留学生作业代写 FIT2093 INTRODUCTION TO CYBER SECURITY – cscodehelp代写

Week 2 Lecture Cryptography I: Symmetric Key Encryption Part 2

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Symmetric Cryptography
Part 2: Modern Encryption Algorithms ● Blockciphers
● Designrequirements
● CasestudyI:DataEncryptionStandard(DES)
● CasestudyII:AdvancedEncryptionStandard(AES)
● BlockCipherModes:Howtouseblockciphersforencryption • ECB, CBC, CTR

Block Ciphers

Modern Ciphers vs Classical Ciphers
Symmetric Cryptography
● vsclassicalciphers:processplaintextincharacters ● modern ciphers: process plaintext in blocks
Classical: 1 plaintext char e.g. A
Modern: 1 plaintext block ( 128 bits) e.g. 11010…111
Modern approach to encryption design:
1 ciphertext char e.g. X
1 ciphertext block (128 bits) e.g. 01011…011
● Design a block cipher (for encrypting one block length, e.g. 128 bit)
● Use a block cipher mode of operation to encrypt (arbitrary length messages)
● Another approach: stream ciphers – bit by bit encryption (we won’t study)

Block Cipher
Symmetric Cryptography
• plaintext block P of length n bits
• secret key K of length k bits
• ciphertext block C of length n bits
● algorithmEappliesefficientsubstitution&permutation(transposition) operations to compute C = E(K,P)

Block Cipher: Requirements
Symmetric Cryptography
● DecryptionCorrectness:
• Decryption algorithm D correctly decrypts C produced by E, i.e.
• i.e. for any (P, K), if C = E(K,P) then D(K,C) = P

Block Cipher: Requirements
Symmetric Cryptography
● PseudorandomFunctionSecurity(PRF):
• E should have the Confusion & Diffusion properties
• Outputs of E look random: If K chosen randomly,
computationally infeasible for an attacker to distinguish output ciphertexts Ci = E(K,Pi) from random bit strings of same length,
even if attacker corresponding distinct plaintexts Pi’s (known plaintext attack)
P E C rand Z K

Block Cipher: Requirements
Symmetric Cryptography
● PseudorandomFunctionSecurity(PRF): • i.e. as long as K is random,
• outputs C from encryption E should look like random bit strings Z of same length
• attacker cannot tell the difference, even if s/he knows P • à means the encryption really able to “mix” P up
P E C rand Z
Attacker can’t tell difference between C and Z, (even given P, but not given K).

PRF Security: Simple Examples
• Q: Do you think Cipher EA has PRF security?
• What about cipher EB?
P EA C P EB C 11110101 01110110 11110101 00101101
00000101 10000110 00000101 10111110 KK
10110110 00110101

Block Cipher: Design
Symmetric Cryptography
● Repeatedcombinationof…
• Confusion via Substitution
• substitutes
• Diffusion via Permutation • spreads
Note: image by PRESENT designers

Block Cipher: Older ones
Symmetric Cryptography
● DES [US, 1977] (stronger version called 3DES) • |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 56 bits
● LOKI [ADFA, Australia, 1989]
• |P|=|C|=|K| = 64 bits
● FEAL [NTT, Japan, 1990]
• |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 128 bits
● IDEA [Lai & Massey, Switzerland, 1991], used in PGP
• |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 128 bits
● MISTY1 [Mitsubishi, Japan, 1995]
• |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 128 bits

Block Cipher: Newer ones
Symmetric Cryptography
● KASUMI for 3G standard [Mitsubishi+3GPP, 2000] • |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 128 bits
● AES [Joan Daemen & , Belgium, 2001] • |P|=|C|= 128 bits, |K| = 128,192,256 bits
● Lightweight Block Ciphers
• ISO/IEC 29192-2:2019:
• PRESENT [2007]: |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 180, 128 bits
• CLEFIA [2007]: |P|=|C|= 128 bits, |K| = 128,192,256
• LEA [2013]: |P|=|C|= 128 bits, |K| = 128,192,256

