CS代考计算机代写 interpreter Java flex Answer Set Programming database AI Hive prolog The authors propose the markup of Web services in the DAML family of Semantic Web markup languages. This markup enables a wide variety of agent technologies for automated Web service discovery, execution, composition, and interoperation. The authors present one such technology for automated Web service composition.
The authors propose the markup of Web services in the DAML family of Semantic Web markup languages. This markup enables a wide variety of agent technologies for automated Web service discovery, execution, composition, and interoperation. The authors present one such technology for automated Web service composition.
applications. Web-accessible programs, databases, sensors, and a variety of other physical devices real- ize these services. In the next decade, computers will most likely be ubiquitous, and most devices will have some sort of computer inside them. Vint Cerf, one of the fathers of the Internet, views the population of the Internet by smart devices as the harbinger of a new revolution in Internet technology.
Today’s Web was designed primarily for human interpretation and use. Nevertheless, we are seeing increased automation of Web service interoperation, primarily in B2B and e-commerce applications. Gen- erally, such interoperation is realized through APIs that incorporate hand-coded information-extraction code to locate and extract content from the HTML syntax of a Web page presentation layout. Unfortunately, when a Web page changes its presentation layout, the API must be modified to prevent failure. Fundamental to having computer programs or agents1 implement reliable, large-scale interoperation of Web services is the need to make such services computer interpretable—to create a Semantic Web2 of services whose properties, capa- bilities, interfaces, and effects are encoded in an unam- biguous, machine-understandable form.
The realization of the Semantic Web is underway with the development of new AI-inspired content markup languages, such as OIL,3 DAML+OIL (www.daml.org/2000/10/daml-oil), and DAML-L (the last two are members of the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) family of languages).4 These lan- guages have a well-defined semantics and enable the markup and manipulation of complex taxonomic and logical relations between entities on the Web. A fun-
damental component of the Semantic Web will be the markup of Web services to make them computer-inter- pretable, use-apparent, and agent-ready. This article addresses precisely this component.
We present an approach to Web service markup that provides an agent-independent declarative API cap- turing the data and metadata associated with a service together with specifications of its properties and capa- bilities, the interface for its execution, and the prereq- uisites and consequences of its use. Markup exploits ontologies to facilitate sharing, reuse, composition, mapping, and succinct local Web service markup. Our vision is partially realized by Web service markup in a dialect of the newly proposed DAML family of Seman- tic Web markup languages.4 Such so-called semantic markup of Web services creates a distributed knowl- edge base. This provides a means for agents to populate their local KBs so that they can reason about Web ser- vices to perform automatic Web service discovery, exe- cution, and composition and interoperation.
To illustrate this claim, we present an agent tech- nology based on reusable generic procedures and customizing user constraints that exploits and show- cases our Web service markup. This agent technol- ogy is realized using the first-order language of the situation calculus and an extended version of the agent programming language ConGolog,5 together with deductive machinery.
Figure 1 illustrates the basic components of our Semantic Web services framework. It is composed of semantic markup of Web services, user constraints, and Web agent generic procedures. In addition to the markup, our framework includes a variety of agent tech-
Semantic Web Services
Sheila A. McIlraith, Tran Cao Son, and Honglei Zeng, Stanford University
The Web, once solely a repository for text and images, is evolving into a provider of services—information-providing services, such as flight information providers, temperature sensors, and cameras, and world-altering services, such as flight-booking programs, sensor controllers, and a variety of e-commerce and business-to-business
1094-7167/01/$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
The Semantic Web
Web procedures Web service ontologies ontologies
Agent broker
Semantic markup of personal or company constraints and preferences
Semantic markup of Web service sites
Knowledge base
Semantic-markup-enabled agent technology
nologies—specialized services that use an agent broker to send requests for service to appropriate Web services and to dispatch ser- vice responses back to the agent.
Automating Web services
To realize our vision of Semantic Web ser- vices, we are creating semantic markup of Web services that makes them machine understandable and use-apparent. We are also developing agent technology that exploits this semantic markup to support automated Web service composition and interoperability. Dri- ving the development of our markup and agent technology are the automation tasks that semantic markup of Web services will enable —in particular, service discovery, execution, and composition and interoperation.
Automatic Web service discovery involves automatically locating Web services that pro- vide a particular service and that adhere to requested properties. A user might say, for example, “Find a service that sells airline tick- ets between San Francisco and Toronto and that accepts payment by Diner’s Club credit card.” Currently, a human must perform this task, first using a search engine to find a service and then either reading the Web page associ- ated with that service or executing the service to see whether it adheres to the requested prop- erties. With semantic markup of services, we can specify the information necessary for Web service discovery as computer-interpretable semantic markup at the service Web sites, and a service registry or (ontology-enhanced) search engine can automatically locate appro- priate services.
