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File Systems
File Systems
Anandha Gopalan
(with thanks to D. Rueckert, P. Pietzuch, A. Tannenbaum and
R. Kolcun)
File System
Long term non-volatile, online storage → e.g. programs, data,
text, photos, music, . . .
Sharing of information or software → e.g. editors, compilers,
applications, . . .
Concurrent access to shared data → airline reservation system, . . .
Organisation and management of data → e.g. convenient use of
directories, symbolic names, backups, snapshots, . . .
File: Named collection of data of arbitrary size
File Naming
Typical file extensions
File Type Usual
executable exe, com, bin
or none
read to run machine-language pro-
object obj, o compiled, machine language, not
source code c, cc, java,
py, hs
source code in various languages
batch bat, sh commands to the command inter-
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
File Types
What is a file?
File User Functions
Create Create empty file. Allocate space and add to directory
Delete Deallocate space. Invalidate or remove directory entry
Open Search directory for file name. Check access validity
and set pointers to file
Close Remove pointers to file
Read Access file, update current position pointers
Write Access file, update pointers
Reposition/seek Set current position in file to given value
Truncate Erase contents but keep all other attributes
Rename Change file name
Read attributes e.g. creation date, size, archive flag, . . .
Write attributes e.g. protection, immutable flag, . . .
Unix/Linux: File System calls
System Call Description
open (file, how, . . . ) Open a file for reading/writing
close (fd) Closing an open file
read (fd, buf, nbytes) Read data from file to buffer
write (fd, buf, nbytes) Write data from buffer to file
lseek (fd, offset, . . . ) Move file pointer
stat (name, &buf) Get file’s meta-data
fnctl (fd, cmd, . . . ) File locking and other operations
File System
Support Functions
Logical name to physical disk address translation
i.e. /homes/axgopala/.vimrc → disk 2, block 399
Management of disk space
Allocation and deallocation
File locking for exclusive access
Performance optimisation
Caching and buffering
Protection against system failure
Back-up and restore
Protection against unauthorised access
File Attributes I
Basic information
file name symbolic name; unique within directory
file type text, binary, executable, directory, . . .
file organisation sequential, random, . . .
file creator program which created file
Address information
volume disk drive, partition
start addresses cyl, head, sect, LBA
size used
size allocated
File Attributes II
Access control information
owner person who controls file (often creator)
authentication password
permitted actions read, write, delete for owners/others
Usage information
creation timestamp date and time
last modified
last read
access activity counts
Unix/Linux: File Attributes
Unix/Linux stat System Call
File attributes can be accessed using system call stat(2) (man 2
Return information about specified file in struct stat
struct stat {
dev_t st_dev; /* ID of device containing file */
ino_t st_ino; /* inode number */
mode_t st_mode; /* protection */
nlink_t st_nlink; /* number of hard links */
uid_t st_uid; /* user ID of owner */
gid_t st_gid; /* group ID of owner */
off_t st_size; /* total size, in bytes */
struct timespec st_atim; /* time of last access */
struct timespec st_mtim; /* time of last modification */
struct timespec st_ctim; /* time of last status change */
Space Allocation
Dynamic space management
File size naturally variable
Space allocated in blocks (typically 512 – 8192 bytes)
Choosing block size
Block size too large → wastes space for small files (remember
memory management ,!)
More memory needed for buffer space
Block size too small → wastes space for large files
High overhead in terms of management data
High file transfer time: seek time greater than transfer time
Which allocation works the best?
Space Allocation
Contiguous file allocation
Block chaining
File allocation table
Index blocks
Contiguous File Allocation I
Place file data at contiguous addresses on storage device
Successive logical records typically physically adjacent
External fragmentation
Poor performance if files grow and shrink over time
File grows beyond size originally specified and no contiguous
free blocks available
Must be transferred to new area of adequate size
Leads to additional I/O operations
Contiguous File Allocation II
(a) Contiguous allocation of disk space for seven files
(b) The state of the disk after files D and F have been removed
Block Linkage (Chaining) I
Place file data by linking them together ⇒ insertion/deletion by
modifying pointer in previous block
Block Linkage (Chaining) II
Need to search list to find data block
Chain must be searched from beginning
If blocks dispersed throughout disk, search process slow
Many seeks can occur
Block-to-block seeks occur
Wastes pointer space in each block
Block Allocation Table I
Store pointers to file blocks
Directory entries indicate first block of file
Block number as index into block allocation table
Determines location of next block
If current block = last block, set table entry to null
File Allocation Table (e.g. MSDOS/Windows (FAT16/32)) → akin
to Block Allocation Table
Stored on disk but cached in memory for performance
Reduces number of lengthy seeks to access given record
But files become fragmented → periodic defragmentation
Table can get very large
Block Allocation Table II
Example Problem
Block Linkage vs. FAT
Consider a disk with a block size of 1024 bytes. Each disk address
can be stored in 4 bytes. Block linkage is used for file storage, i.e.
each block contains the address of the next block in the file.
