CS代写 compiler Java Haskell COMP3012 – Compilers Coursework – cscodehelp代写

COMP3012 – Compilers Coursework
Release date: Wednesday 10 November 2021
Submission deadline: 5 January 2022 Updates made after 10 Nov are written in red
1 Description of the task 1
2 Instructions, help, and how to get started 2
3 Grammar of the Language 3
4 Extension of TAM 3
5 Variable Environment 4
6 Submission 5
1 Description of the task
The goal of this coursework is to write a compiler for a simple imperative lan- guage called MiniTriangle (source: and Deryck Brown, Pro- gramming Language Processors in Java, 2000). In addition to the language of arithmetic expressions we’ve already studied, it has variables (containing integer values) and imperative commands for variable assignment, conditional instruc- tions, while loops, and procedures to read and print integers on the terminal.
An example of a program written in the language is the following:
let var n;
var x;
var i in
getint (n);
if n < 0 then x := 0 else x := 1; 1 i := 2; while i <= n do begin x := x * i; i := i + 1 end; printint (x) end This program reads a number n from the terminal, computes its factorial and prints it in the terminal (if the input is negative, it prints 0). In the assignment instructions and in the Boolean test in conditionals and loops, we allow expression of the kind we already implemented, but we’re allowed to use variables as well (n < 0, x * i, etc.). 2 Instructions, help, and how to get started It is up to you how you wish to solve the coursework. Below are instructions and suggestions, but you can choose a different way than the one suggested if you want. 1. On the Moodle site for this module, under Coursework, you can find an archive arithExp.zip . This archive uses functional parsers to code a solution for the exercises of the previous lab sessions, i.e. it contains a compiler for the language of arithmetic expressions with boolean oper- ators. There is a README file that documents the contents of the zip archive. 2. You are strongly encouraged to use functional parsers (and the theory we learned in the last couple of lectures) in order to solve this coursework. It is possible to completely avoid functional parsers and write scanner/parser in the “manual” way seen at the beginning of the lecture but this will result in repetitive code and significantly more work for you. Such solutions will be accepted for the coursework but may result in reduced marks for code quality. Before you choose to do this, please have a careful look at the solution in arithExp.zip to see the difference between the approaches. 3. The current coursework asks for a compiler for a richer language than the one in arithExp.zip . One approach would be to start from the compiler defined in that archive and extend it. If you wish, you can also start from scratch, but the library file FunParser.hs should be useful in any case. 4. Below, you find a precise specification of the language. Start with the parser. We will discuss the extension of the TAM language in later lec- tures. 2 5. Instructions on how to submit are given in Section 6 below. The submis- sion deadline is 26 November. This is Part A of the coursework; a Part B is planned for later. 3 Grammar of the Language The following is the grammar for (a fragment of) MiniTriangle, given in Backus-Naur Form. Non-terminals are in bold , terminals in typewriter font. program declaration declarations command commands ::= let declarations in command ::= var identifier | var identifier := expr ::= declaration | declaration ; declarations ::= identifier := expr | if expr then command else | while expr do command | getint ( identifier ) | printint ( expr ) | begin commands end command ::= command | command ; commands The non-terminal identifier (the syntactic category of name variables) de- notes an alphanumerical string starting with a letter. This means that allowed variable names are strings such as x , e83a , or ys . However, keywords are reserved and are not valid identifiers. Thus, the strings let , in , var , if , then , else , while , do , getint , printint , begin , end are not valid variable names. The grammar for expressions expr is the one we have implemented in the previous lab sessions; see also the implementation and comments in the archive arithExp.zip , which contains the grammar. However, we allow to use a var as an expressions (i.e. a term can now also be a var identifier and you need to modify the definition accordingly). You will also need to extend the definition of Abstract Syntax Trees ac- cordingly: every non-terminal should be associated to a type of ASTs for its syntactic category. Note that a specification of indentations is not part of the language, i.e. the indentations used in the sample program in Section 1 are only there for readability. 4 Extension of TAM We add to TAM new instructions that will allow us to translate the new com- mands. We must be able to read and write to any location in the stack. We indicate positions in the stack by addresses of the form [n] where n is the location position 3 with respect to the base of the stack. So the first cell in the stack has address [0], the second has address [1] and so on. The TAM program is not executed sequentially any more, but we must be able to make jumps to implement conditional commands and loops. For this we must mark the places in the TAM code that we may jump to by labels. A label l can be any string. (Since the labels will be automatically generated by the compiler, we must have a mechanism to generate fresh labels: the easy way to do it is to use numbers.) 5 • • • • • • • • HALT Stops execution and halts the machine GETINT Reads an integer from the terminal and pushes it to the top of the stack PUTINT Pops the top of the stack and prints it to the terminal Label l Marks a place in the code with label l, doesn’t execute any operation on the stack JUMP l Execution control jumps unconditionally to location identified by label l JUMPIFZ l Pops the top of the stack, if it is 0, execution control jumps to location identified by l, if it is not 0 continues with next instruction LOAD a Reads the content of the stack location with address a and pushes the value to the top of the stack STORE a Pops the top of the stack and writes the value to the stack location with address a Variable Environment The values of the source program variables will be stored at certain addresses in the stack. Since the variables have to be declared at the beginning of the program (we have only global variables for the moment) we can assign to them the first few locations after the base of the stack. While compiling the rest of the program, we must remember the address that we assigned to each variable. For this we need the code generator to have an extra argument: an environment consisting of a list of pairs (x, a) where x is a variable name (identifier) and a is a stack address. 4 6 Submission Your compiler should be structured as a collection of Haskell modules with a Main.hs module. Please look at the README in the archive arithExp.zip . It explains how, for the compiler in that archive, the main Main module can be used. Your submission should be usable in an analogous way. In particular, it should be possible to compile your Main.hs with the com- mand ghc Main.hs -o mtc. Theexecutablemtc,whencalledonaTrianglesourcefile(./mtc program.mt) must generate TAM target code in program.tam. When called with a TAM program file (./mtc program.tam) it must execute it using the TAM virtual machine. Submit your compiler as a compressed archive file (for example with the extension .zip or .tgz) with file name consisting of compilers_cw1_ and your name and ID number, e.g. compilers_cw1_venanzio_capretta_123456.tgz or compilers_cw1_nicolai_kraus_987654.tgz. Submission will be via the Moodle page. The deadline is 5 January 2022. 5

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