Automatic Web service execution involves a computer program or agent automatically executing an identified Web service. A user could request, “Buy me an airline ticket from www.acmetravel.com on UAL Flight 1234 from San Francisco to Toronto on 3 March.” To execute a particular service on today’s Web, such as buying an airline ticket, a user generally must go to the Web site offering that service, fill out a form, and click a button to execute the service. Alternately, the user might send an http request directly to the service URL with the appropriate parameters en- coded. Either case requires a human to under- stand what information is required to execute the service and to interpret the information the service returns. Semantic markup of Web ser- vices provides a declarative, computer-inter- pretable API for executing services. The markup tells the agent what input is necessary, what information will be returned, and how to
Figure 1. A framework for Semantic Web services.
execute—and potentially interact with—the service automatically.
Automatic Web service composition and interoperation involves the automatic selec- tion, composition, and interoperation of appropriate Web services to perform some task, given a high-level description of the task’s objective. A user might say, “Make the travel arrangements for my IJCAI 2001 con- ference trip.” Currently, if some task requires a composition of Web services that must inter- operate, then the user must select the Web ser- vices, manually specify the composition, en- sure that any software for interoperation is custom-created, and provide the input at choice points (for example, selecting a flight from among several options). With semantic markup of Web services, the information nec- essary to select, compose, and respond to ser- vices is encoded at the service Web sites. We can write software to manipulate this markup, together with a specification of the task’s objectives, to achieve the task automatically. Service composition and interoperation lever- age automatic discovery and execution.
Of these three tasks, none is entirely real- izable with today’s Web, primarily because of a lack of content markup and a suitable markup language. Academic research on Web service discovery is growing out of agent matchmaking research such as the Lark sys- tem,6 which proposes a representation for annotating agent capabilities so that they can be located and brokered. Recent industrial
efforts have focused primarily on improving Web service discovery and aspects of service execution through initiatives such as the Uni- versal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) standard service registry; the XML- based Web Service Description Language (WSDL), released in September 2000 as a framework-independent Web service descrip- tion language; and ebXML, an initiative of the United Nations and OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) to standardize a framework for trading partner interchange.
E-business infrastructure companies are beginning to announce platforms to support some level of Web-service automation. Exam- ples of such products include Hewlett-Packard’s e-speak, a description, registration, and dynamic discovery platform for e-services; Microsoft’s .NET and BizTalk tools; Oracle’s Dynamic Ser- vices Framework; IBM’s Application Frame- work for E-Business; and Sun’s Open Network Environment. VerticalNet Solutions, anticipat- ing and wishing to accelerate the markup of services for discovery, is building ontologies and tools to organize and customize Web ser- vice discovery and—with its OSM Platform— is delivering an infrastructure that coordinates Web services for public and private trading exchanges.
What distinguishes our work in this arena is our semantic markup of Web services in an expressive semantic Web markup language with a well-defined semantics. Our semantic
The Semantic Web
markup provides a semantic layer that should comfortably sit on top of efforts such as WSDL, enabling a richer level of description and hence more sophisticated interactions and reasoning at the agent or application level. To demonstrate this claim, we present agent technology that performs automatic Web ser- vice composition, an area that industry is not yet tackling in any great measure.
Semantic Web service markup
The three automation tasks we’ve described are driving the development of our semantic Web services markup in the DAML family of markup languages. We are marking up
• Web services, such as Yahoo’s driving direction information service or United Airlines’ flight booking service;
• user and group constraints and preferences, such as a user’s—let’s say Bob’s—sched- ule, that he prefers driving over flying if the driving time to his destination is less than three hours, his use of stock quotes exclu- sively from the E*Trade Web service, and so forth; and
• agent procedures, which are (partial) com- positions of existing Web services, designed to perform a particular task and marked up for sharing and reuse by groups of other users. Examples include Bob’s business travel booking procedure or his friend’s stock assessment procedure.
Our DAML markup provides a declarative representation of Web service and user con- straint knowledge. (See the “The Case for DAML” sidebar to learn why we chose the DAML family of markup languages.) A key feature of our markup is the exploitation of ontologies, which DAML+OIL’s roots in description logics and frame systems support.
We use ontologies to encode the classes and subclasses of concepts and relations per- taining to services and user constraints. (For example, the service BuyUALTicket and Buy- LufthansaTicket are subclasses of the service BuyAirlineTicket, inheriting the parameters cus- tomer, origin, destination, and so forth). Domain- independent Web service ontologies are aug- mented by domain-specific ontologies that inherit concepts from the domain-indepen- dent ontologies and that additionally encode concepts that are specific to the individual Web service or user. Using ontologies enables the sharing of common concepts, the specialization of these concepts and vocab- ulary for reuse across multiple applications,
the mapping of concepts between different ontologies, and the composition of new con- cepts from multiple ontologies. Ontologies support the development of succinct service- or user-specific markup by enabling an indi- vidual service or user to inherit much of its semantic markup from ontologies, thus requiring only minimal markup at the Web site. Most importantly, ontologies can give semantics to markup by constraining or grounding its interpretation. Web services and users need not exploit Web service ontologies, but we foresee many domains where communities will want to agree on a standard definition of terminology and encode it in an ontology.
