Goal of the course: Describe, understand and discover properties of data in p > 1 dimensions.
We are interested in analysing a sample of n random vectors X1, . . . , Xn, also denoted by Xi for i = 1,…,n, where X1, X2, etc all belong to Rp:
X1 = (X11,…,X1p) ∈ Rp X2 = (X21,…,X2p) ∈ Rp
Xn = (Xn1,…,Xnp) ∈ Rp .
This means that we have a sample of n individuals, and that for each in-
dividual we observe p variables (sometimes called features).
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 1

• Consider a health study involving n = 100 patients.
• On each patient we measure p = 4 quantities: age, weight, body mass index, systolic blood pressure.
• For the ith individual, where i = 1, . . . , 100 we observe Xi =(Xi1,Xi2,Xi3,Xi4).
• Xi1=age of ith patient
Xi2=weight of ith patient
Xi3= body mass index of ith patient Xi4=systolic blood pressure of ith patient.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 2

• Often we gather all the observations into a single n × p matrix X11 …X1p
X=X21 …X2p  . 
Xn1 … Xnp
 Each Xij, for i = 1,…,n and j = 1,…,p is a random variable.  X has n rows and p columns.
 The ith row represents the p variables corresponding to the ith individual,
 the jth column represents the jth variable for all n individuals. •WecallthevaluetakenbyXi =(Xi1,…,Xip)theobservedvalue,or
• Often we use a lower case to denote the observed value, i.e.
xi = (xi1, . . . , xip) is the realization of the random vector Xi.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 3

What we will do in the course:
• The technique learned in basic statistics courses are not focused on
multivariate data.
• E.g. how would we do a scatterplot in more than p = 2 dimensions? How to graphically represent multivariate data?
• In this course we will learn techniques especially designed for multi- variate data.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 4

• Revision of basic matrix results needed in the course.
 As this is just a revision, we won’t spend much time on examples
but the reference book has examples.
• Revision of basic results about multivariate data and multinormal dis- tributions.
 As this is just a revision, we won’t spend much time on examples but the reference book has examples.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 5

Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6 and 2.7 in Ha ̈rdle and Simar(2015).
A matrix A is a system of numbers with n rows and p columns:
a11 a12 …a1p A=a21 a22 …a2p
 .  an1 an2 … anp
We can refer to A as (aij) or (aij)1≤i≤n,1≤j≤p.
The dimension of the matrix is denoted by n × p, where n is the num-
ber of rows and p is the number of columns.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 6

We use AT to denote the transpose of the matrix A: a11 a21 …an1
AT =  a12 a22 . . . an2   . 
a1p a2p … anp (rows become columns and columns become rows).
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 7

54 2 A Short Excursion into Matrix Algebra
Special matrices (taken from Ha ̈rdle and Simar):
Table 2.1
Column vector Row vector Vector of ones
Vector of zeros
Square matrix Diagonal matrix Identity matrix
Unit matrix Symmetric matrix
Special matrices and vectors
.1;:::;1/> „ ƒ‚ …
.0;:::;0/> „ ƒ‚ …
A.p 􏱁 p/
aij D 0, i 6D j , n D p
diag.aii /
1 􏰹3􏰻
1 !3 1
0 0
20 02!
10 02!
10 01
11 1 1!
128 23
diag.1; : : : ; 1/ „ ƒ‚ …
aij D 1, n D p
Ip 1n1>n
Lecture notes originally by Prof.
aij D aji

Diagonal matrix Identity matrix
Unit matrix Symmetric matrix Null matrix
Upper triangular matrix
Idempotent matrix
Orthogonal matrix
aij D 0, i 6D j , n D p diag.aii/ diag.1; : : : ; 1/ Ip
02! 10
11 1 1!
12 23!
00 0 1
@ 0 1 3 A
„ ƒ‚ … p
aij D1,nDp
1 n 1 >n
aij D aji
aij D 0
aij D 0; i < j AA D A A>A D I D AA>
We also write .aij/ for A and A.n 􏱁 p/ to indicate the numbers of rows and columns. Vectors are matrices with one column and are denoted as x or x.p 􏱁 1/. Special matrices and vectors are defined in Table 2.1. Note that we use small letters
for scalars as well as for vectors.
01 B100C
@ 0 1 1 A 22
011 22
p1 22
p1 􏰿p1
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 9

Matrix operations:
• Sum of two n × p matrices A = (aij) and B = (bij)
 a11 +b11 a12 +b12 … a1p +b1p 
D=A+B=a21+b21 a22+b22 … a2p+b2p   . 
an1 +bn1 an2 +bn2 … anp +bnp
Thus the (i, j)th element dij of D (found at the ith row, j columns of D)
is equal to aij + bij, the sum of the corresponding elements of A and B. D is also an n × p matrix.
• Likewise
 a11 −b11 a12 −b12 … a1p −b1p  A−B=a21−b21 a22−b22 … a2p−b2p 
 .  an1 −bn1 an2 −bn2 … anp −bnp
Lecture notes originally by Prof.

