
Transcript show: ‘Test ‘; show: test; show: ‘ DISCREPANCY: ‘; show: input; cr.
Transcript show: ‘ P1: ‘; show: (deal at: 1), ‘,’, (deal at: 3); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ P2: ‘; show: (deal at: 2), ‘,’, (deal at: 4); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ Pool: ‘; show: (deal at: 5), ‘,’, (deal at: 6), ‘,’, (deal at: 7), ‘,’, (deal at: 8), ‘,’, (deal at: 9); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ You returned: ‘; show: youSaid; cr.
Transcript show: ‘ Cannot return more than five cards! Test FAILED’; cr.
ifFalse: [
| score |
score := 0.
shouldBe do: [ :elem | (youSaid includes: elem) ifTrue: [ score := score + 1 ] ].
(score = shouldBe size)
ifTrue: [
Transcript show: ‘Test ‘; show: test; show: ‘ FULL MARKS ‘.
Transcript show: ‘(‘; show: score; show: ‘ of ‘; show: (shouldBe size); show: ‘ cards correct)’; cr.
ifFalse: [
Transcript show: ‘Test ‘; show: test; show: ‘ DISCREPANCY: ‘; show: input; cr.
Transcript show: ‘ P1: ‘; show: (deal at: 1), ‘,’, (deal at: 3); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ P2: ‘; show: (deal at: 2), ‘,’, (deal at: 4); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ Pool: ‘; show: (deal at: 5), ‘,’, (deal at: 6), ‘,’, (deal at: 7), ‘,’, (deal at: 8), ‘,’, (deal at: 9); cr.
Transcript show: ‘ You returned: ‘; show: youSaid; cr.
Transcript show: ‘ Should contain: ‘; show: shouldBe; cr.
Transcript show: ‘ ‘; show: score; show: ‘ of ‘; show: (shouldBe size); show: ‘ cards correct’; cr.
totalScore := totalScore + (score / shouldBe size).
totalTests := totalTests + 1.

Transcript cr; show: ‘Total score: ‘; show: (100 * totalScore / totalTests) asFloat; show: ‘% (‘.
Transcript show: totalScore asFloat; show: ‘/’; show: totalTests asFloat; show: ‘ points)’; cr.

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