DAML markup of Web services
Collectively, our markup of Web services provides
• declarative advertisements of service properties and capabilities, which can be used for automatic service discovery;
• declarative APIs for individual services that are necessary for automatic service execution; and
• declarative specifications of the prerequi- sites and consequences of individual ser- vice use that are necessary for automatic service composition and interoperation.
The semantic markup of multiple Web ser- vices collectively forms a distributed KB of Web services. Semantic markup can populate detailed registries of the properties and capa- bilities of Web services for knowledge-based indexing and retrieval of Web services by agent brokers and humans alike. Semantic markup can also populate individual agent KBs, to enable automated reasoning about Web services.
Our Web service markup comprises a num- ber of different ontologies that provide the backbone for our Web service descriptions. We define the domain-independent class of ser- vices, Service, and divide it into two subclasses, PrimitiveService and ComplexService. In the context of the Web, a primitive service is an individ- ual Web-executable computer program, sen- sor, or device that does not call another Web service. There is no ongoing interaction between the user and a primitive service. The user or agent calls the service, and the service returns a response. An example of a primitive service is a Web-accessible program that returns a postal code, given a valid address. In contrast, a complex service is composed of
multiple primitive services, often requiring an interaction or conversation between the user and services, so that the user can make deci- sions. An example might be interacting with www.amazon.com to buy a book.
Domain-specific Web service ontologies are subclasses of these general classes. They enable an individual service to inherit shared concepts, and vocabulary in a partic- ular domain. The ontology being used is spec- ified in the Web site markup and then simply refined and augmented to provide service- specific markup. For example, we might define an ontology containing the class Buy, with subclass BuyTicket, which has subclasses BuyMovieTicket, BuyAirlineTicket, and so forth. Buy- AirlineTicket has subclasses BuyUALTicket, Buy- LufthansaTicket, and so on. Each service is either a PrimitiveService or a ComplexService. Associated with each service is a set of Parameters. For example, the class Buy will have the parame- ter Customer. BuyAirlineTicket will inherit the Cus- tomer parameter and will also have the para- meters Origin, Destination, DepartureDate, and so on. We constructed domain-specific ontologies to describe parameter values. For example, we restricted the values of Origin and Destination to instances of the class Airport. BuyUALTicket inherits these parameters, further restricting them to Aiports whose property Airlines includes UAL. These value restrictions provide an important way of describing Web service properties, which supports better brokering of services and simple type checking for our declarative APIs. In addition, we have used these restrictions in our agent technology to create customized user interfaces.
Markup for Web service discovery. To auto- mate Web service discovery, we associate properties with services that are relevant to automated service classification and selec- tion. In the case of BuyUALTicket, these would include service-independent property types such as the company name, the service URL, a unique service identifier, the intended use, and so forth. They would also include service- specific property types such as valid methods of payment, travel bonus plans accepted, and so forth. This markup, together with certain of the properties specified later, collectively pro- vides a declarative advertisement of service properties and capabilities, which is computer interpretable and can be used for automatic service discovery.
Markup for Web service execution. To auto- mate Web service execution, markup must
The Case for DAML
In recent years, several markup languages have been devel- oped with a view to creating languages that are adequate for realizing the Semantic Web. The construction of these lang- uages is evolving according to a layered approach to language development.1
XML was the first language to separate the markup of Web content from Web presentation, facilitating the representa- tion of task- and domain-specific data on the Web. Unfortu- nately, XML lacks semantics. As such, computer programs can- not be guaranteed to determine the intended interpretation of XML tags. For example, a computer program would not be able to identify that
The World Wide Web Consortium developed the resource description framework (RDF)2 as a standard for metadata.
The goal was to add a formal semantics to the Web, defined
on top of XML, to provide a data model and syntax convention for representing the semantics of data in a standardized inter- operable manner. It provides a means of describing the relation- ships among resources (basically anything nameable by a URI)
in terms of named properties and values. The RDF working group also developed RDF Schema, an object-oriented type sys- tem that can be effectively thought of as a minimal ontology- modeling language. Although RDF and RDFS provide good building blocks for defining a Semantic Web markup language, they lack expressive power. For example, you can’t define prop- erties of properties, necessary and sufficient conditions for class membership, or equivalence and disjointness of classes. Further- more, the only constraints expressible are domain and range constraints on properties. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the semantics remains underspecified.
Recently, there have been several efforts to build on RDF
and RDFS with more AI-inspired knowledge representation languages such as SHOE,3 DAML-ONT,4 OIL,5 and most recently DAML+OIL. DAML+OIL is the second in the DAML family of markup languages, replacing DAML-ONT as an expressive ontol- ogy description language for markup. Building on top of RDF and RDFS, and with its roots in AI description logics, DAML+OIL overcomes many of the expressiveness inadequacies plaguing RDFS and most important, has a well-defined model-theoretic semantics as well as an axiomatic specification that determines the language’s intended interpretations. DAML+OIL is unam- biguously computer-interpretable, thus making it amenable to
agent interoperability and automated-reasoning techniques, such as those we exploit in our agent technology.
