程序代写代做代考 Java database data structure COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts (8 on 1)
COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts (8 on 1)
COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 3: Perl (Part 2)
Handouts (8 on 1)
Ullrich Hustadt
Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science
University of Liverpool
1 Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Until-loops
2 Lists and Arrays
List literals
List and array functions
3 Hashes
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 1
Control structures Conditional statements
Control structures: conditional statements
The general format of conditional statements is very similar to that in
if (condition) {
} elsif (condition) {
} else {
• condition is an arbitrary expression
• the elsif-clauses is optional and there can be more than one
• the else-clause is optional but there can be at most one
• in contrast to Java, the curly brackets must be present
even if statements consist only of a single statement
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 2
Control structures Conditional statements
Control structures: conditional statements
• Perl also offers two shorter conditional statements:
statement if (condition );
statement unless (condition );
• In analogy to conditional statements
Perl offers conditional expressions:
condition ? if_true_expr : if_false_expr
$descr = ($distance < 50) ? "near" : "far";
$size = ($width < 10) ? "small" :
($width < 20) ? "medium" :
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 3
Control structures Conditional statements
• A sequence of statements in curly brackets is a block
; an alternative definition of conditional statements is
if (condition) block
elsif (condition) block
else block
• In
statement if (condition );
statement unless (condition );
only a single statement is allowed
but do block counts as a single statement,
so we can write
do block if (condition );
do block unless (condition );
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 4
Control structures Switch statements
Control structures: switch statement/expression
Starting with Perl 5.10 (released Dec 2007), the language includes a
switch statement and corresponding switch expression
But these are considered experimental and need to be enabled explicitly
use feature "switch";
given ($month) {
when ([1,3,5,7,8,10,12]) { $days = 31 }
when ([4 ,6 ,9,11]) { $days = 30 }
when (2) { $days = 28 }
default { $days = 0 }
Note: No explicit break statement is needed
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 5
Control structures While- and Until-loops
Control structures: while- and until-loops
• Perl offers while-loops and until-loops
while (condition) {
until (condition) {
• A ‘proper’ until-loop where the loop is executed at least once
can be obtained as follows
do { statements } until (condition );
The same construct also works for if, unless and while
In case there is only a single statement it is also possible to write
statement until (condition );
Again this also works for if, unless and while
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 6
Control structures For-loops
Control structures: for-loops
• for-loops in Perl take the form
for (initialisation; test; increment) {
Again, the curly brackets are required even if the body of the loop only
consists of a single statement
• Such a for-loop is equivalent to the following while-loop:
while (test) {
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 7
Lists and Arrays Identifiers
Lists and Arrays
• A list is an ordered collection of scalars
• An array (array variable) is a variable that contains a list
• Array variables start with @ followed by a Perl identifier
An array variable denotes the entire list stored in that variable
• Perl uses
to denote the element stored at position index in @identifier
The first array element has index 0
• Note that
are two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 8
Lists and Arrays List literals
List literals
• A list can be specified by a list literal, a comma-separated list of values
enclosed by parentheses
(1, 2, 3)
("adam", "ben", "colin", "david")
("adam", 1, "ben", 3)
( )
(1..10 , 15, 20..30)
($start ..$end)
• List literals can be assigned to an array:
@numbers = (1..10 , 15, 20..30);
@names = ("adam", "ben", "colin", "david");
• Examples of more complex assignments, involving array concatenation:
@numbers = (1..10 , undef , @numbers , ( ));
@names = (@names ,@numbers );
• Note that arrays do not have a pre-defined size/length
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 9
Lists and Arrays List literals
Size of an array
• There are three different ways to determine the size of an array
$arraySize = scalar(@array);
$arraySize = @array;
$arraySize = $#array + 1;
• One can access all elements of an array using indices
in the range 0 to $#array
• But Perl also allows negative array indices:
The expression $array[-index]
is equivalent to $array[scalar(@array)-index]
$array[-1] is the same as $array[scalar(@array)-1]
is the same as $array[$#array]
that is the last element in @array
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 10
Lists and Arrays List literals
Array index out of bound
• Perl, in contrast to Java, allows you to access array indices that are
out of bounds
• The value undef will be returned in such a case
@array = (0, undef , 22, 33);
print ’$array [1] = ’,$array [1], ’, which ’,
(defined($array [1]) ? "IS NOT" : "IS", "undef
print ’$array [5] = ’,$array [5], ’, which ’,
(defined($array [5]) ? "IS NOT" : "IS", "undef
$array [1] = , which IS undef
$array [5] = , which IS undef
• The function exists can be used to determine whether an array index
is within bounds and has a value (including undef) associated with it
print ’$array [1] exists: ’,exists($array [1]) ? "T":"F","
print ’$array [5] exists: ’,exists($array [5]) ? "T":"F","
$array [1] exists: T
$array [5] exists: F
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 11
Lists and Arrays Contexts
Scalar context versus list context
