CS代写 CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ] – cscodehelp代写

Process Management
Process Scheduling

◼ Concurrent Execution
◼ Process Scheduling
❑ Definition
❑ Process behavior
❑ Processing environment
❑ Criteria for good scheduling
❑ Procedure of process scheduling
◼ Scheduling Algorithms
❑ For batch processing systems ❑ For interactive systems
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Concurrent Execution
◼ Concurrent processes:
❑ Logical concept meaning that multiple processes progress in
execution (at the same time) ❑ Could be virtual parallelism:
◼ illusion of parallelism (pseudo-parallelism) ❑ Could be physical parallelism
◼ E.g. Multiple CPUs / Multi Core CPU to allow parallel execution of multiple processes
◼ You can assume the two forms of parallelisms are not distinguished in the following discussion
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Concurrency Example (Simplistic)
Instructions of process A
Instructions of process B
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
Concurrent execution on 1 CPU (core): Interleave instructions from both processes Also called timeslicing

Interleaved Execution (context switch) Process
context switching operation
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
◼ Multitasking needs to change context between A and B: ❑ OS incurs overhead in switching processes

Multitasking OS
◼ 1 core (CPU): timesliced execution of tasks p1 p2 p3
◼ Multiprocessor: timeslicing on n CPUs
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Scheduling in OS: A definition
◼ Problems with having multiple processes:
❑ If ready-to-run process is more than available CPUs, which should be chosen to run?
◼ Similar idea in thread-level scheduling
❑ Known as the scheduling problem ◼ Terminology:
❑ Scheduler
◼ Part of the OS that makes scheduling decision
❑ Scheduling algorithm
◼ The algorithm used by scheduler
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Scheduling: Illustration
selects process
Processes ready to run
◼ Each process has different requirement of CPU time ❑ Process behavior
◼ Many ways to allocate
❑ Influenced by the process environment ❑ Known as scheduling algorithms
◼ A number of criteria to evaluate the scheduler [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Process Behavior
◼ A typical process goes through phases of: CPU-Activity:
• Computation
• E.g. Number crunching
• Compute-Bound Process spends majority of its time here
• Requesting and receiving service from I/O devices • E.g., Print to screen, read from file, etc.
• IO-Bound Process spends majority of its time here
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Processing Environment
◼ Three categories:
Batch Processing:
◼ No user interaction required, No need to be responsive
Interactive (or Multiprogramming):
◼ With active user interacting with system
◼ Should be responsive: low and consistent in response time
Real time processing: ◼ Have deadline to meet
◼ Usually periodic process
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Criteria for Scheduling Algorithms
◼ Many criteria to evaluate scheduling algorithms: ❑ Largely influenced by the processing environment
❑ May be conflicting
Criteria for all processing environments: ◼ Fairness:
❑ Should get a fair share of CPU time ◼ OnaperprocessbasisOR
◼ Onaperuserbasis
❑ Also means no starvation ◼ Utilization:
❑ All parts of the computing system should be utilized [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

When to perform scheduling?
◼ Two types of scheduling policies
❑ Defined by when scheduling is triggered
◼ Non-preemptive (Cooperative)
❑ A process stayed scheduled (in running state) until it blocks or gives up the CPU
◼ Preemptive
❑ A process is given a fixed time quota to run ◼ possible to block or give up early
❑ At the end of the time quota, the running process is suspended ◼ Another ready process gets picked if available
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Scheduling a Process: Step-by-Step
• Scheduler is triggered (OS takes over)
• If context switch is needed:
• Context of current running process is saved and placed on blocked queue / ready queue
• Pick a suitable process P to run base on scheduling algorithm
• Setup the context for P
• Let process P run [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

◼ On batch processing system:
❑ No user interaction
❑ Non-preemptive scheduling is predominant
◼ Scheduling algorithms are generally easier to understand and implement
❑ Commonly resulted in variants/improvements that can be used for other type of systems
◼ Three algorithms covered:
❑ First-Come First Served (FCFS) ❑ Shortest Job First (SJF)
❑ Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Criteria for batch processing
◼ Turnaround time:
❑ Total time taken, i.e., finish time – arrival time
❑ Related to waiting time: time spent waiting for CPU
◼ Throughput:
❑ Number of tasks finished per unit time ❑ i.e., Rate of task completion
◼ CPU utilization:
❑ Percentage of time when CPU is working on a task
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

First-Come First-Served: FCFS ◼ General Idea:
❑ Tasks are stored on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue based on arrival time
❑ Pick the first task in the queue to run until: ◼ Task is done OR task is blocked
❑ Blocked task is removed from the FIFO queue
◼ When it is ready again, it is placed at the back of queue ◼ i.e., just like a newly arrive task
◼ Guaranteed to have no starvation:
❑ The number of tasks in front of task X in FIFO is always decreasing ➔ task X will get its chance eventually
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