Block Cipher: Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Symmetric Cryptography
● DES [US, 1977]
• |P|=|C|= 64 bits, |K| = 56 bits
• has Feistel structure [ @IBM]
• used to be *the* standard for encryption
• obsolete, totally insecure, withdrawn as standard [2005]
● Triple-DES (3-DES) [US, 1995] • stronger version of DES
• do DES 3 times
• still in use as a standard

DES Structure: Feistel
Symmetric Cryptography
● 1stround:
• R1 =L0 ⊕f(R0,K1)
● foreachroundi(i=1,2,…,n): • Li=Ri-1
• Ri =Li-1 ⊕f(Ri-1,Ki)
• f = round function
• Ki = round sub-key
● Decryption: reverse the process

Bit-wise exclusive-or (XOR) : Refresher
Symmetric Cryptography
Decrytibility property of XOR: (P ⊕ K) ⊕ K = P e.g. P = 1110, K = 0101,
Encrypt:C=P ⊕ K= 1110 ⊕ 0101=1011 Decrypt:P=C ⊕ K =1011 ⊕ 0101=1110
Q: How to use decryptibility of XOR to decrypt the first round of Feistel cipher?
i.e. given (L1, R1), and K1, how to compute (L0, R0)?
• 1) How can we find R0 from L1? (Hint: Look at the top of left diagram!)
• 2) How can we find T1 from R0 and K1? (Hint: Look at the top of left diagram!)
• 3) How can we find L0 from R1 and T1? (Hint: From diagram, R1 = L0 ⊕ T1)
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0 0=0 1 1=0 0 1=1 1 0=1

DES Structure: Round Function F
Symmetric Cryptography
● 32bitsgointof
● E: 32 → 48 bits, & permuted
● ⊕: XOR with subkey Ki
● 48→6|6|6|6|6|6bits
● 8 S-boxes: 6 → 4 bits
● 4|4|4|4|4|4→32bits
● P: Permutes the 32 bits of Sbox outputs

Block Cipher: Relation of Parameters to Security
Symmetric Cryptography
● Block size |P|=|C|: ↑ block size ⇒ ↑ security
● Key size |K|: ↑ key size ⇒ ↑ security
● Number of rounds r: ↑ rounds ⇒ ↑ confusion/diffusion ⇒ ↑ security
● Q: Why not making blocksize, key size and number of rounds very large, if this (usually) tends to increase security?
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Block Cipher: Security vs Brute Force
Symmetric Cryptography
● brute force / exhaustive key search
● effort to guess secret key K & to verify guess
● brute force guess k-bit key needs 2k guesses & verifications
● Q: how to verify key guess?

Block Cipher: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Symmetric Cryptography
● [1997] US National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) issued call for proposals of algorithms for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to replace DES
● developed by Joan Daemen & [Belgium]
○ also known as Rijndael algorithm
● [2000] AES algorithm selected, standardised in 2001
● Blocksize:
● Key size:
● #rounds:
|K| = 128, 192, 256 bits
10, 12, 14

AES: Encryption Structure
Symmetric Cryptography
○ represented as array of bytes
● Round function ○ SubBytes:
○ ShiftRow
○ MixColumns
○ AddRoundKey

AES: Round Function
Symmetric Cryptography
● Round function ○ SubBytes
○ ShiftRow
○ MixColumns
○ AddRoundKey

AES: Round Function
Symmetric Cryptography
● Round function ○ SubBytes ○ ShiftRow
○ MixColumns
○ AddRoundKey

AES: Round Function
Symmetric Cryptography
● Round function ○ SubBytes
○ ShiftRow
○ MixColumns ○ AddRoundKey

AES: Round Function
Symmetric Cryptography
● Round function ○ SubBytes
○ ShiftRow
○ MixColumns
○ AddRoundKey