1 How many block reads will be needed to access: the 1022nd
data byte and the 510100th data byte?
Hint: 500 x 1020 = 510000 and 498 x 1024 = 509952
2 How does this change if a file allocation table (FAT) is used?
Example Problem
Answer: Block Linkage
There are 1020 data bytes per block. The 1022nd byte is resident
on the 2nd disk block → 2 reads are required
The 510100th data byte is resident in the 501st disk block → 501
reads are required
Example Problem
Answer: FAT
There are 1024 data bytes per block. Each block of the FAT can
represent 1024
= 256 data blocks
1 The 1020th byte is on the 1st block and requires 1 read for the
FAT and 1 read for the data block, for a total of 2 reads
2 The 510100th data byte is on the 499th data block
At best, all of the first 499 blocks of the file can be
represented in 2 FAT blocks
At worst, 499 reads could be performed for the FAT
Either case requires 1 extra read for the data. Hence,
Best case requires 3 reads
Worst case requires 500 reads
Example Problem
Answer: FAT
Example Problem
Answer: FAT
How can we improve?
Index Blocks I
Each file has one (or more) index blocks
Contain list of pointers that point to file data blocks
File’s directory entry points to its index block
Chaining → may reserve last few entries in index block to
store pointers to more index blocks
Advantages over simple linked-list implementations
Searching may take place in index blocks themselves
Place index blocks near corresponding data blocks → quick
access to data
Can cache index blocks in memory for faster access
Index Blocks II
Unix/Linux: Inodes
Index blocks called inodes (index
nodes) in UNIX/Linux
On file open, OS opens inode table →
inode entry created in memory
Structured as inode on disk, but in-
1 Disk device number
2 Inode number (for re-write)
3 Num of processes with opened
4 Major/minor device number
Type and access control
Number of links
User ID
Group ID
Access time
Modification time
Inode change time
Direct pointer
Direct pointer
. . .
Direct pointer
Indirect pointer
Double indirect pointer
Triple indirect pointer
Example Problem
Inodes I
In a particular OS, an inode contains 6 direct pointers, 1 pointer to
a (single) indirect block and 1 pointer to a doubly indirect block.
Each of these pointers is 8 bytes long. Assume a disk block is 1024
bytes and that each indirect block fills a single block.
1 What is the maximum file size for this file system?
2 What is the maximum file size if the OS would use triply
indirect pointers?
Example Problem
Answer: Inodes I
1 The maximum file size is:
6 x 1024 (data directly indexed)
+ 128 x 1024 (data referenced by single indirect)
+ 1282 x 1024 (data referenced by double indirect)
= 16.13 MB
2 The maximum file size is:
6 x 1024 (data directly indexed)
+ 128 x 1024 (data referenced by single indirect)
+ 1282 x 1024 (data referenced by double indirect)
+ 1283 x 1024 (data referenced by triple indirect)
= 2.02 GB
Example Problem
Inodes II
In a particular OS, an inode contains 6 direct pointers, 1 pointer to
a (single) indirect block and 1 pointer to a doubly indirect block.
Each of these pointers is 4 bytes long. Assume a disk block is 1024
bytes and that each indirect block fills a single disk block.
How many disk block reads will be needed to access:
1 the 1020th data byte?
2 the 510100th data byte?
Our favourite numbers ,
Example Problem
Answer: Inodes II
Summary: File Allocation Examples
FAT Inodes
Byte 1020 2 2 2 (assuming inode
not yet in memory)
Byte 510100 501 best case: 3
worst case: 500
4 (assuming inode
not yet in memory)
Free Space Management
How do we manage a storage device’s free space?
Need quick access to free blocks for allocation
Use free list
Linked list of blocks containing locations of free blocks
Blocks are allocated from beginning of free list
Newly-freed blocks appended to end of list
Low overhead to perform free list maintenance operations
Files likely to be allocated in noncontiguous blocks → increases file
access time
Free List
Example Problem
Free List
Block size: 1 KB
Disk block number precision: 32-bit
Number of free blocks each block can hold: 255 (one block is
required for pointer to the next block)
Hard drive size: 500 GB
Number of blocks: 488 million
Number of blocks required to store all addresses: 1.9 million
Bitmap I
Bitmap contains one bit (in memory) for each disk block
Indicates whether block in use
ith bit corresponds to ith block on disk
Advantage of bitmaps over free lists
Can quickly determine available contiguous blocks at certain
locations on secondary storage
May need to search entire bitmap to find free block, resulting
in execution overhead
Bitmap II
Example Problem
Block size: 1 KB
Hard drive size: 500 GB
Number of blocks: 488 million
Number of bits required: 488 million
Number of blocks required to store the bitmap: 60,000
File System Layout I
A possible file system layout
File System Layout II
Fixed disk layout (with inodes)
boot block
free inode bitmap
free block (zone) bitmap
inodes + data
Superblock (contains crucial info about FS)
no of inodes
no of data blocks
start of inode & free space bitmap
first data block
block size
maximum file size, . . .
