程序代写代做代考 What to submit
What to submit
● All of your .cpp and .h files that make up your solution
● A makefile to compile your .cpp and .h file into an executable named hoarding.out
● The ability to upgrade a property with houses and hotels as well as the ability to sell
those upgrades
● Rolling again if you roll doubles
● The ability to auction properties if someone decides not to purchase a property they land
Upgrading Properties
Time it took Matthew: 50 mins
Feature Description
Whenever a player has the ability to roll dice or leave the game they also have the ability
to purchase or sell upgrade on any property within in a set that they fully own. A player can
purchase or sell as many upgrades as they want during a turn. When a player upgrades a
property they add one house to it. If the player has enough enough houses as specified in the
rules file and they upgrade their property, the houses are removed and a hotel is added in place
of them.
Requesting an upgrade
During a player’s turn they may press 2 to upgrade a property. If they choose to upgrade
a property all of the properties on which they can upgrade should be displayed to them. A
property is upgradeable if
● The user owns all of the properties in the set
● The user has enough money to purchase the upgrade on that property
● If the “Must Build Evenly” rule is set then only the property within a set that has the
fewest upgrades may be upgraded
Properties should be shown from lowest property id to highest and within a set from
lowest intraset id to highest. After each property display the upgrade cost in [] For example if the
player owned Oriental Avenue, Vermont Avenue, Connecticut Avenue (set id 1)
and Park Place and Boardwalk (set id 7) then they would see the following when
upgrading a property
Which property do you want to upgrade?
0. Oriental Avenue [$ 50]
1. Vermont Avenue [$ 50]
2. Connecticut Avenue [$ 50]
3. Park Place [$200]
4. Boardwalk [$200]
Your choice:
If a user does not have any properties that they can upgrade they should be shown
“You don’t have any properties that you can upgrade”
Purchasing a property does not end a players turn or advance the turn count.
Selling Upgrades
During a players turn they may choose to sell a property back to the bank for half the
cost they purchased it at by pressing 3. The interface for selling an upgrade is the same as for
purchasing an upgrade but instead of saying Which property do you want to
upgrade? instead say Which property do you want to sell? If the player has no
upgrades you should say: You have no upgrades to sell.
If the Must Build Evenly Rule is enabled, the player may only sell upgrades from
properties within a set that have the most upgrades on it.
If a player would go bankrupt to a player during their turn but they have upgrades on a
property, they must sell their upgrades back to the bank. They must continue selling upgrades
back to the bank until they either have enough money to pay off their debt or they have sold all
of their upgrades. If at this point they are still in debt, they then go bankrupt.
Calculating rent
Rent for a property that has houses on it as calculated as
. Rent for a hotel is the the rent for the hotel asentForOneHouse r * 2
NumberOfHousesOnTheProperty − 1
given in the board file.
Calculating Net Worth
A players net worth is now the sum of their cash, the cost of their properties, and the
cost of the upgrades on their properties.
Updates to the display
The format to display the state of the game is now
Space Number | Space Name | Owner | Upgrades | Players
For each house that a player has on a property a h should be displayed. For each hotel on a
property a H should be displayed
Updates to Inputs
● 1 is for rolling dice
● 2 is for buying upgrades
● 3 is for selling upgrades
● 4 is for leaving the game
Rolling Again on Doubles
Time it took Matthew: 20 minutes
Feature Description
Whenever a user rolls doubles (both dice have the same values) they roll again up until
they reach the Max Doubles ReRolls limit specified in the rules files.
Updates to Rules Files
There is now a new entry in the rules file at the end called Max Doubles ReRolls. It
has the form Max Doubles ReRolls: N, where N is the maximum number of times the user
gets to roll again if they roll doubles on their turn. If it is 0, then if they roll doubles they don’t get
to roll again. If 1 they can roll again once, 2 twice, 3 three times, etc. They only get to keep
rolling on their turn IF they keep rolling doubles. For example, if N is 3 and the user rolls two 3’s
they get to reroll. If they then roll a 5 and a 4 their turn is over because they did not roll doubles.
Auctioning Properties
Time it took Matthew: 30 minutes
Feature Description
If the Auction Properties rule is enabled and player lands on property and chooses not
to buy it or is unable to buy it, the property goes up for auction. The auction starts at $1. Players
take turns bidding on the property starting from Player 1. A player must bid at least one more
dollar than the current max bid. If a Player does not wish to make a bid then they can enter a
number less than the next bid to remove themselves from the auction. If a player’s total cash is
less than the next bid they are automatically removed from the auction. Bidding continues until
only a single player is left in the auction. They are the winners of the auction and get the
property for the price they bid on it. If all players decline to bid on the property it remains
When an auction starts you will display
Starting the auction for NameOfProperty
During each players turn to bid you will either say
● “No one has bid on NameOfProperty [$propertyCost] yet”
○ If no one has bid on the property yet
● The current bid for NameOfProperty [$propertyCost] is
$highestBid by highestBidder’s Name
○ If someone has bid on the property
Followed by
CurrentBidder’s Name, enter a bid of at least (highestBid + 1)
bid on the property or a value less that that to leave the
Your bid:
Input will always be valid. A player will not bid more money than they have.