程序代写代做代考 data structure prolog finance Programming in Prolog – Lists

Programming in Prolog – Lists

Programming in Prolog


Romain Barnoud

Thanks to:
Dr Fariba Sadri
Claudia Schulz


Lists are useful to represent sequences or collections of things.

dept(eng, aero).
dept(eng, bio_eng).
dept(eng, computing).
dept(eng, eee).
dept(eng, mech_eng).
dept(nat_sci, chemistry).
dept(nat_sci, maths).
dept(nat_sci, physics).
dept(business, finance).
dept(business, management).

[aero, bio_eng, computing,
eee, mech_eng]).

dept(nat_sci, [chemistry,
maths, physics]).

[finance, management]).

temp(171113, 0000, 16).
temp(171113, 0300, 14).
temp(171113, 0600, 10).
temp(171113, 0900, 11).
temp(171113, 1200, 16).
temp(171113, 1500, 17).
temp(171113, 1800, 14).
temp(171113, 2100, 12).

temp(171113, [16, 14, 10, 11,
16, 17, 14, 12]).


The elements in a list can be any Prolog
term (including a list), e.g.
‘[a, 1, f(X,Y), [4,Z,6], 2.0]’.


A list is a data structure that represent a sequence of any number of terms.

A Prolog list is one of the following:

‘[]’ called the empty list.

‘[H|T]’ where H is a term and T is a list (recursive de�nition).
H, the �rst item of the list, is called the head.
T, the remaining of the list, is called the tail.

Abbreviated notation:
[a|[b|[c|[d|[]]]]] ≡ [a,b,c,d]

≡ [a|[b,c,d]]
≡ [a,b|[c,d]]
≡ [a,b,c|[d]]
≡ [a,b,c,d|[]]

Head and Tail � Examples

List Head Tail


undef. undef.

[1, 2, 3]

1 [2, 3]


a []


[b] []


[] []

[[2.0, c], 42,
[], [X,y,f(Z)]]

[2.0, c] [42, [], [X,y,f(Z)]]

Head and Tail � Examples

List Head Tail

[] undef. undef.

[1, 2, 3] 1 [2, 3]

[a] a []

[[b]] [b] []

[[]] [] []

[[2.0, c], 42,
[], [X,y,f(Z)]]

[2.0, c] [42, [], [X,y,f(Z)]]

Lists and Uni�cation

List 1 List 2
(if existing)

[] [X]


[Y] [A|B]

{A 7→ Y,B 7→ []}

[a,b,c] [Y1,Y2]


[a,b,c] [Y1|Y2]

{Y1 7→ a,Y2 7→ [b,c]}

[a,b,c] [Z1,Z2,Z3]

{Z1 7→ a,Z2 7→ b,Z3 7→ c}

[a,b,c] [Z1,Z2|Z3]

{Z1 7→ a,Z2 7→ b,Z3 7→ [c]}

[[1,2],[3,4]] [H|T]

{H 7→ [1,2],T 7→ [[3,4]]}

[[1,2],3] [[X|Y]|Z]

{X 7→ 1,Y 7→ [2],Z 7→ [3]}

Lists and Uni�cation

List 1 List 2
(if existing)

[] [X] 7

[Y] [A|B] {A 7→ Y,B 7→ []}
[a,b,c] [Y1,Y2] 7

[a,b,c] [Y1|Y2] {Y1 7→ a,Y2 7→ [b,c]}
[a,b,c] [Z1,Z2,Z3] {Z1 7→ a,Z2 7→ b,Z3 7→ c}
[a,b,c] [Z1,Z2|Z3] {Z1 7→ a,Z2 7→ b,Z3 7→ [c]}

[[1,2],[3,4]] [H|T] {H 7→ [1,2],T 7→ [[3,4]]}
[[1,2],3] [[X|Y]|Z] {X 7→ 1,Y 7→ [2],Z 7→ [3]}


belongs_to(X,L): X belongs to the list L.

belongs_to/2 � Implementation

Base case: X is the �rst element of L

belongs_to(X, L) :-
L = [X|_].

belongs_to(X, [X|_]).

Recursive case: Search for X in the tail of L

belongs_to(X, L) :-
L = [H|T],
belongs_to(X, T).

belongs_to(X, [H|T]) :-


belongs_to(X,L): X belongs to the list L.

belongs_to/2 � Examples of queries

?- belongs_to(3, [1,2,3,4]).

?- belongs_to(2, [1,3,5]).

?- belongs_to(X, [2,4,6]).
X = 2 ;
X = 4 ;
X = 6 ;

?- belongs_to(1, L).
L = [1|_A] ;
L = [_A, 1|_B] ;
L = [_A, _B, 1|_C] ;
L = [_A, _B, _C, 1|_D] ;


concat(L1, L2, L3): L3 is the list formed by all elements of L1,
followed by all elements of L2.

concat/3 � Implementation

Base case: the �rst list is empty
concat(L1, L2, L3) :-

L1 = [],
L3 = L2.

concat([], L2, L2).

