程序代写 CSCI 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems – cscodehelp代写

CSCI 4061 Introduction to Operating Systems
 File Descriptors  File redirection  Pipes and FIFOs
 How does a process access a file?  open, read/write
 How can we do file redirection?  Cmd < file  How to set up pipes?  Cmd1 | Cmd2 3 File Descriptors  Identifier returned by the operating system on opening a file  All operations performed on file descriptors  Each process has a file descriptor table  Contains currently open file descriptors  Opening a file adds a new entry to the table  Closing a file removes its entry from the table 4 1 File Descriptor Table 0 1 2 Close(3); 3 fd1=open(file1,...); 4 fd2=open(file2,...); 5 fd3=open(file3,...); 5 Standard I/O  stdin, stdout, stderr  File descriptors 0, 1 and 2  STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO  Always open by default for each process  Standard I/O is just like reading/writing to a file 6 File Descriptor Implementation 0 1 ProcA 2 open(“file1”,...)3 4 0 1 ProcB 2 open(“file2”,...)3 4 7 System File Table In-memory inode-table file2 file1 System File Table  Shared kernel data structure  Has an entry for each active call to open  Each entry contains  Pointer to inode-table entry for file  File offset  Access mode  Count of no. of fds pointing to it 8 2 Inode Table  Shared kernel data structure  Contains an entry for each open file  Each entry contains  Information about file type, functions  inode for the file: file information, data location, etc.  Count of no. of system table entries pointing to it 9 Opening a File 0 1 ProcA 2 open(“file1”,...) 3 4 0 1 ProcB 2 open(“file2”,...) 3 open(“file1”,...) 4 10 System File Table In-memory inode-table file2 file1 Inheriting File Descriptors  After fork(), all file descriptors are copied to the new process  Each process has identical file-descriptor table  Each process has the same files open  The file offset is the same within each file for both processes  Each file descriptor points to the same sys-table entry  Reads/writes/lseeks are shared by the processes 11 File Descriptors after fork System File Table 0 1 parent 2 3 4 0 1 child 2 3 4 12 3 File Redirection  Redirect the standard input or output to a file  Input redirection (<): Takes input from a file instead of keyboard  sort < file  Output redirection (>): Send output to a file instead of display
ls -l > file
Duplicating File Descriptors: dup
 Creates a copy of fd
 Returns new fd where it is copied
 Lowest available entry in the file descriptor table
int dup(int fd);
0 1 2 3 4
fd table
system file table
Duplicating File Descriptors: dup2  Creates a copy of fd1 onto fd2
int dup2(int fd1, int fd2);
 Closes fd2 if open
0 1 2 3 4
fd table
system file table
File Redirection
 How does a process redirect intput/output to a file instead of standard I/O?
 E.g.: how do we do: sort < file1 16 4 File Redirection Example 0 1 2 3 /* Open the desired file*/ fd=open(file1, ...); /* Duplicate fd onto stdin */ newfd=dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); /* Now exec desired command (e.g., sort) */ file1 17 fd table system file table Pipes  prog1 | prog2  Allow multiple processes to be linked together  Connects output of prog1 to input of prog2  Examples: ls -l | more  cat foo | sort | head 18 What are Pipes?  Pipes are special files  Pipes are a mechanism for inter-process communication (IPC)  Allow processes to communicate and share data  Other IPC mechanisms: sockets, shared memory, semaphores, etc.  A pipe provides a serial data channel between two processes  Relatively simple IPC mechanism  Channel is half-duplex (one-way) 19 How do Pipes Differ from Regular Files?  Sequential read/write  Nameless  Finite-sized memory buffer  No disk I/O involved  Sharing has to be done through inheritance  Disappear as soon as all their ends are closed 20 5 Using Pipes: Overview  Create a pipe: Returns two fds  Share between processes using fork()  Close one end of the pipe in each process  One process would read, the other would write  Read and write data through the pipe  Close the pipe when done 21 Creating a Pipe: pipe  Creates a pipe and returns its two ends in an array of two fds  fds[0]: for reading  fds[1]: for writing  Output of fds[1] is input of fds[0] 22 int pipe(int fds[2]); Creating a Pipe: pipe int pipe(int fds[2]); Process fds[0] fds[1] 23 Pipe Sharing a Pipe across Processes  The only way to share a pipe is via fork()  After fork(), both processes get copies of the pipe fds fork Parent fds[0] fds[1] Child fds[0] fds[1] 24 Pipe 6 Pipe I/O: Initialization  Pipe is used to channel data from one process to another  One process would read from pipe  Another process would write to file  Each process closes one end of the pipe  Writing process closes read-end  Reading process closes write-end 25 Pipe I/O: Initialization  Suppose the parent wants to read from the pipe and the child wants to write to the pipe Parent Child fds[0] fds[1] fds[0] fds[1] xx 26 Pipe Replacing Standard I/O with Pipe  Example: ls –l | sort  Use dup2 to replace stdin or stdout  Replace stdin with read-end of pipe (fds[0])  Replace stdout with write-end of pipe (fds[1]) Parent Child fds[0] 0 1 fds[1] xx 27 Pipe Pipe I/O: Data Sharing  Reading: Done from read-end of pipe  Returns whatever data is in the pipe  Blocks if pipe is empty  Returns EOF if write-end of pipe is closed  Writing: Done from write-end of pipe  Writes into the pipe buffer  Blocks if pipe is full (finite buffer)  Receives SIGPIPE signal if read-end of pipe is closed  No lseek (treat as character device file) 28 7 FIFOs  Named pipes  Unidirectional shared channels like pipes  Have name and path like a regular file  Persistent even when both ends are closed  Benefits:  Can link unrelated processes  Longer lasting than pipes 29 8

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