AES: Implementation Aspects
Symmetric Cryptography
● efficientlyimplementedon8-bitCPU
○ SubBytes:onbytesusingatableof256entries
○ ShiftRows:simplebyteshift
○ MixColumns:matrixmultiplicationinfinitefieldGF(28)i.e.bytevalue coefficients
○ AddRoundKey:simplebyteXOR
● Warning:Don’timplementAESorDESyourself
○ straightforwardimplementationsareinsecureagainstsidechannel attacks (e.g. timing attack)
○ useawell-knowncryptolibrarywrittenbyexperts

Cipher Security: Cryptanalysis
Symmetric Cryptography
● anycipherdesignneedstoundergosecurityanalysis
○ brute force: always applicable, upper bound
> on average, need to try half of key space
> e.g. for k-bit key, key space is 2k
○ Goal of cryptanalysis: Find Shortcut attacks faster than brute force > exploit
– cipher structure
– plaintext characteristics/features/patterns
> To try to make breaking effort < brute force > For a well designed modern cipher, no shortcut attacks known! > àFastest attack = brute force

Cipher Security: Security Models
Symmetric Cryptography
● Q:Toanalysethreatsagainstciphers,wecanspecifyanattackmodel ● AttackModel=Securitygamebetween:
○ users on one side, with security goal > behave, follow steps
○ attackers on the other side, vs security goal
> have adversarial goal
> have adversarial capabilities
– knowledge of …
– access to …
– can exploit users

Cipher Security Models: Attacker Capabilities
Symmetric Cryptography
● Cancategorizesecuritymodelbasedonattacker’scapabilities(whats/he can access to):
○ Ciphertext Only Attack (COA)
○ Known Plaintext Attack (KPA)
○ Chosen Plaintext Attack (CPA)
○ Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA)
– can exploit users

Cipher Security Models: Attacker Capabilities
Symmetric Cryptography
● Passive attacks
● Ciphertext Only Attacks (COA)
○ Attacker only has access to some samples of ciphertexts C
○ Example scenario: eavesdropping ciphertext of a password on the internet
● Known Plaintext Attacks (KPA)
○ Attacker knows some samples of ciphertexts C with their corresponding
plaintexts P, and try to decrypt another ciphertext C’
○ E.g. knowing C,P may reveal info. on key K, could then decrypt C’
○ examples:
○ Q: What could be a possible practical scenario for a known plaintext attack (KPA)?
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Cipher Security Models: Attacker Capabilities
Symmetric Cryptography
● Active attacks
● Chosen Plaintext Attacks (CPA)
○ Attacker can feed encryption alg. with plaintexts P and obtain matching ciphertexts C
○ example: get sender to encrypt forwarded email received from attacker
○ Such chosen (P,C) pairs may reveal even more information on secret key K
● Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (CCA)
○ Attacker can feed decryption alg. with ciphertexts C and obtain info. on their
decryption P ○ example:
○ attacker sends ciphertext C to web server
○ web server decrypts ciphertext C with key K, checks decryption validity
○ decryption validity or failure error may reveal info. on server’s key K

Cipher Security Models: Attacker Goals
Symmetric Cryptography
● PlaintextRecovery(PR)
○ Attack goal: find the unknown plaintext P* ● KeyRecovery(KR)
○ Attack goal: find the unknown secret key K ● INDistinguishability(IND)
Attacker knows the plaintext list
Attack goal: distinguish which plaintext P* ∈ {P0 , P1} was encrypted to ciphertext C
• Ideal security: not even one bit of info. on plaintext revealed to attacker! e.g is C = E(K,“Yes”) or E(K,“No”)?