Recursive case:
concat(L1, L2, L3) :-

L1 = [H1|T1],
concat(T1, L2, T3),
L3 = [H1|T3].

concat([H1|T1], L2, [H1|T3]) :-
concat(T1, L2, T3).



concat(L1, L2, L3): L3 is the list formed by all elements of L1,
followed by all elements of L2.

concat/3 � Examples of queries

?- concat([5,1,8], [4,2], [5,1,8,4,2]).

?- concat([a,b], [d,e], [a,b,c,d,e]).

?- concat([0,2,4], [1,3,5], L).
L = [0,2,4,1,3,5] ;

?- concat(L1, [y,z], [y,z,x,y,z]).
L1 = [y,z,x] ;


concat(L1, L2, L3): L3 is the list formed by all elements of L1,
followed by all elements of L2.

concat/3 � Examples of queries (cont.)

?- concat([1,2,4], L2, [1,2,3,4,5]).

?- concat(L1, L2, [a,b,c]).
L1 = [], L2 = [a,b,c] ;
L1 = [a], L2 = [b,c] ;
L1 = [a,b], L2 = [c] ;
L1 = [a,b,c], L2 = [];

?- concat(L1, [1|T2], [1,2,4,1,3,9,1,4,16]).
L1 = [], T2 = [2,4,1,3,9,1,4,16] ;
L1 = [1,2,4], T2 = [3,9,1,4,16] ;
L1 = [1,2,4,1,3,9], T2 = [4,16] ;


even_odd(All, Even, Odd): Even is the sequence of even elements
in All and Odd is the sequence of odd elements in All.

even_odd/3 � Examples of queries

?- even_odd([1,2,3,4,5,6], [2,4,6], [1,3,5]).

?- even_odd([3,7,1,10,3,5,8], Even, Odd).
Even = [10,8], Odd = [3,7,1,3,5] ;

?- even_odd(_, [4,4], [5,3,2]).


even_odd(All, Even, Odd): Even is the sequence of even elements
in All and Odd is the sequence of odd elements in All.

even_odd/3 � Examples of queries (cont.)

?- even_odd(L, [8,2], [1,3,5]).
L = [8,2,1,3,5] ;
L = [8,1,2,3,5] ;
L = [8,1,3,2,5] ;
L = [8,1,3,5,2] ;
L = [1,8,2,3,5] ;
L = [1,8,3,2,5] ;
L = [1,8,3,5,2] ;
L = [1,3,8,2,5] ;
L = [1,3,8,5,2] ;
L = [1,3,5,8,2] ;


even_odd(All, Even, Odd): Even is the sequence of even elements
in All and Odd is the sequence of odd elements in All.

even_odd/3 � Proposed solution

even_odd([], [], []).

even_odd([N|TAll], [N|TEven], Odd) :-
N mod 2 =:= 0,
even_odd(TAll, TEven, Odd).

even_odd([N|TAll], Even, [N|TOdd]) :-
N mod 2 =:= 1,
even_odd(TAll, Even, TOdd).

Try it at home!

Can you implement the following procedures?

len(L,N): N is the number of elements in list L.

list_double(L1,L2): every element in L2 is the double of its
corresponding element in L1.

list_avg(L,A): A is the average of all elements in L.

access_element(N, L, X): X is the Nth element in L.

remove(X,L,Rest): Rest is the list L from which every element
equal to X has been removed.

a2b(L1,L2): every occurrence of a in L1 occurs as b in L2,
everything else is identical/uni�able.

permutation(L1, L2): L2 is a permutation of L1 (harder!).

Built-in predicates

Prolog has numerous built-in predicates to manipulate lists, some of them
available via the `lists’ library1

To load the library, either use the query

?- use_module(library(lists)).

or add the rule

:- use_module(library(lists)).

to your program.

1documentation available at


Built-in predicates

A few useful built-in predicates2

member(?Element, ?List):
true if Element occurs in List.

nonmember(?Element, ?List):
true if Element does not occurs in List.

append(?List1, ?List2, ?List3):
true if List3 is the list consisting of List1 followed by List2.

length(?List, ?Integer):
true if Integer is the length of List.

2 How to read the predicate signature:
+Term: Term is expected to not be a variable (but may contain variables).
-Var: Var is expected to be a variable.
?Arg: no assumptions is made whether Arg is a variable or not.

Built-in predicates

A few useful built-in predicates2

rev(+List, ?Reversed):
true if List and Reversed contain the same elements,
but in reverse order.

sort(+List, -Sorted):
elements from List are sorted in ascending order and duplicates
are removed. The result is uni�ed with Sorted.

perm(+List, -Perm):
true if List and Perm are permutations of each other.

subseq0(+Seq, -SubSeq):
true if SubSeq is a sub-sequence of Seq.

And many others…

2 How to read the predicate signature:
+Term: Term is expected to not be a variable (but may contain variables).
-Var: Var is expected to be a variable.
?Arg: no assumptions is made whether Arg is a variable or not.

What have we learned today?

What are lists in Prolog and how they are represented

How to design predicates to manipulate lists

Which built-in predicates are available to use

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