程序代写代做代考 Microsoft Word – cw_Car_Loan_UML.doc
Microsoft Word – cw_Car_Loan_UML.doc
MSc Computing OO Design and Programming
1st Coursework
in groups of up to five students
The following describes loans for the purchase of cars:
1. A person has a name, an address and an age. A person may be
working for one or more, but for no more than three companies. A
person receives a salary from each company he/she works for.
2. The disposable income of a person is the sum of all salaries received
divided by the person’s age and then decremented by a tenth of the
sum of the prices of all the cars owned by this person, and a fifth of
the remaining amount on each of their existing loans.
3. A car has a number plate, a horsepower, and a mileage. A car may be
owned by a person, a company or a bank. The price of a car is its
horsepower multiplied by 10000 and then divided by the mileage.
4. A company has a name, an address, and a turnover (i.e. money
received before paying the employees).
5. The disposable income of a company is calculated as its turnover,
decremented by the salaries of all employees, and a fifth of the
remaining amount on each of their existing loans.
6. A bank has a name, an address and an interest rate.
7. Companies or people may apply to a bank for a loan to buy a car.
8. The bank grants the loan to a person, if the person’s disposable
income exceeds the price of the car multiplied by the interest rate. The
bank grants the loan to a company if the company’s disposable income
exceeds the price of the car multiplied by the interest rate.
9. When a person or company receives the grant of a loan, then he/she/it
sends back a letter of acceptance.
Draw a UML class diagram describing the above. Indicate the type of the attributes,
and the types of the arguments and results of the operations. Note: Not all aspects of
the above situation can be expressed in the UML class diagram.
Submission: Please, form groups of up to five students, and write ALL NAMES on
the submission.