• A constant c times an n × p matrix A = (aij) gives the following n × p matrix:
 ca11 ca12 … ca1p  cA=ca21 ca22 …ca2p
 .  can1 can2 … canp
so that each aij is multiplied by c.
• Product of two matrices A, an n × p matrix, and B, a p × m matrix: AB = C ,
where C is an n × m matrix whose (i, j)th element, for i = 1, . . . , n and j = 1,…,m is given by:
cij =􏰋aikbkj
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 11

• Scalar product (or dot product) of two p dimensional vectors x = (x1, . . . , xp)T (a column vector) and y = (y1,…,yp)T:
xTy = 􏰋xjyj
is a real number (not a vector).
Properties of matrix operations:
A+B=B+A A(B + C) = AB + AC A(BC) = (AB)C
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 12

Matrix Characteristics:
• Rank: The rank of an n × p matrix A, denoted by rank(A) is defined as
the maximum number of linearly independent rows (or columns).
A set of k rows (or columns) a1,…,ak of A are said to be linearly inde- pendent if none of them can be expressed as a nontrivial linear combi- nation of the other k − 1 rows (or columns). It is not possible to write
aj =􏰋ciai, i̸=j
where the ci’s are all different from zero, or equivalently
We always have
􏰋ciai = 0 ⇒ c1,…,ck = 0.
rank(A) ≤ min(n, p) .
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 13

• Trace: The trace of a square p × p matrix A, denoted by tr(A), is the sum of its diagonal elements:
p tr(A) = 􏰋 aii .
• Determinant: The determinant of a square p × p matrix A, denoted by det(A) or |A|, is a number computed from the matrix and which plays an important role in all sorts of problems. For a 2 by 2 matrix
it is computed by
􏰆a11 a12􏰇 A= a21a22
|A| = a11a22 − a21a12 .
For larger matrices, we compute this recursively. If you have forgot- ten how a determinant is computed, see Appendix A.2.3 of Mardia et al. (1979) or
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 14

• Inverse: If |A| ≠ 0, the inverse of a square p × p matrix A exists. It is denoted by A−1 and is such that
AA−1 = A−1A = Ip
(Ip = p × p identity matrix).
See Ha ̈rdle and Simar, page 57, for how to compute the inverse.
We have
|A−1| = 1/|A| .
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 15

• Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square p × p matrix A:
The (non zero) p × 1 vector v is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue
λ if it is such that
Note that λ is a real number (not a vector).
 If the matrix A is symmetric then there are p eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
 The eigenvalues are not necessarily all different from each other.  All eigenvalues satisfy
|A − λIp| = 0
(they are the p roots of the above polynomial of order p in λ).
 In practice we can compute them with a software, e.g. R.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 16
Av = λv .

 Constant multiples of an eigenvector v with eigenvalue λ are also eigenvectors with eigenvalue λ.
 Therefore we usually define eigenvectors to be scaled so that they have norm 1:

∥v∥= vTv=1.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 17

• Suppose the square p × p matrix A has eigenvalues λ1, . . . , λp.
Let Λ be the diagonal matrix Λ = diag(λ1, . . . , λp) with the λi’s on the
diagonal and 0 everywhere else. Then we have
and .
p det(A) = |A| = |Λ| = 􏱅 λi
i=1 p
tr(A) = tr(Λ) = 􏰋 λi i=1
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 18