In the next six months, DAML will be extended with the addi- tion of DAML-L, a logical language with a well-defined seman- tics and the ability to express at least propositional Horn clauses. Horn clauses enable compact representation of constraints and rules for reasoning. Consider a flight information service that encodes whether a flight shows a movie. One way to do this is to create a markup for each flight indicating whether or not it does. A more compact representation is to write the constraint flight-over-3-hours → movie and to use deductive reasoning to infer if a flight will show a movie. This representation is more compact, more informative, and easier to modify than an explicit enumer- ation of individual flights and movies. Similarly, such clauses can represent markup constraints, business rules, and user prefer- ences in a compact form.
DAML+OIL and DAML-L together will provide a markup lan- guage for the Semantic Web with reasonable expressive power and a well-defined semantics. Should further expressive power be necessary, the layered approach to language development lets a more expressive logical language extend DAML-L or act as an alternate extension to DAML+OIL. Because DAML-L has not yet been developed, our current Web service markup is in a combination of DAML+OIL and a subset of first-order logic. Our markup will evolve as the DAML family of languages evolves.
1. D. Fensel, “The Semantic Web and Its Languages,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, p. 67–73.
2. O. Lassila and R. Swick, Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification, W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium, Feb. 1999; www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax (current 11 Apr. 2001).
3. S. Luke and J. Heflin, SHOE 1.01. Proposed Specification, www.cs.umd.edu/projects/plus/SHOE/spec1.01.html, 2000 (current 20 Mar. 2001).
4. J. Hendler and D. McGuinness, “The DARPA Agent Markup Language,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 72–73.
5. F. van Harmelen and I. Horrocks, “FAQs on OIL: The Ontology Infer- ence Layer,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 69–72.
enable a computer agent to automatically construct and execute a Web service request and interpret and potentially respond to the service’s response. Markup for execution requires a dataflow model, and we use both a function metaphor and a process or con- versation model to realize our markup. Each primitive service is conceived as a function with Input values and potentially multiple alternative Output values. For example, if the user orders a book, the response will differ depending on whether the book is in stock, out of stock, or out of print.
Complex services are conceived as a com- position of functions (services) whose output
might require an exchange of information between the agent and an individual service. For example, a complex service that books a flight for a user might involve first finding flights that meet the user’s request, then sus- pending until the user selects one flight. Com- plex services are composed of primitive or complex services using typical programming languages and business-process modeling language constructs such as Sequence, Iteration, If-then-Else, and so forth. This markup provides declarative APIs for individual Web services that are necessary for automatic Web service execution. It additionally provides a process dataflow model for complex services. For an
agent to respond automatically to a complex service execution—that is, to automatically interoperate with that service—it will require some of the information encoded for auto- matic composition and interoperation.
Markup for Web service composition. The function metaphor used for automatic Web ser- vice execution provides information about data flow, but it does not provide information about what the Web service actually does. To auto- mate service composition, and for services and agents to interoperate, we must also encode how the service affects the world. For exam- ple, when a user visits www.amazon.com and
The Semantic Web
successfully executes the BuyBook service, she knows she has purchased a book, that her credit card will be debited, and that she will receive a book at the address she provided. Such con- sequences of Web service execution are not part of the markup nor part of the function- based specification provided for automatic execution. To automate Web service composi- tion and interoperation, or even to select an individual service to meet some objective, we must encode prerequisites and consequences of Web service execution for computer use.
Our DAML markup of Web services for automatic composition and interoperability is built on an AI-based action metaphor. We con- ceive each Web service as an action—either a PrimitiveAction or a ComplexAction. Primitive actions are in turn conceived as world-altering actions that change the state of the world, such as deb- iting the user’s credit card, booking the user a ticket, and so forth; as information-gathering actions that change the agent’s state of knowl- edge, so that after executing the action, the agent knows a piece of information; or as some combination of the two.
An advantage of exploiting an action metaphor to describe Web services is that it lets us bring to bear the vast AI research on rea- soning about action, to support automated rea- soning tasks such as Web service composition. In developing our markup, we choose to remain agnostic with respect to an action representa- tion formalism. In the AI community, there is widespread disagreement over the best action representation formalism. As a consequence, different agents use very different internal rep- resentations for reasoning about and planning sequences of actions. The planning community has addressed this lack of consensus by devel- oping a specification language for describing planning domains—Plan Domain Description Language (PDDL).7 We adopt this language here, specifying each of our Web services in terms of PDDL-inspired Parameters, Preconditions, and Effects. The Input and Output necessary for automatic Web service execution also play the role of KnowledgePreconditions and KnowledgeEffects for the purposes of Web service composition and interoperation. We assume, as in the planning community, that users will compile this gen- eral representation into an action formalism that best suits their reasoning needs. Translators already exist from PDDL to a variety of differ- ent AI action formalisms.
