程序代写 Comprehensive OpenMP – cscodehelp代写

Comprehensive OpenMP
Shuaiwen SOFT 3410 Week 10

• OpenMP is readily available in the GCC compiler; to use it, we just need to add the right #pragma omp directives and compile and link with the command line switch -fopenmp.
• How do you normally check how many CPU cores you have (in other words, how many threads you want to launch)?
cat /proc/cpuinfo
You can always use OMP_GET_NUM_PROCS() to get the available cpu cores (logical or physical, hyper-threading can play a role).
OMP_get_max_threads() usually returns the same number.

The number of threads is automatically chosen by OpenMP; it is typically equal to the number of hardware threads that the CPU supports, which in the case of a low-end CPU is usually the number of CPU cores.

❑ Note that other threads are free to execute e.g. c(3) while another thread is running c(2). However, no other thread can start executing c(2) while one thread is running it.
❑ Critical sections also ensure that modifications to shared data in one thread will be visible to the other threads, as long as all references to the shared data are kept inside critical sections. Each thread synchronizes its local caches with global memory whenever it enters or exits a critical section.

OpenMP Parallel for loops

Common Mistakes (1)

Common Mistakes (2)

Legit Split


Interaction with Critical Sections

Opportunities using nowait


Static Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling

Parallelizing Nested Loops

Some Other Considerations on Nested Loops

Some Other Considerations on Nested Loops

Some Other Considerations on Nested Loops

Some Other Considerations on Nested Loops
In theory, can we always parallelize the most inner loop?
When we can, what are the performance consequences?

Common Mistakes (3)

Common Mistakes (4)

Hyper-Threading: Helping Keep CPU Busy

When Hyper-Threading Helps

Atomic Operations

Useful Tips for Writing Your OpenMP Program

Controlling the number of threads
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11095309/openmp-set-num- threads-is-not-working
Other methods: omp_set_number_threads(x)
But be careful !
Use omp_set_dynamic (0);

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