Properties of Matrix Characteristics
tr.ABC/ D tr.BCA/
6 7
9 0 1 2 3
A.n 􏱁 n/; B.n 􏱁 n/; c 2 R
2.1 Elementary Operations
A.n􏱁p/; B.p􏱁n/
tr.ACB/ D trACtrB tr.cA/ D c tr A
jcAj D cnjAj
jABj D jBAj D jAjjBj
tr.A􏰾 B/ D tr.B􏰾 A/ rank.A/ 􏰷 min.n; p/ rank.A/ 􏰯 0 rank.A/ D rank.A>/
rank.A>A/ D rank.A/
rank.A C B/ 􏰷 rank.A/ C rank.B/
rank.AB/ 􏰷 minfrank.A/; rank.B/g
(2.4 (2.5
(2. (2.
(2. (2.1 (2.1 (2.1 (2.1
A.n􏱁p/; B.p􏱁q/; C.q􏱁n/
Lecture notes originally by Prof.

rank.AB/ 􏰷 minfrank.A/; rank.B/g (2.1
1 1
1 1
A.n􏱁p/; B.p􏱁q/; C.q􏱁n/
A.p 􏱁 p/
tr.ABC/ D tr.BCA/ D tr.CAB/
rank.ABC/ D rank.B/
for nonsingular A; C
(2. (2.
(2. (2.
jA􏰿1j D jAj􏰿1
rank.A/ D p if and only if A is nonsingular.
,! The determinant jAj is the product of the eigenvalues of A.
,! The inverse of a matrix A exists if jAj ¤ 0.
Lecture notes originally by Prof.
,! The trace tr.A/ is the sum of the eigenvalues of A.

2.2 SPECTRAL DECOMPOSITIONS Spectral decomposition
• Spectral decomposition: Suppose A is a square and symmetric p × p matrix and let
λ1, . . . , λp denotes its p eigenvalues and
v1, . . . , vp denote the associated p × 1 eigenvectors of norm 1 and or-
thogonal to each other.
Note: two p × 1 vectors v and w are orthogonal if p
vT w = 􏰋 viwi = 0 . i=1
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 21

Then we can always express A in the following way, which is called spectral decomposition of A:
A = 􏰋 λ j v j v jT .
This can also be written in matrix form, if we let
Λ = diag(λ1,…,λp) Γ = (v1,…,vp)
the p × p orthogonal matrix whose columns are the p eigenvectors:
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 22

• In the above notation, if A = ΓΛΓT then if we take a power of A, for example Aα, we find
Aα = ΓΛαΓT .
This is because the vj’s are orthogonal and of norm 1.
For example
This also works for negative powers if A is invertible (which happens if and only if the eigenvalues are all nonzero). For example,
A−1 = ΓΛ−1ΓT (A−1: the inverse of the matrix A).
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 23

Singular value decomposition
More generally, a similar decomposition exists for matrices that are not especially square matrices. In particular, any n × p matrix A with rank r can be decomposed as
A=ΓΛ∆T ,
where the n × r matrix Γ and the p × r matrix ∆ are column orthonormal,
which means that their colomns are orthonormal, that is
ΓT Γ = ∆T ∆ = Ir
Λ = diag(λ1/2, . . . , λ1/2)
The λi’s are the nonzero eigenvalues of the matrices AAT and AT A; the columns of Γ and ∆ are the corresponding r eigenvectors of those matri- ces.
where each λi > 0.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 24

2.3 QUADRATIC FORMS •AquadraticformQ(x)ofthep-vectorx=(x1,…,xp)T isdefinedby
Q(x) = 􏰋􏰋aijxixj = xTAx,
i=1 j=1
where aij is the (i, j)th element of a symmetric p × p matrix A.
• If
then the matrix A is called semi positive definite, which is denoted by
A ≥ 0.
• However if the quadratic form satisfies Q(x)>0 forallx̸=0
then the matrix A is called positive definite, which is denoted by A > 0. Lecture notes originally by Prof. 25
Q(x)≥0 forallx̸=0

• A > 0 is equivalent to all the eigenvalues of A satisfy: λ1 > 0,…,λp > 0.
Then |A| > 0 and A−1 exists. • If A ≥ 0 then
rank(A) = r < p and  p − r eigenvalues of A are equal to zero  while the other r are strictly positive. Lecture notes originally by Prof. 26 2.4 GEOMETRICAL ASPECTS Distance • The Euclidian distance d(x, y) between two vectors x, y ∈ Rp is defined by d(x,y)=􏱋 (xi −yi)2 = 􏱍􏱌 p 􏱌􏰋 􏰏 (x−y)T(x−y) Example in R2, where x = (x1, x2) and y = (y1, y2): 69 i=1 Lecture notes originally by Prof. 27 • A weighted version of this distance can be defined as 􏱍􏱌 p 􏱌􏰋 wi(xi −yi)2 = 􏰏 (x−y)TW(x−y), d(x,y)=􏱋 where each wj > 0 and W = diag(w1,…,wp).
• This can be further generalised into the following distance: d(x, y) = 􏰏(x − y)T A(x − y) ,
where A is a positive definite matrix.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 28