Complex actions, like complex services, are compositions of individual services; however, dependencies between these compositions are predicated on state rather than on data, as is
the case with the execution-motivated markup. Complex actions are composed of primitive actions or other complex actions using typi- cal programming languages and business- process modeling-language constructs such as Sequence, Parallel, If-then-Else, While, and so forth.
DAML markup of user constraints and preferences
Our vision is that agents will exploit users’ constraints and preferences to help customize users’ requests for automatic Web service dis- covery, execution, or composition and inter- operation. Examples of user constraints and preferences include user Bob’s schedule, his travel bonus point plans, that he prefers to drive if the driving time to his destination is less than
Consider the example task given earlier: “Make the travel arrangements for my IJCAI 2001 conference trip.” If you were to perform this task using services available on the Web, you might first find the IJCAI 2001 confer- ence Web page and determine the confer- ence’s location and dates. Based on the loca- tion, you would choose the most appropriate mode of transportation. If traveling by air, you might then check flight schedules with one or more Web services, book flights, and so on.
Although the entire procedure is lengthy and somewhat tedious to perform, the aver- age person could easily describe how to make your travel arrangements. Nevertheless, it’s not easy to get someone else to make the arrangements for you. What makes this task difficult is not the basic steps but the need to make decisions to customize the generic pro- cedure to enforce the traveler’s constraints. Constraints can be numerous and conse- quently difficult for another person to keep in mind and satisfy. Fortunately, enforcing com- plex constraints is something a computer does well.
Our objective is to develop agent technol- ogy that will perform these types of tasks auto- matically by exploiting DAML markup of Web services and of user constraints and pref- erences. We argue that many of the activities users might wish to perform on the Semantic Web, within the context of their workplace or home, can be viewed as customizations of reusable, high-level generic procedures. Our vision is to construct such reusable, high-level generic procedures and to represent them as distinguished services in DAML using a sub- set of the markup designed for complex ser- vices. We also hope to archive them in sharable generic procedures ontologies so that multiple users can access them. Generic pro- cedures are customized with respect to users’ constraints, using deductive machinery.
Generic procedures and customiz- ing user constraints
We built our research on model-based pro- gramming8 and on research into the agent programming language Golog and its vari- ants, such as ConGolog.5 Our goal was to provide a DAML-enabled agent program- ming capability that supports writing generic procedures for Web service-based tasks.
Model-based programs comprise a model— in this case, the agent’s KB—and a program— the generic procedure we wish to execute. We argue that the situation calculus (a logical lan- guage for reasoning about action and change)
Our vision is that agents will exploit users’ constraints and preferences to help customize users’ requests for automatic Web service discovery, execution, or composition and interoperation.
three hours, that he likes to get stock quotes from the E*Trade Web service, that his com- pany requires all domestic business travel to be with a particular set of carriers, and so forth. The actual markup of user constraints is rela- tively straightforward, given DAML-L. We can express most constraints as these Horn clauses (see the sidebar), and ontologies let users clas- sify, inherit, and share constraints. Inheriting terminology from Web service ontologies ensures, for example, that Bob’s constraint about DrivingTime is enforced by determining the value of DrivingTime from a service that uses the same notion of DrivingTime. More challenging than the markup itself is the agent technology that will appropriately exploit it.
DAML-enabled agent technology
Our semantic markup of Web services enables a wide variety of agent technologies. Here, we present an agent technology we are developing that exploits DAML markup of Web services to perform automated Web ser- vice composition.
a1 aj an
.. .
a1 aj an
… …
a1 aj an
. .. … …
a1 aj an …
a1 aj an … …
Primitive action: a
Test of truth: φ?
Sequence: (δ1; δ2)
Nondeterministic choice between actions: (δ1 | δ2) Nondeterministic choice of arguments: π x.δ Nondeterministic iteration: δ *
Conditiona: if φ then δ1 else δ2 endIf Loop: while φ do δ endWhile Procedure: proc P(v) δ endProc
while ∃x.(hotel(x)∧ goodLoc(x,dest)) do checkAvailability(x,dDate,rDate)
if ¬ hotelAvailable(dest,dDate,rDate) then BookB&B(cust,dest,dDate,rDate)
proc Travel(cust,origin,dest,dDate,rDate,purpose);
If registrationRequired then Register endlf; BookTranspo(cust,origin,dest,dDate,rDate); BookAccommodations(cust,dest,dDate,rDate); UpdateExpenseClaim(cust);
endProc (b)
Figure 2. The tree of situations.
and ConGolog5 provide a compelling language for realizing our agent technology. When a user requests a generic procedure, such as a generic travel arrangements procedure, the agent pop- ulates its local KB with the subset of the PDDL- inspired DAML Web service markup that is rel- evant to the procedure. It also adds the user’s constraints to its KB. Exploiting our action metaphor for Web services, the agent KB pro- vides a logical encoding of the preconditions and effects of the Web service actions in the language of the situation calculus.
