CS代写 Part A: Short Answer (49 marks) – cscodehelp代写

Part A: Short Answer (49 marks)
For the following short answer questions, a text file called q1.txt has been provided for you to fill in your answers (in addition to this question sheet). Each question below is represented by a line in this text file, with an underscore character (“_”) that must be replaced with your answer.
For example, the examples below show what the contents of q1.txt might look like before and after you fill in your answers:
Before After

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Here are a few things to keep in mind when filling out the answers to this question:
1. All letters should be lowercase, unless specified otherwise.
2. Once you have filled in all the answers, submit the text file through Markus (not Quercus).
3. Do not submit your answers as a Word file or PDF file. Make sure to view your text file with a
plain text editor before submitting your solution, to make sure the content is what you expect.
1. The output of a gate is 1 when connected to high voltage and 0 when connected to low
voltage. What letter is used to represent an output that isn’t connected to anything? (1 mark)
2. True or False? Voltage is the measure of electrical potential between two points. (1 mark)
3. After the pn-junction from Question 2 has reached equilibrium, what can be said about the drift current and the diffusion current? Circle all that apply. (1 mark)
a) The drift current is higher b) The diffusion current is higher c) The two currents are the same d) Both currents are zero.
4. True or False? At the moment you combine a p-type material with an n-type material to
form a pn-junction, the drift current is high and the diffusion current is low. 5. True or False? A circuit with N inputs will have 2N rows in its truth table.
(1 mark) (1 mark)
Student Number: __________________ 2
3. counter

6. Consider the semiconductor circuit on the right. In which direction will the current travel? Remember that current is measured as the flow of positive charges, not
a) b) c) d)
Current flows from left to right Current flows from right to left
All of the above None of the above
7. True or False? Once all the Karnaugh map groupings are made, any “don’t care” values that aren’t in a group are assigned a value of 0 in the final circuit. (1 mark)
8. True or False? When used properly, the Karnaugh map will produce the most reduced version of a circuit. (1 mark)
9. True or False? When used properly, the Karnaugh map will produce a unique solution. (1 mark)
10. Consider the circuit on the right. What is the gate cost of this circuit? (1 mark)
11. Considering this same circuit on the right, what is the gate cost plus NOTs for this circuit? (1 mark)
12. TrueorFalse?Fora3-inputdevice,F=m1+m2+m3+m5
and G = M0 ∙ M4 ∙ M6 ∙ M7 express the same function. (1 mark)
13. What is the 8-bit signed binary representation of the decimal number -64?
(1 mark) 14. What is the decimal representation of the signed binary number 11011011? (1 mark)
15. How many flip-flops are needed for a finite state machine with 200 states? (1 mark)
16. True or False? A finite state machine with 2 inputs and 3 flip-flops will have 32 states. (1
Student Number: __________________ 3 (continued)

17. Fill in the blank. A finite state macine whose the output can be determined by the current state is called a ________ machine. (1 mark)
18. How many flip-flops are needed to implement an FSM with 100 states? (1 mark)
19. Fill in the blank. A clock frequency of 0.5 Hz means that the clock goes high ___ times per
second. (1 mark)
20. Which of the following best describes a “race condition”? (1 mark)
a) Something that might cause increase a clock’s frequency
b) Unpredictable behaviour when multiple signals change simultaneously c) Two signals writing values to a shared data bus at the same time
d) What happens when a movie character insults Vin Diesel’s car
21. True or False? Writing to memory is faster than reading from the registers. (1 mark) 22. How many integers can be stored in a memory unit that uses 16 address bits, byte-
addressable memory, and a 32-bit architecture? (2 marks)
23. How many address bits are needed to specify a location in byte-addressable memory,
given a 1024 bit memory unit and a 64-bit architecture? (2 marks)
24. Which of the following best describes the running time of multiplication with Booth’s
Algorithm versus multiplication with an accumulator circuit? (1 mark)
a) The accumulator circuit performs multiplication in O(N) time
b) Booth’s Algorithm performs multiplication in O(N) time
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
25. If the binary number 01101101 is the input to a barrel shifter with a shift value of 4, what is the shifter’s output? (1 mark)
26. True or False? The assembly instruction sll can turn a negative number into a positive number. (1 mark)
27. True or False? The assembly instruction sra can turn a negative number into a positive number. (1 mark)
28. True or False? The assembly instruction srl can turn a negative number into a positive number. (1 mark)
Student Number: __________________ 4 (continued)

29. Which of the following is true about jump instructions? (1 mark)
a) The new PC value and the old PC value will have the same first four bits
b) The new PC value and the old PC value will have the same first six bits
c) The new PC value and the old PC value will have the same first fourteen bits
d) The new PC value and the old PC value will have the same first sixteen bits
d) None of the above.
30. Which of the following assembly instructions sets ALUSrcB to 11? Provide your answer asoneofa,b,cordhere. (2marks)
a) addi b) bne c) lw d) xori
31. Which of the following assembly instructions sets ALUSrcB to 10? Again, provide your
answer as one of a, b, c or d here. (2 marks)
a) add b) beq c) sw d) jal
32. True or False? If your assembly language function modifies the value in $s0, it must save that value onto the stack first. (1 mark)
33. True or False? If your assembly language function modifies the value in $t0, it must save that value onto the stack first. (1 mark)
34. If we store 0x01234567 at address 0x400000 in little endian, what hexadecimal value will end up in 0x400003? You might find the diagram below to be useful. (2 marks)
0x400000 0x400001 0x400002 0x400003
35. For this final question, perform Booth’s Algorithm on operands A = 10101 and B = 01010. In the spaces provided as parts a) to f), provide the contents of P after each right shift of A and P in the algorithm. The initial value of P has been provided for you in part a). (10 marks)
Student Number: __________________ 5 (continued)

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