Block Cipher Modes

Block Cipher: Modes of Operation
Symmetric Cryptography
● block ciphers E process data in blocks
○ e.g. 64-bits (DES, 3DES) or 128-bits (AES)
● for longer messages, must break up
○ & possibly pad the end to multiple of block
○ unambiguous padding: 100000….0000000
● 5 modes (ways) of operation, to use a block cipher
○ defined in NIST SP 800-38A
○ ECB (insecure for most applications), CBC, CTR
CFB, OFB (we don’t study)

ECB: Electronic Code Book mode
Symmetric Cryptography
● messagebrokenintoblocks,&encrypted
● eachblock’svalueissubstituted,likeusingacodebook ● eachblockisencodedindependentlyofotherblocks
Ci = E(Pi,K)
… … …

ECB Mode: Insecurity
ECB mode is insecure (i.e. not satisfy IND-CPA) even if block cipher is
> Statistical frequency analysis attack, again!
> e.g. easy to distinguish between ECB encryptions of
– M0=(P0 =0,P1 =0)
– M1=(P0 =0,P1 =1)
Q: How can an attacker easily distinguish whether given C0,C1 is ECB ciphertext of
M0 =(0,0) or M1=(0,1)?
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ECB: Electronic Code Book mode
Symmetric Cryptography

ECB: Limitations
Symmetric Cryptography
● blockindependence
○ messagerepetitionsmayshowinciphertext
> particularly with block data such as graphics
> or with messages that change very little ○ candocode-bookanalysis
● shouldbeavoided(useasecuremodeinstead)

ECB: Limitations
Symmetric Cryptography
● blockindependence:
○ Message block repetitions may show in ciphertext
■ encryption does not destroy the message pattern
ECB Secure mode

CBC: Cipher Block Chaining
Symmetric Cryptography
● messageblockslinkedtogetherinencryptionoperation
● eachpreviouscipherblockischainedwithcurrentplaintext
block, hence name
● useInitialVector(IV)tostartprocess
for i=1,…,N
Ci = E(Pi ⊕ Ci-1,K)
● uses:tosecurebulkdatae.g.harddiskencryption 39

CBC: Cipher Block Chaining
Symmetric Cryptography
Image source: Wikipedia

CBC: Advantages & Disadvantages
Symmetric Cryptography
● ciphertextblockdependsonallblocksbeforeit ○ Encryptioncannotbeparallelized
● change to a block affects all following ciphertext blocks in encryption ● error propagation: error in received block affects two decrypted
plaintext blocks
● needInitializationVector(IV)
○ which must be known to sender & receiver
○ must be chosen independently at random for each encryption
● IND-CPA Security: if IV randomly chosen independently for each message, & block cipher is a secure PRF, then CBC mode is secure

Stream Modes of Operation
Symmetric Cryptography
● vsblockmodes:encryptentireblock ● mayneedtooperateonsmallerunits
○ realtimedata
● convertblockcipherintostreamcipher
○ canuseblockcipherassomeformofpseudo-randomnumber generator (PRNG)
● StreamModes:
○ cipherfeedback(CFB)mode–wedon’tstudy ○ outputfeedback(OFB)mode–wedon’tstudy ○ counter(CTR)mode

CTR: Counter
Symmetric Cryptography
● encryptscountervalueincrementedaftereachblock
● musthaveadifferentkey&differentcountervalueforevery plaintext block (never reused)
ctr1 = IV for i=1,…,N
Oi = E(ctri,K)
Ci =Pi XOROi
ctri+1 = ctri + 1 (increment ctr)
● uses:high-speednetworkencryptions,IPSec,networksecurity

CTR: Counter
Symmetric Cryptography

CTR: Advantages & Limitations
Symmetric Cryptography
● efficiency
○ candoparallelencryptionsinh/wors/w ○ canpreprocessinadvance
○ goodforbursty&highspeedlinks
• No error propagation: error in received block does not affect decryption of subsequent blocks
● randomaccess(independentblocks)toencrypteddatablocks
● IND-CPA Security: if IV randomly chosen independently for each message or a nonce that’s never reused, & block cipher is a secure PRF, then CTR mode is secure

Further Reading
• Chapter 20 of the textbook: Computer Security: Principles and Practice” by & , , 2015
• Chapters 1-3 of textbook: Introduction to Modern Cryptography, by and , Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008. [deeper understanding]
• [ZoomECB] Zoom Videoconference using ECB mode encryption: https://citizenlab.ca/2020/04/move-fast-roll-your-own-crypto-a-quick-look-at-the- confidentiality-of-zoom-meetings/

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