Model-based programs, such as our generic procedures, are written in ConGolog without prior knowledge of what specific services the agent will use or of how exactly to use the avail- able services. As such, they capture what to achieve but not exactly how to do it. They use procedural programming language constructs (if-then-else, while, and so forth) composed with concepts defined in our DAML service and constraints ontologies to describe the proce- dure. The agent’s model-based program is not executable as is. We must deductively instanti- ate it in the context of the agent’s KB, which includes properties of the agent and its user, properties of the specific services we are using, and the state of the world. We perform the instantiation by using deductive machinery. An instantiated program is simply a sequence of primitive actions (individual Web services), which ConGolog interprets and sends to the agent broker as a request for service. The great advantage of these generic procedures is that the same generic procedure, called with differ- ent parameters and user constraints, can gen- erate very different sequences of actions.
ConGolog is a high-level logic programming language developed at the University of Toronto. Its primary use is for robot program-
ming and to support high-level robot task planning. ConGolog is built on top of situ- ation calculus. In situation calculus, the world is conceived as a tree of situations, starting at an initial situation, S0, and evolv- ing to a new situation through the perfor- mance of an action a (for example, Web services such as BuyUALTicket(origin,dest, date)). Thus, a situation s is a history of the actions performed from S0. The state of the world is expressed in terms of relations and func- tions (so-called fluents) that are true or false or have a particular value in a situation, s (for example, flightAvailable(origin,dest, date,s)).
Figure 2 illustrates the tree of situations induced by a situation calculus theory with actions a1, …,an (ignore the ×’s for the time being). The tree is not actually computed, but it reflects the search space the situation cal- culus KB induces. We could have performed deductive plan synthesis to plan sequences of Web service actions over this search space, but instead, we developed generic procedures in ConGolog.
ConGolog provides a set of extralogical procedural programming constructs for assembling primitive and complex situation calculus actions into other complex actions.5 Let δ1 and δ2 be complex actions, and let φ and a be so-called pseudo fluents and pseudo actions, respectively—that is, a fluent or action in the language of situation calculus with all its situation arguments suppressed. Figure 3a shows a subset of the constructs in the ConGolog language.
A user can employ these constructs to write generic procedures, which are complex actions in ConGolog. The instruction set for these complex actions is simply the general Web services (for example, BookAirlineTicket) or other complex actions. Figure 3b gives exam- ples of ConGolog statements.
To instantiate a ConGolog program in the
context of a KB, the abbreviation Do(δ,s,s′) is defined. It says that Do(δ,s,s′) holds when- ever s′ is a terminating situation following the execution of complex action δ, starting in situation s. Given the agent KB and a generic procedure δ, we can instantiate δ with respect to the KB and the current situation S0 by entailing a binding for the situation variable s. Because situations are simply the history of actions from S0, the binding for s defines a sequence of actions that leads to successful termination of the generic procedure δ:
KB ❘= (∃ s).Do(δ, S , s) 0
It is important to observe that ConGolog pro- grams—and hence our generic procedures— are not programs in the conventional sense. Although they have the complex structure of programs—including loops, if-then-else state- ments, and so forth—they differ in that they are not necessarily deterministic. Rather than nec- essarily dictating a unique sequence of actions, ConGolog programs serve to add temporal con- straints to the situation tree of a KB, as Figure 2 depicts. As such, they eliminate certain branches of the situation tree (designated by the ×’s), reducing the size of the search space of situations that instantiate the generic procedure.
Figure 3. (a) A subset of the constructs in the ConGolog language. (b) Examples of ConGolog statements.
1 2
4 5
| ?– travel (‘Bob Chen‘, ‘09/02/00‘, ‘San Francisco‘, ‘Monterey‘, ‘DAML‘). Contacting Web Service Broker:
Request Driving Time [San Francisco] – [Monterey] Result 2
Contacting Web Service Broker:
Request Car Info in [San Francisco]
HERTZShuttle to Car CounterEconomy Car Automati… ACEOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedEconomy Car Aut… NATIONALShuttle to Car CounterEconomy Car Auto… FOXOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedMini Car Automa… PAYLESSOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedMini Car Au… ALL INTLOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedEconomy Ca… HOLIDAYOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedEconomy Car…
ABLE RENTOff Airport, Shuttle ProvidedCompact C…
HERTZ (San Francisco Airport), Location: Shuttle to Car Counter, Economy C
ar Automatic with Air Conditioning, Unlimited Mileage
Contact Web Service Broker:
Request Hotel Info in [Monterey]
TravelodgeMonterey, CA55 Rooms / 2 FloorsNo… EconolodgesMonterey, CA47 Rooms / 2 Floors 1… Lexington SerciesMonterey, CA52 RoomsNot A… Ramada InnsMonterey, CA47 RoomsNot Availabl… Best Western IntlMonterey, CA43 Rooms / 3 Floo… Motel 6Monterey, CA52 Rooms / 2 FloorsNot A… Villager LodgeMonterey, CA55 Rooms / 2 Floors<... Best Western IntlMonterey, CA34 Rooms / 2 Flo…
Figure 4. Agent interacting with Web services through OAA.
