CS代考计算机代写 Java ocaml Name:_____________________ Student ID:__________
Name:_____________________ Student ID:__________
1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |total
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1a (10 minutes). Write an OCaml function merge_sorted that merges two
sorted lists. Its first argument should be a comparison function ¡®lt¡¯
that compares two list elements and returns true if the first element
is less than the second. Its second and third arguments should be the
lists to be merged. For example, (merge_sorted (<) [21; 49; 49; 61]
[-5; 20; 25; 49; 50; 100]) should yield [-5; 20; 21; 25; 49; 49; 49; 50;
61; 100].
1b (3 minutes). What is the type of merge_sorted?
1c (3 minutes). What does the following expression yield, and what is
its type?
merge_sorted (fun a b -> List.length a < List.length b)
1d (8 minutes). Is your implementation of merge_sorted
tail-recursive? If so, briefly say why it won¡¯t have any problem with
stack overflow. If not, briefly say why not, and explain any problems
you would have in rewriting your implementation to make it
2 (9 minutes). Consider the following top-level OCaml definitions:
let f f = f 1 1
let g g = g 0.0 g
let h h = h f "x"
For each identifier declared in this code, give the identifier¡¯s scope
and type. Or, if there is a scope or type error, briefly explain
the error.
3a (5 minutes). In Java, is the subtype relation transitive? That is,
if A is a subtype of B and B is a subtype of C, is A a subtype of C?
If so, explain why; if not, give a counterexample.
3b (5 minutes). In Java, is the graph of the subtype relation a tree?
If so, explain why, and say what the root is; if not, give a
4. Consider the following grammar for declarations in a subset of C.
Ths grammar uses a form of EBNF in which the left hand side is not
indented and is followed by ":", each right hand alternative is
indented, nonterminals are strings of letters and "-", terminal
symbols are either surrounded by single quotes or are INT (meaning an
integer constant) or ID (meaning an identifier), and X? stands for
zero or one instances of X.
declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list? ¡®;¡¯
2/6/2018 https://ccle.ucla.edu/pluginfile.php/2185778/mod_resource/content/1/cs131-mid-2017-fall.txt
storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers?
type-specifier declaration-specifiers?
type-qualifier declaration-specifiers?
function-specifier declaration-specifiers?
¡®char¡¯ ¡®int¡¯
init-declarator-list ¡®,¡¯ init-declarator
declarator ¡®=¡¯ initializer
pointer? direct-declarator
¡®(¡¯ declarator ¡®)¡¯
direct-declarator ¡®[¡¯ INT ¡®]¡¯
direct-declarator ¡®(¡¯ ¡®void¡¯ ¡®)¡¯
¡®*¡¯ type-qualifier-list? pointer?
type-qualifier-list? type-qualifier
4a (2 minutes). What makes this grammar EBNF and not simply BNF?
4b (8 minutes). Give an example declaration that is syntactically
correct (i.e., it is produced by this grammar) but is semantically
incorrect for C. Prove that it is syntactically correct. Briefly
explain why it is semantically incorrect.
4c (5 minutes). Suppose we changed the grammar by replacing the
ruleset for type-qualifier-list with the following:
type-qualifier type-qualifier-list?
Would this cause any problems? If so, describe a problem and
give an example. If not, briefly explain why not.
4d (10 minutes). Suppose we changed the original grammar by replacing
the two rulesets for declarator and direct-declarator with the
following single ruleset:
pointer? declarator
¡®(¡¯ declarator ¡®)¡¯
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2/6/2018 https://ccle.ucla.edu/pluginfile.php/2185778/mod_resource/content/1/cs131-mid-2017-fall.txt
declarator ¡®[¡¯ INT ¡®]¡¯
declarator ¡®(¡¯ ¡®void¡¯ ¡®)¡¯
Would this cause any problems? If so, describe a problem and
give an example. If not, briefly explain why not.
4e (10 minutes). Draw a syntax chart for the original grammar.
5 (10 minutes). Suppose we write Java code in a purely functional
style, in that we never assign to any variables except when
initializing them. That is, we always initialize local variables and
never assign to them later, and we always initialize instance
variables once at the start of constructors and never assign to them
In our purely-functional Java programs, is the Java Memory Model still
relevant, or can we ignore it? If it¡¯s still relevant, explain which
parts of it still apply and give an example. If not, briefly explain
why not.
6 (12 minutes). Consider the following code, taken from the answer to
the older version of Homework 2.
let match_empty frag accept = accept frag
let match_nothing frag accept = None
let rec match_star matcher frag accept =
match accept frag with
| None ->
matcher frag
| ok -> ok
(fun frag1 ->
if frag == frag1
then None
else match_star matcher frag1 accept)
let match_nucleotide nt frag accept =
match frag with
| [] -> None
| n::tail -> if n == nt then accept tail else None
let append_matchers matcher1 matcher2 frag accept =
matcher1 frag (fun frag1 -> matcher2 frag1 accept)
let make_appended_matchers make_a_matcher ls =
let rec mams = function
| [] -> match_empty
| head::tail -> append_matchers (make_a_matcher head) (mams tail)
in mams ls
In this code, a matcher is a curried function taking two arguments:
first, a fragment ¡®frag¡¯ and second, an acceptor ¡®accept¡¯. Suppose we
change the API for matchers by interchanging their arguments, so that
the acceptor comes first (all the functions remain curried). Rewrite
the above code to use the altered API, and simplify the resulting code
as much as possible.
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