程序代写代做代考 1007ICT / 1807ICT / 7611ICT Computer Systems & Networks

1007ICT / 1807ICT / 7611ICT Computer Systems & Networks
3C. Digital Logic and Digital Circuits
Dr. Sven Venema Dr. Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy

Last Lecture:
Topics Covered:
• Logic unit, Selection logic, Decoder logic
• Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
• Half and Full adders

Lecture Content
 Learningobjectives
 Arithmeticlogicunit
 Binarymultiplicationanddivision
 Shifting
 SequentialLogic
 Datalatches,S-RLatch
 Clocksandsynchronisation
 Registers,Buses,Computermemory
© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan
Page 3

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lecture you will have gained an understanding of:
 Arithmetic logic unit
 Binary multiplication and division
 Shifting
 Sequential Logic
 Data latches, S-R Latch
 Clocks and synchronisation
 Registers, Buses, Computer memory
© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan
Page 4

ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit (Section 7.2)
 The ALU is a general processing element
 It puts everything we have learnt together
 ALUs are combined in parallel for multi-bit versions
Select Cin Cout
1 bit ALU
A2 B2 A1
B1 A0 B0
Full Adder
3 bit ALU
© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan
Page 5

Multiplication and Division By 2
To multiply by 2 in binary, shift bits left and insert a zero at the right hand side.

Carry out

To divide by 2 in binary, shift bits right and insert a zero at the left hand side.
0 Carry out
© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan
Page 6
00012 = 110 00102 = 210 01002 = 410
01112 = 710 00112 = 310 00012 = 110

 Wecanusemultiplexorstoshiftbitsleftandright.
 Weneedtoselecteachoutputbittobetheinputbit
on its left or right side
Shift Left
Shift Right
Sign or 0 Left / Right
4 bit shifter
D3 D2 D1 D0
X3 X2 X1 X0
© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan
Page 7

What if we also want the shifter to not shift or to set the output to zero? Use a 4-input multiplexor
D3 D2 D1 D0

Sign or 0 SEL
X3 X2 X1 X0
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© Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan

Arbitrary Multiplication
 TomultiplybyothernumberssayA*B–wecouldaddAto itself B times, but it’s faster to use shifts and adds like this…
 The powers of 2 you need to add to get the multiplicand determines the number combination of shifts and addition we need to perform on the multiplier (ie the 1s in its binary value)
 Let << denote the binary left shift operator:  10x5=(10x4)+(10x1)=1100102 Mult. Shifts Binary Hex 10 x 4 10 x 1 1010 << 2 1010 << 0 101000 001010 28 0A 5 = 1012 = 1002 + 12 =4+1  10x7=(10x4)+(10x2)+(10x1)=10001102 Mult. Shifts Binary Hex 10 x 4 10 x 2 10 x 1 1010 << 2 1010 << 1 1010 << 0 101000 010100 001010 28 14 0A 7 = 1112 =1002 +102 +12 =4+2+1 © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 9 Multiplication Example Multiply SumA x B  Check every bit position of B so that if:  bitposition0ofBis1,addAtothesum.  bitposition1ofBis1,addA<<1tothesum.  bitposition2ofBis1,addA<<2tothesum.  bitposition3ofBis1,addA<<3tothesum.  etc.. 10 × 13 = 130 10102 x 11012 Note: 10102 << 1 is not added as bit position 1 of 11012 is 0. 10102 <<0 10102 <<2 10102 <<3 10102 1010002 + 10100002 + 100000102 = 130 © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 10 Arbitrary Division  Forarbitrarydivisionwecanusebasicbinarylong division. 84 21 2 1 13 / 3 = 1 1 0 1 / 1 1 = 4 Remainder 1 1 0 0 Answer: 4 1 1 1 1 01 -1 1 0 0 1 Remainder: 1 © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 11 Sequential Logic (Section 2.5) Previously we looked at which produces an output as some combination of the input values. Sequential logic produces an output that depends not only on the inputs but on previous inputs as well.  combinatorial logic  Input Output Logic Function © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 12 Feedback Memory Cell Data Latches  Noneofthelogicfunctionswesawbeforecanstore any data... bits come in and go straight out again. A  Considerthefollowinglogic: Latch is a logic function that can store bits in  Thiscanstorea‘1’bitbutnota‘0’bit.Weneed another input to tell it to store a ‘0’bit, like this. Q OR set reset OR Q © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 13 S-R Latch (RS-Bistable)  Let’srearrangethelogicabitasfollowsusingthe rules of logic (using DeMorgan’s Theorem) : SQSQ RR  TheresultiscalledtheSR-latch(orRS-Bistable)  BothinputsarenormallyOFF(at0)  TheSinputsetsthedatastateto1  TheRinputsetsthedatastateto0  HavingbothtoONatonceisillegal  WhenbothareOFFthelatchisstable  EitherQ=0andQ=1  Or Q=1andQ=0 S Q R Q © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 14 Clocks and Synchronisation  Themainproblemwithlatchesisthataftertheinputs change the output is unstable for a short time.  Ifwedirectlyconnecttheoutputofalatchtotheinput of another circuit then the circuit may be unstable  Aclocksignalcancontrolwhenalatchcanloadits inputs after they are stable (ie when the clock is high) Q Q 10 S Clk 10 10 R  Clockedlatchesaresometimescalled  Thefastertheclock–thefasterthatdatacanbe stored/read into a latch © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 15 Flip Flops; - Data Latch (Level-Triggered D-Type bistable)  WecanuseDeMorgan’sTheoremagaintoconvertthe Latch to use NAND gates that is set using OFF inputs.  BothinputsarenormallyON  SettingStoOFFsetsthedatastateto1  SettingRtoOFFsetsthedatastateto0  HavingbothtoOFFatonceisillegal S R - Q Q Q Q  WhenbothareONthelatchis  Asimplemodificationoftheclockedversionletsus stable create the useful D D FlipFlop Latch or D Clk - Symbol DQ © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 16 Bits / Bytes / Words  Ifcomputermemorywasonlyaddressedonebitata time, it would take quite a long time to retrieve enough data to any serious processing.  Mostcomputersdonotprocessindividualbitsbut instead group them together into multiples of 8 eg 8, 16, 32, 64 etc.  Thesegroupsaredescribedas length varies depending on the machine.  An8bitwordiscalleda words, but word Byte. Nibble so 1 byte = 2 nibbles  A4bitwordiscalleda  Therearenospecialnamesforothersizedwords. © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 17 Registers Data Latches (Level-Triggered D-Type bistables) allow us to store 1 bit of information but we can group them in parallel   This is called a of multiple bits. register to store data consisting wordsize is the number of bits a register  The can store Clk D3 D2 D1 D0 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 Simple 4 bit register using D-Latches D Q D Q D Q D Q 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 18 8 bit register Buses  Wecanconnectlogicgatestogetherwithlinesthat convey single bits of information between them.  Withregisterswehavemultipleinputandoutput lines to convey N-bits of data to and from the register  Abusisasetoflinesthatsimultaneouslyconveysa set of bits between components.  Twotypesofbusesarecommonincomputer systems: point-to-point, and multipoint buses. Register A Point to Point Bus Shared Bus (Multipoint) Register B © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 19 Reg A ALU Reg B Multipoint Buses use special gates with “tristate” outputs that can be connected together Computer Memory (Section 3.3)  Wecanuseanarrayofregistersinseriestocreate a memory bank.  Everyregisterlocationinthememorybankisgiven a unique address that is used so that we can select it and access the data stored in it.  An8bitmachinewoulduseabankof8bitregisters and access 8 bit words from memory at a time. Location Bit 43 7 0 6 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 005 Fetching word at address 003 004 would return the value 011001002 = 6416 = 10010 003 002 001 000 © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 20 Computer Memory  A memory bank needs some way of selecting memory addresses  A special register called a memory address register ( is internal to the CPU contains the physical location of the next memory address that will be selected for reading/writing.  Another internal register called the Memory Buffer Register ( MAR) which MBR) MDR)] holds the value that was read [or Memory Data Register ( /written to the selected memory address. Location Bit 7 0 6 5 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Read/Write control 005 004 003 002 001 000 43 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 MAR MBR (MDR) © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 21 Summary Have considered:  Arithmetic logic unit  Binary multiplication and division  Shifting  Sequential Logic  Data latches, S-R Latch  Clocks and synchronisation  Registers, Buses, Computer memory © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 22 Next....  Processors © Ruben Gonzalez. Revised and updated by Sven Venema, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, and Wee Lum Tan Page 23

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