The Desirable predicate, Desirable(a,s), which we introduced into ConGolog to incor- porate user constraints, also further reduces the tree to those situations that are desirable to the user. Because generic procedures and cus- tomizing user constraints simply serve to con- strain the possible evolution of actions, depend- ing on how they are specified, they can play different roles. At one extreme, the generic pro- cedure simply constrains the search space required in planning. At the other extreme, a generic procedure can dictate a unique sequence of actions, much in the way a tradi- tional program might. We leverage this nonde- terminism to describe generic procedures that have the leeway to be relevant to a broad range of users, while at the same time being cus- tomizable to reflect the desires of individual users. We contrast this to a traditional procedural program that would have to be explicitly mod- ified to incorporate unanticipated constraints.
To implement our agent technology, we started with an implementation of an online ConGolog interpreter in Quintus Prolog 3.2.5 We augmented and extended this interpreter in a variety of ways (discussed further else- where9). Some of the issues we dealt with were balancing the offline search for an instantia- tion of a generic procedure with online execu- tion of information-gathering Web services, because they help to further constrain the search space of possible solutions. We added new constructs to the ConGolog language to enable more flexible encoding of generic pro- cedures, and we incorporated users’ cus- tomizing constraints into ConGolog by adding the Desirable predicate mentioned earlier.
We also modified the interpreter to com- municate with the Open Agent Architecture agent brokering system.10 OA A sends requests to appropriate Web services and dispatches responses to the agents. When the Semantic Web is a reality, Web services will communi- cate through DAML. Currently, we must translate our markup (DAML+OIL and a sub- set of first-order logic) back and forth to HTML through a set of Java programs. We use an information extraction program, World Wide Web Wrapper Factory (http://db.cis. upenn.edu/W4F), to extract the information Web services currently produce in HTML. All information-gathering services are performed this way. For obvious practical and financial reasons, world-altering aspects of services are not actually executed.
Here, we illustrate the execution of our agent technology with a generic procedure for making travel arrangements. Let’s say Bob wants to travel from San Francisco to Monterey on Knowledge Systems Lab busi- ness with the DARPA-funded DAML re- search project. He has two constraints—one personal and one inherited from the KSL, to which he belongs. He wishes to drive rather than fly, if the driving time is less than three hours, and as a member of the KSL, he has inherited the constraint that he must use an American carrier for business travel.
In reality, our demo doesn’t provide much to see. The user makes a request to the agent through a user interface that is automatically created from our DAML+OIL agent proce- dures ontology, and the agent emails the user the travel itinerary when it is done. For the pur-
poses of illustration, Figure 4 provides a win- dow into what is happening behind the scenes. It is a trace from the run of our augmented and extended ConGolog interpreter, operating in Quintus Prolog. The agent KB is represented in a Prolog encoding of the situation calculus, a translation of the Semantic Web service markup relevant to the generic travel procedure being called, together with Bob’s user con- straint markup. We have defined a generic pro- cedure for travel not unlike the one illustrated in Figure 3b.
Arrow 1 points to the call to the ConGolog procedure travel(user,origin,dest,dDate,rDate,purpose), with the parameters instantiated as noted.
Arrow 2 shows the interpreter contacting OAA, which sends a request to Yahoo Maps to exe- cute the getDrivingTime(San Franciso,Monterey) service Yahoo Maps provides. Yahoo Maps indicates that the driving time between San Francisco and Monterey is two hours. Because Bob has a constraint that he wishes to drive if the driving distance is less than three hours, booking a flight is not desirable. Consequently, as de- picted at Arrow 3, the agent elects to search for an available car rental at the point of origin, San Francisco. A number of available cars are re- turned, and because Bob has no constraints that affect car selection, the first car is selected at Arrow 4. Arrow 5 depicts the call to OAA for a hotel at the destination point, and so on. Our agent technology goes on to complete Bob’s travel arrangements, creating an expense claim form for Bob and filling in as much informa- tion as was available from the Web services. The expense claim illustrates the agent’s abil- ity to both read and write Semantic Web markup. Finally, the agent sends an email mes-
sage to Bob, notifying him of his agenda.
To demonstrate the merits of our approach, we often contrast such an execution of the generic travel procedure with one a different user called, with different user constraints. The different user and constraints produce a different search space, thus yielding a dif-
ferent sequence of Web services.
Related work
Our agent technology broadly relates to the plethora of work on agent-based systems. Three agent technologies that deserve men- tion are the Golog family of agent technolo- gies referenced earlier, the work of researchers at SRI on Web agent technology,11 and the softbot work developed at the University of Washington.12 The last also used a notion of action schemas to describe actions on the Internet that an agent could use to achieve a
The Au
goal. Also of note is the Ibrow system, an intel- ligent brokering service for knowledge-com- ponent reuse on the Web.13 Our work is simi- lar to Ibrow in the use of an agent brokering system and ontologies to support interaction with the Web. Nevertheless, we are focusing on developing and exploiting Semantic Web markup, which will provide us with the KB for our agents. Our agent technology performs automated service composition based on this markup. This is a problem the Ibrow commu- nity has yet to address.