• Scalar context
when an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requires
a scalar value, the expression will be evaluated in a scalar context
$arraySize = @array;
; @array stores a list, but returns the number of elements of @array
in a scalar context
• List context
when an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requires
a list value, the expression will be evaluated in a list context
@sorted = sort 5;
; A single scalar value is treated as a list with one element in a
list context
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 12
Lists and Arrays Contexts
Scalar context versus list context
Expressions behave differently in different contexts following these rules:
• Some operators and functions automatically return different values in
different contexts
$line =
@lines =
• If an expression returns a scalar value in a list context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a list value with the returned scalar value being
the one and only element
• If an expression returns a list value in a scalar context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a scalar value by take the last element of the
returned list value
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 13
Lists and Arrays List and array functions
List functions
Function Semantics
grep(expr,list) in a list context, returns those elements of
list for which expr is true;
in a scalar context, returns the number of
times the expression was true
join(string,list) returns a string that contains the elements
of list connected through a separator
reverse(list) returns a list with elements in reverse order
sort(list) returns a list with elements sorted in
standard string comparison order
split(/regexpr/,string) returns a list obtained by splitting string
into substring using regexpr as separator
(list) x number returns a list composed of number copies
of list
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 14
Lists and Arrays List and array functions
Array functions: push, pop, shift, unshift
Perl has no stack or queue data structures,
but has stack and queue functions for arrays:
Function Semantics
appends an element or an entire list to the
end of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array
pop(@array1) extracts the last element from an array
and returns it
shift(@array1) shift extracts the first element of an array
and returns it
insert an element or an entire list at the
start of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 15
Lists and Arrays List and array functions
Array operators: push, pop, shift, unshift
1 @planets = (“earth”);
2 unshift(@planets ,”mercury”,”venus”);
3 push(@planets ,”mars”,”jupiter”,”saturn”);
4 print “Array@1: “, join(” “,@planets),”
5 $last = pop(@planets );
6 print “Array@2: “, join(” “,@planets),”
7 $first = shift(@planets );
8 print “Array@3: “, join(” “,@planets),”
9 print ” @4: “,$first , ” “,$last , “
Array@1: mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn
Array@2: mercury venus earth mars jupiter
Array@3: venus earth mars jupiter
@4: mercury saturn
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 16
Lists and Arrays List and array functions
Array operators: delete
• It is possible to delete array elements
• delete($array[index])
– removes the value stored at index in @array and returns it
– only if index equals $#array will the array’s size shrink to the
position of the highest element that returns true for exists()
@array = (0, 11, 22, 33);
delete($array [2]);
print ’$array [2] exists: ’,exists($array [2])?”T”:”F”, “
print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”
delete($array [3]);
print ’$array [3] exists: ’,exists($array [3])?”T”:”F”, “
print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”
$array [2] exists: F
Size of $array: 4
$array [3] exists: F
Size of $array: 2
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 17
Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops
Control structures: foreach-loop
Perl provides the foreach-construct to ‘loop’ through the elements of a
foreach $variable (list) {
where $variable, the foreach-variable, stores a different element of the
list in each iteration of the loop
@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);
foreach $number (@my_list) {
$max = $number if (! defined($max) || $number > $max);
print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max
Maximum number in 1,2,3,4,5,20,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 is 20
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 18
Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops
Control structures: foreach-loop
Changing the value of the foreach-variable changes the element of the list
that it currently stores
@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);
print “Before: “.join(“, “,@my_list ).”
foreach $number (@my_list) {
$number ++;
print “After: “.join(“, “,@my_list ).”
Before: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
After: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Note: If no variable is specified, then the special variable $_ will be
used to store the array elements
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 19
Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops
Control structures: foreach-loop
An alternative way to traverse an array is
foreach $index (0..$#array) {
where an element of the array is then accessed using $array[$index] in
@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);
foreach $index (0..$# my_list) {
$max = $my_list[$index] if ($my_list[$index] > $max);
print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 20
Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops
Control structures: foreach-loop
• In analogy to while- and until-loops, there are the following variants of
do { statements } foreach list;
statement foreach list;
In the execution of the statements within the loop, the special variable
$_ will be set to consecutive elements of list
• Instead of foreach we can also use for:
do { statements } for list;
statement for list;
print “Hello $_!