First-Come First-Served: Illustration
Tasks Queue
CPU time needed
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
◼ The average total waiting time for 3 tasks
❑ (0 + 8 + 13)/3 = 7 Time Units [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

First-Come First-Served: Shortcomings
◼ Simple reordering can reduce the average waiting time!
◼ Also, consider this scenario:
❑ First task (task A) is CPU-Bound and followed by a number of IO-
Bound tasks X ❑ Task A running
◼ All tasks X waiting in ready queue (I/O device idling) ❑ Task A blocked on I/O
◼ All tasks X execute quickly and blocked on I/O (CPU idling) ❑ known as Convoy Effect
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Shortest Job First: SJF ◼ General Idea:
❑ Select task with the smallest total CPU time ◼ Notes:
❑ Need to know total CPU time for a task in advance ◼ Have to “guess” if this info is not available
❑ Given a fixed set of tasks:
◼ Minimizes average waiting time
❑ Starvation is possible:
◼ Biased towards short jobs
◼ Long jobs may never get a chance!
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Shortest Job First: Illustration
Tasks Queue
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
◼ The average total waiting time for 3 tasks ❑ (0 + 3 + 8)/3 = 3.66 Time Units
◼ Can be shown that SJF guarantees smallest average waiting time
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Shortest Job First: Predicting CPU Time
◼ A task usually goes through several phases of CPU-Activity: ❑ Possible to guess the future CPU time requirement by the previous
CPU-Bound phases
◼ Common approach (Exponential Average):
Predictedn+1 = αActualn+(1-α)Predictedn
❑ Actualn = The most recent CPU time consumed
❑ Predictedn = The past history of CPU Time consumed ❑ α = Weight placed on recent event or past history
❑ Predictedn+1 = Latest prediction
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Shortest Remaning Time: SRT ◼ General Idea:
❑ Variation of SJF:
◼ Use remaining time ◼ Preemptive
❑ Select job with shortest remaining (or expected) time ◼ Notes:
❑ New job with shorter remaining time can preempt currently running job
❑ Provide good service for short job even when it arrives late
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Shortest Remaining Time First: Illustration
Arrival Time
A: 8 TUs Time 0 Time 1
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Criteria for interactive environment ◼ Response time:
❑ Time between request and response by system ◼ Predictability:
❑ Variation in response time, lesser variation == more predictable
Preemptive scheduling algorithms are used to ensure good response time
➔Scheduler needs to run periodically [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Ensuring Periodic Scheduler
◼ Questions:
❑ How can the scheduler “take over” the CPU periodically?
❑ How can we ensure the user program can never stop the scheduler from executing?
◼ Ingredients for answer:
❑ Timer interrupt = Interrupt that goes off periodically (based on
hardware clock)
❑ OS ensure timer interrupt cannot be intercepted by any other program
➔ Timer interrupt handler invokes scheduler [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Terminology: Timer & Time Quantum
◼ Interval of Timer Interrupt (ITI):
❑ OS scheduler is invoked on every timer interrupt ❑ Typical values (1ms to 10ms )
◼ Time Quantum:
❑ Execution duration given to a process
❑ Could be constant or variable among the processes ❑ Must be multiples of interval of timer interrupt
❑ Large range of values (commonly 5ms to 100ms)
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Illustration: ITI vs Time Quantum
Scheduler Triggers
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Interval of Timer Interrupt = 10ms Time Quantum = 20ms
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Interval of Timer Interrupt = 10ms Time (ms)
Time Quantum = 40ms
Context Switches

Scheduling Algorithms:
◼ Algorithms covered:
1. Round Robin (RR)
2. Priority Based
3. Multi-Level Feedback Queue (MLFQ)
4. Lottery Scheduling
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Round Robin: RR
◼ General Idea:
❑ Tasks are stored in a FIFO queue
❑ Pick the first task from queue front to run until: ◼ Afixedtimeslice(quantum)elapsed,or
◼ The task gives up the CPU voluntarily, or
◼ Thetaskblocks
❑ The task is then placed at the end of queue to wait for another turn
◼ Blocked task will be moved to other queue to wait for its requested resource
❑ When blocked task is ready again, it is placed at the end of queue
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Round Robin: RR (cont) ◼ Notes:
❑ Basically a preemptive version of FCFS ❑ Response time guarantee:
◼ Given n tasks and quantum q
◼ Time before a task get CPU is bounded by (n-1)q
❑ Timer interrupt needed:
◼ For scheduler to check on quantum expiry
❑ The choice of time quantum duration is important:
◼ Big quantum: Better CPU utilization but longer waiting time
◼ Small quantum: Bigger overhead (worse CPU utilization) but shorter waiting time
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Round Robin: Illustration
Execution Timeline
No other task in queue
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
Quantum for A expires
A Blocks on I/O
C give up CPU
Task B and C arrived