The DAML family of semantic Web markup languages will enable Web service providers to develop semantically grounded, rich representations of Web services that a variety of different agent architectures and technologies can exploit to a variety of dif- ferent ends. The markup and agent technology presented in this article is but one of many pos- sible realizations. We are building on the mark- up presented here to provide a core set of Web service markup language constructs in a language we’re calling DAML-S. We’re work- ing in collaboration with SRI, Carnegie Mel- lon University, Bolt Baranek and Newman, and Nokia, and we’ll eventually publish the language at www.daml.org. Our agent tech- nology for automating Web service composi- tion and interoperation is also fast evolving. We’ll publicize updates at www.ksl.stanford. edu/projects/DAML/webservices.
We thank Richard Fikes and Deborah McGuin- ness for useful discussions related to this work; Ron Fadel and Jessica Jenkins for their help with ser- vice ontology construction; and the reviewers, Adam Cheyer and Karl Pfleger for helpful com- ments on a draft of this article. We also thank the Cognitive Robotics Group at the University of Toronto for providing an initial ConGolog inter- preter that we have extended and augmented, and SRI for the use of the Open Agent Architecture soft- ware. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the finan- cial support of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DAML Program #F30602-00-2- 0579-P00001.
1. J. Hendler, “Agents and the Semantic Web,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, Mar./Apr. 2001, pp. 30–37.
Sheila A. McIlraith is a research scientist in Stanford University’s Knowl- edge Systems Laboratory and the project lead on the KSL’s DAML Web Ser- vices project. Her research interests include knowledge representation and reasoning techniques for the Web, for modeling, diagnosing, and controlling static and dynamical systems, and for model-based programming of devices and agents. She received her PhD in computer science from the University of Toronto. Contact her at sam@ksl.stanford.edu.
Tran Cao Son is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Sci- ence at New Mexico State University. His research interests include knowl- edge representation, autonomous agents, reasoning about actions and changes, answer set programming and its applications in planning and diagnosis, model based reasoning, and logic programming. Contact him at tson@cs.nmsu.edu.
Honglei Zeng is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. He is also a research assistant in the Knowledge Sys- tems Laboratory. His research interests include the Semantic Web, knowl- edge representation, commonsense reasoning, and multiple agents systems. Contact him at hlzeng@ksl.stanford.edu.
2. T. Berners-Lee, M. Fischetti, and T. M. Der- touzos, Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its Inventor, Harper, San Fran- cisco, 1999.
3. F. van Harmelen and I. Horrocks, “FAQs on OIL: The Ontology Inference Layer,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 15, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 69–72.
4. J. Hendler and D. McGuinness, “The DARPA Agent Markup Language,” IEEE Intelligent Sys- tems, vol. 15, no. 6, Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 72–73.
5. G. De Giacomo, Y. Lesperance, and H. Levesque, “ConGolog, a Concurrent Pro- gramming Language Based on the Situation Calculus,” Artificial Intelligence, vols. 1–2, no. 121, Aug. 2000, pp. 109–169.
6. K. Sycara et al., “Dynamic Service Match- making among Agents in Open Information Environments,” J. ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 28, no. 1, Mar. 1999, pp. 47–53.
7. M. Ghallab et al., PDDL: The Planning Domain Definition Language, Version 1.2, tech. report CVC TR–98–003/DCS TR–1165, Yale Center for Computational Vision and Control, Yale Univ., New Haven, Conn., 1998.
8. S. McIlraith, “Modeling and Programming Devices and Web Agents,” to be published in Proc. NASA Goddard Workshop Formal
Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.
9. S. McIlraith and T.C. Son, “Adapting Golog for Programming the Semantic Web,” to be published in Proc. 5th Symp. on Logical For- malizations of Commonsense Reasoning (Common Sense 2001), 2001.
10. D.L. Martin, A.J. Cheyer, and D.B. Moran, “The Open Agent Architecture: A Framework for Building Distributed Software Systems,” Applied Artificial Intelligence, vol. 13, nos. 1–2, Jan.–Mar. 1999, pp. 91–128.
11. R. Waldinger, “Deductive Composition of Web Software Agents,” to be published in Proc. NASA Goddard Workshop Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.
12. O. Etzioni and D. Weld, “A Softbot-Based Interface to the Internet,” Comm. ACM, July 1994, Vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 72–76.
13. V. R. Benjamins et al., “IBROW3: An Intel- ligent Brokering Service for Knowledge- Component Reuse on the World Wide Web,” Proc. 11th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based System Workshop (KAW ’ 98), Banff, Canada, 1998; http://spuds.cpsc. ucalgary.ca/KAW/KAW98/KAW98Proc. html (current 20 Mar. 2001).