File System Directories
Maps symbolic file names to logical disk locations (e.g.
blah.txt → disk 0, block 2 (LBA))
Helps with file organisation
Ensures uniqueness of names
Single-Level File System
Single-level (or flat) file system
Simplest file system organisation
Stores all files using one directory
No two files can have same name
FS often performs linear search of directory to locate file
Leads to poor performance
Little flexibility in terms of file organisation
MultiLevel (Tree) Directory Structure
Hierarchical file system
UNIX, Linux, Windows, Mac, . . .
Root indicates where on disk root directory begins
Root directory points to various directories
Each of which contains entries for its files
File names need be unique only within given directory
File names usually given as path from root directory to file
Absolute pathnames
Unix/Linux: /homes/axgopala/foo
Windows: homesaxgopalafoo
Relative pathnames
Relative to working (or current) directory
Can be changed using cd command
Displayed with pwd
Current directory: .
Parent directory: ..
Directory Operations
open/close Open or close a directory
search Find file in directory system using pattern matching
on string, wildcard characters
create/delete Create or delete files/directories
link Create link to file
unlink Remove link for file
change directory Opens new directory as current one
list Lists or displays files in directory → implemented as
multiple read entry operations
read attributes Read attributes of file
write attributes Change attributes of file, e.g. protection information
or name
mount Creates link in directory to directory in different file
system, e.g. on another disk or remote server
Unix/Linux: Directory System Calls
System Call Description
s = mkdir (path, mode) Create a new directory
s = rmdir (path) Remove directory
s = link (oldpath, newpath) Create a new (hard) link
s = unlink (path) Unlink a path
s = chdir (path) Change working directory
dir = opendir (path) Open directory for reading
s = closedir (dir) Close directory
dirent = readdir (dir) Read one entry from directory
rewinddir (dir) Rewind directory to re-read
Linux: Directory Representation
struct dirent
long d_ino; /* inode number */
off_t d_off; /* offset to next dirent */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this d_name */
unsigned char d_type; /* file type; not supported */
/* by all file system types */
char d_name [NAME_MAX+1];/* file name (null-terminated) */
Unix/Linux: Looking Up File Names
Steps in looking up /usr/ast/mbox
Link: Reference to directory/file in another part of FS
Allows alternative names (and different locations in tree)
Hard link: Reference address of file
Only supported for files in Unix
Symbolic (soft) link: Reference full pathname of file/dir
Created as directory entry
File deletion: search for links and remove them
Leave links and cause exception when used (symbolic links)
Keep link count with file → delete file when count = 0 (hard
Looping: directory traversal algorithms may loop
Hard Links vs. Soft Links
Mounting I
Mount operation
Combines multiple FSs into one namespace
Allows reference from single root directory
Support for soft-links to files in mounted FSs but not
Mount point
Directory in native FS assigned to root of mounted FS
FSs manage mounted directories with mount tables
Information about location of mount points and devices
When native FS encounters mount point, use mount table to
determine device and type of mounted FS
Mounting II
Linux ext2fs
Second extended file system (1993)
Goal: high-performance, robust FS with support for advanced
Typical block sizes: 1024, 2048, 4096 or 8192 bytes
Safety mechanism: 5% of blocks reserved for root
Allow root processes to continue to run after malicious/errant
user process consumes all FS disk space
ext2fs Inode
Represents files and directories in ext2 FS
Stores information relevant to single file/directory → e.g. time
stamps, permissions, owner, pointers to data blocks
ext2 inode pointers
First 12 pointers directly locate 12 data blocks
13th pointer is indirect pointer
Locates block of pointers to data blocks
14th pointer is a doubly-indirect pointer
Locates block of indirect pointers
15th pointer is triply-indirect pointer
Locates block of doubly indirect pointers
Provides fast access to small files, while supporting very large files
ext2fs Block Groups I
Block groups
Clusters of contiguous blocks
FS attempts to store related data in same block group
Reduces seek time for accessing groups of related data
Block group structure
Superblock: Critical data about entire FS
e.g. total num of blocks and inodes, size of block groups, time
FS was mounted, . . .
Redundant copies of superblock in some block groups
ext2fs Block Groups II
Inode table: Contains entry for each inode in block group
Inode allocation bitmap: Inodes used within block group
Block allocation bitmaps: Blocks used within group
Group descriptor: block numbers for location of:
inode table
inode allocation bitmap
block allocation bitmap
accounting information
Data blocks: Remaining blocks store file/directory data
Directory information stored in directory entries
Each directory entry is composed of: inode number, directory
entry length, file name length, file type, file name
ext2fs Block Groups III
ext2 vs. ext3 vs. ext4
Feature ext2 ext3 ext4
Year 1993 2001 2008
Kernel 0.99 2.4.15 2.6.19
Journaling N Y Y
Max file size 16 GB – 2TB 16 GB – 2TB 16 GB – 16 TB
File system size 2 GB – 32 GB 2 GB – 32 GB 1 EB (Exabyte)