” foreach (“Peter”,”Paul”,
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 21
Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops
Control structures: last and next
• The last command can be used in while-, until-, and foreach-loops
and discontinues the execution of a loop
while ($value = shift($data)) {
$written = print(FILE $value );
if (! $written) { last; }
# Execution of ‘last’ takes us here
• The next command stops the execution of the current iteration
of a loop and moves the execution to the next iteration
foreach $x ( -2..2) {
if ($x == 0) { next; }
printf(“10 / %2d = %3d
”,$x ,(10/ $x));
10 / -2 = -5
10 / -1 = -10
10 / 1 = 10
10 / 2 = 5
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 22
Hashes Identifiers
• A hash is a data structure similar to an array but it associates scalars
with a string instead of a number
• Alternatively, a hash can be seen as a partial function mapping strings
to scalars
• Remember that Perl can auto-magically convert any scalar into a string
• Hash variables start with a percent sign followed by a Perl identifier
A hash variable denotes the entirety of the hash
• Perl uses
where key is a string, to refer to the value associated with key
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 23
Hashes Identifiers
• Note that
are two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)
• An easy way to print all key-value pairs of a hash %hash is the following
use Data:: Dumper;
$Data :: Dumper ::Terse = 1;
print Dumper \%hash;
Note the use of \%hash instead of %hash
(\%hash is a reference to %hash)
Data::Dumper can produce string representations for
arbitrary Perl data structures
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 24
Hashes Basic hash operations
Basic hash operations
• Initialise a hash using a list of key-value pairs
%hash = (key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , …);
• Initialise a hash using a list in big arrow notation
%hash = (key1 => value1 , key2 => value2 , …);
• Associate a single value with a key
$hash{key} = value;
• Remember that undef is a scalar value
$hash{key} = undef;
extends a hash with another key but unknown value
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 25
Hashes Basic hash operations
Basic hash operations
• One can use the exists or defined function to check
whether a key exists in a hash:
if (exists $hash{key}) { … }
Note that if $hash{key} eq undef, then exists $hash{key} is true
• The delete function removes a given key and its corresponding value
from a hash:
After executing delete($hash{key}), exists $hash{key} will be
• The undef function removes the contents and memory allocated to
a hash:
undef %hash
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 26
Hashes Basic hash operations
Basic hash operations
• It is also possible to assign one hash to another
%hash1 = %hash2;
In contrast to C or Java this operation creates a copy of %hash2
that is then assigned to %hash1
%hash1 = (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2);
%hash2 = %hash1;
$hash1{’b’} = 4;
print “$hash1{’b ’} = $hash1{’b ’}
print “$hash2{’b ’} = $hash2{’b ’}
$hash1{’b’} = 4
$hash2{’b’} = 2
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 27
Hashes Foreach
The each, keys, and values functions
each %hash returns a 2-element list consisting of the key and
value for the next element of %hash, so that one can
iterate over it
values %hash returns a list consisting of all the values of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash
keys %hash returns a list consisting of all keys of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash
while ( ($key ,$value) = each %hash ) {
foreach $key (sort keys %hash) {
$value = $hash{$key};
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 28
Hashes Foreach
Example: Two-dimensional hash as a ‘database’
1 use List::Util “sum”;
2 $name{’200846369 ’} = ’Jan Olsen ’;
3 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP201 ’} = 61;
4 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP207 ’} = 57;
5 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP213 ’} = 43;
6 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP219 ’} = 79;
8 $average = sum(values($marks{’200846369 ’}))/
9 scalar(values($marks{’200846369 ’});
10 print(“avg: $average
avg: 60
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 29
Hashes Foreach
Example: Frequency of words
1 # Establish the frequency of words in a string
2 $string = “peter paul mary paul jim mary paul”;
4 # Split the string into words and use a hash
5 # to accumulate the word count for each word
6 ++ $count{$_} foreach split (/s+/,$string );
8 # Print the frequency of each word found in the
9 # string
10 while ( ($key ,$value) = each %count ) {
11 print(“$key => $value; “);
12 }
jim => 1; peter => 1; mary => 2; paul => 3
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 30
Hashes Foreach
• Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays
• Chapter 6: Hashes
R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl.
O’Reilly, 2011.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.579.86.S39 or e-book
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 31
Lecture 3
Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Until-loops
Lists and Arrays
List literals
List and array functions
Basic hash operations