Priority Scheduling
◼ General Idea:
❑ Some processes are more important than others
◼ Cannot treat all process as equal
❑ Assign a priority value to all tasks
❑ Select task with highest priority value
◼ Variants:
❑ Preemptive version:
◼ Higher priority process can preempts running process with lower priority
❑ Non-preemptive version:
◼ Late coming high priority process has to wait for next round of scheduling [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Priority Scheduling: Illustration
Arrival Time
Priority (1=highest)
A: 8 TUs Time 0 Time 1
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Priority Scheduling: Shortcomings
◼ Low priority process can starve:
❑ High priority process keep hogging the CPU ❑ Even worse in preemptive variant
◼ Possible solutions:
❑ Decrease the priority of currently running process after every time quantum
◼ Eventually dropped below the next highest priority
❑ Give the current running process a time quantum
◼ This process is not considered in the next round of scheduling
◼ Generally, it is hard to guarantee or control the exact amount
of CPU time given to a process using priority
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Priority Scheduling: Priority Inversion
◼ Consider the scenario:
❑ Priority: {A = 1, B=3, C= 5} (1 is highest)
❑ Task C starts and locks a resource (e.g., file)
❑ Task B preempts C
◼ C is unable to unlock the resource
❑ Task A arrives and needs the same resource as C ◼ but the resource is locked!
➔ Task B continues execution even if Task A has higher priority ◼ Known as Priority Inversion:
❑ Lower priority task preempts higher priority task [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Multi-level Feedback Queue (MLFQ)
◼ Designed to solve one BIG + HARD issue:
❑ How do we schedule without perfect knowledge?
❑ Most algorithms require certain information (process behavior, running time, etc.)
◼ MLFQ is:
❑ Adaptive: “Learn the process behavior automatically”
❑ Minimizes both:
◼ Response time for IO bound processes
◼ Turnaround time for CPU bound processes
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ] Adapted from: Operating System – 3 easy pieces

MLFQ: Rules
◼ Basic rules:
1. If Priority(A) > Priority(B)➔A runs
2. If Priority(A) == Priority(B)➔A and B runs in RR
◼ Priority Setting/Changing rules:
1. New job ➔ Highest priority
2. If a job fully utilized its time quantum➔priority reduced
3. If a job gives up / blocks before finishes its time quantum ➔ priority retained
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

MLFQ: Example 1
◼ 3 Queues: Q2 (highest priority), Q1, Q0 ◼ A single long running job
❑ Try to apply the rules and check your understanding Queues
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

MLFQ: Example 2
◼ Example 1 + a short job in the middle
❑ A short job appears sometime in the middle
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

MLFQ: Example 3
◼ Two jobs:
❑ = CPU bound (already in the system for quite some time) ❑ = I/O bound
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

MLFQ: Questions to ponder
◼ Can you think of a way to abuse the algorithm?☺
❑ Equivalent question: MLFQ does not work well for what kind
combination of jobs?
◼ What are the ways to rectify the above?
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Lottery Scheduling
◼ General Idea:
❑ Give out “lottery tickets” to processes for various system resources
◼ E.g., CPU time, I/O devices, etc.
❑ When a scheduling decision is needed:
◼ A lottery ticket is chosen randomly among eligible tickets ◼ The winner is granted the resource
❑ In the long run, a process holding X% of tickets ◼ Can win X% of the lottery held
◼ Use the resource X% of the time
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

Lottery Scheduling: Properties
◼ Responsive:
❑ A newly created process can participate in the next lottery
◼ Provides good level of control:
❑ A process can be given Y lottery tickets
◼ It can then distribute to its child process
❑ An important process can be given more lottery tickets
◼ Can control the proportion of usage
❑ Each resource can have its own set of tickets
◼ Different proportion of usage per resource per task ◼ Simple Implementation
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

◼ Scheduling in OS:
❑ Basic definition
❑ Factors that affect scheduling ◼ Process, Environment
❑ Criteria of good scheduling
◼ Scheduling Algorithms:
❑ FCFS, SJF, SRT for batch processing systems
❑ RR, Priority base, Multi-Level Queues, MLFQ and Lottery scheduling for interactive systems
[ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

◼ Modern Operating System (3rd Edition) ❑ By Andrew S.Tanenbaum
❑ Published by Pearson
❑ Chapter 2.4
◼ Operating System Concepts (7th Edition) ❑ By Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne
❑ Published by Wiley Brothers
❑ Chapter 5
◼ Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
❑ By Arpaci-Dusseau and Arpaci-Dusseau
❑ http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/OSTEP/ [ CS2106 L3 – AY2122 S1 ]

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