• The (Euclidian) norm of a vector x ∈ Rp is defined by 􏱍p
􏱌􏱌􏰋 √ ∥x∥=􏱋 x2i= xTx.
• A unit vector is a vector of norm 1.
• Can be generalised into a norm with respect to a positive definite ma- trix A:

∥x∥A =
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 29

Angle between two vectors
• The angle θ between two vectors x, y ∈ Rp is defined through the co- sine of θ by:
Example in R2:
cos(θ) = xT y/∥x∥∥y∥ .
0, then the angle 􏰴 is equal to 􏰫2 . From trigonometry, we f 􏰴 equals the length of the base of a triangle (jjpx jj) divided
potenuse (jjxjj). Hence, we have
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 30

xjj). Hence, we have
jjxjjjcos􏰴j D jx>yj; (2.42)
∥ cos(θ)∥ = ∥px∥/∥x∥ ,
(see figure) where px is called the projection of x on y.
• Since cos(θ) = xT y/∥x∥∥y∥ , we can find px by taking
y (which is defined below). It is the coordinate
px = (cos(θ)∥x∥) y = xT y y,
7/17/2019 Rtriangle.svg
• We also know from trigonometry that, in a right angled triangle ACB 􏰫
with right angle at C, the cos of the angle at A is equal to length b of e angle 􏰴 is equal to 2 . From trigonometry, we
the segment AC divided by the length c of the segment AB. Thus e length of the base of a triangle (jjpx jj) divided
ith respect to a general metric A ∥y∥ ∥y∥2 > where y is the unit vector in the direction of y.
􏰴D x Ay :∥y∥ (2.43) kxkA kykA
o y with respect to the metric A.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 31
j D
n w

• When we work with vectors in Rp we generally describe them through a system of p axes (see figure on p.9 here for example: the arrows repre- sent the axes) and give the coordinates of x in that p coordinate system.
• In multivariate statistics it is sometimes useful to rotate the axes (all of them at the same time) by an angle θ, creating in this way a new p coordinate system.
• In R2, we can describe a rotation of angle θ via the orthogonal matrix 􏰆 cos(θ) sin(θ) 􏰇
Γ = − sin(θ) cos(θ) .
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 32

Specifially if the original set of axes are rotated counter-clockwise through the origin by an angle θ then the new coordinates y of a point with co- ordinates x in the original system of axes is given by
y = Γx .
If the rotation is clockwise, then instead we have y = ΓT x .
• More generally, premultiplying a vector x by an orthogonal matrix Γ geometrically corresponds to a rotation of the system of axes.
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 33

Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 in Ha ̈rdle and Simar (2015).
3.1 MEAN
• The mean μ ∈ Rp of a random vector X = (X1,…,Xp)T is defined by
μ1 E(X1) μ= . = . .
μp E(Xp)
• In practice can’t compute μ (we don’t observe the whole population),
but we can estimate it from a sample X1, . . . , Xn by the sample mean
where, for j = 1,…,p,
X ̄ p ̄ 1􏰋n
 X ̄ 1  X ̄ =  . . .  ,
Xj = n
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 34

is the sample mean of the jth component Xj. • Recall the notation
X11 …X1p X=X21 …X2p
 .  Xn1 … Xnp
and 1n = (1,…,1)T, a column vector of length n. We can express X ̄ in matrix notation as
X ̄ = n − 1 X T 1 n .
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 35

• The covariance σXY between two random variables X and Y is a mea-
sure of the linear dependence between those random variables: σXY =cov(X,Y)=E(XY)−E(X)E(Y).
 σXX = var(X).
 if X and Y are independent then σXY = 0.
 However σXY = 0 does not imply that X and Y are independent (there could be a nonlinear dependence).
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 36

positive covariance
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 X
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 37
-2 0 2 4 6

negative covariance
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 X
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 38
-6 -4 -2 0 2

Can you picture a situation where X and Y are dependent but have zero covariance?
Lecture notes originally by Prof. 39

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