CS代考计算机代写 􏰀􏰁

Flores Gaëlle – Nunes Olinda – – Sanchis Marie Delphine Gallais Simon – Zara Maxime

􏰂 5 +1 Porter’s Forces
􏰂Competitive rivalry
􏰂 Threat of new entrant 􏰂Buyer power
􏰂 Threat of substitute 􏰂Supplier power
􏰂 State
􏰂 Conclusion

􏰂 Currently, the main competitor is Pepsi which also has a wide range of beverage products under its brand.
􏰂 There are other soda brands in the market that become popular, like Dr. Pepper, because of their unique flavors.
La compétitivité

􏰂 Technical barriers:
– Certificate: The trademark is registered and has Patent. – Owner technology: The recipe is totally secret.
􏰂 Financial barriers:
– Capital: Ability to invest easily in manufacturing.
– R&D: Regular innovations on new research of new products
(ex: Coca Cola – “Zero, light, Black, without caffeine).
􏰂 Trade barriers:
– Investment in marketing to retains customers: Sponsoring, Slogan
(ex: Sponsor of major world events like the Olympics games, World Cup Soccer, Christmas, Big concert…)
– Wide rang of brands: (ex: Minute Maid, Nestea, Fanta, Powerade, Sprite).
– Channels of distribution: Access to large distribution channels on supermarkets (Carrefour, Auchan, etc.), hotels and restaurants, street vendors, among other king of distribution…
– Marketing advertising: The most used are TV, radio, newspaper advertising,
Menace des nouveaux entrants

􏰂Lot of choices between different brands
􏰂Can easily take the competitors
􏰂Same price so Coca Cola needs to have the perfect quality
􏰂Clients are faithful to the brand 􏰂Can’t give the price
Pouvoir des clients

􏰂Water with gas 􏰂Other soda 􏰂Tea, coffee 􏰂Juice
Menace des produits de Substitution

􏰂Lots of suppliers on the market .
􏰂Their number/size is weak compare to the big
drink’s companies.
􏰂 Manufacturing companies need them anyway which is good for them in term of negociation.
􏰂 Threat’s importance: medium
Pouvoir des fournisseurs

􏰂European political stability eases the implantation of the brand but under control of a myriad of normes, labels and certifications
􏰂Hostility for setting up plants in regions such as Africa or Middle-East.
􏰂Criticism regarding health and environmental issues
􏰂Intellectual property laws and stringent regulation can impact the production process



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