程序代写 VIM QUICK REFERENCE CARD – cscodehelp代写

Insert mode
ˆVc ˆVn ……… insert char c literally, decimal value n ˆA …………………. insert previously inserted text as ˆA and stop insert → command mode ˆRx ˆRˆRx . . . . . . . . . insert content of register x, literally ˆN ˆP…………..text completion before, after cursor ˆW………………………delete word before cursor ˆU……….delete all inserted character in current line ˆD ˆT……………….shift left, right one shift width ˆKc1c2 or c1←c2 ……………… enter digraph {c1,c2} ˆOc…………execute c in temporary command mode ˆXˆE ˆXˆY ……………………….. scroll up, down ⟨esc⟩orˆ[………abandonedition→commandmode
“x ………… use register x for next delete, yank, put :reg←􏰇 …………… show the content of all registers :reg x←􏰇…………..show the content of registers x ym ……….. yank the text of movement command m yyor Y……………….yank current line into register p P………..put register after, before cursor position ]p [p……………….like p, P with indent adjusted gp gP………..like p, P leaving cursor after new text

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Advanced insertion
g?m……….perform rot13 encoding on movement m nˆA nˆX ………….. +n, −n to number under cursor gqm ……. format lines of movement m to fixed width :rce w←􏰇………..center lines in range r to width w :rle i←􏰇…….left align lines in range r with indent i :rri w←􏰇 …… right align lines in range r to width w !mc←􏰇 . filter lines of movement m through command c n!!c←􏰇 ………….. filter n lines through command c :r!c←􏰇………filter range r lines through command c
Visual mode
v V ˆV . . start/stop highlighting characters, lines, block o . . . exchange cursor position with start of highlighting gv………..start highlighting on previous visual area aw as ap…….select a word, a sentence, a paragraph ab aB ………………. select a block ( ), a block { }
Undoing, repeating & registers
u U . . . . . . undo last command, restore last changed line . ˆR…………….repeat last changes, redo last undo n. . . . . . . repeat last changes with count replaced by n qc qC . . . . record, append typed characters in register c q…………………………………stop recording @c ……………….. execute the content of register c @@ …………………… repeat previous @ command ……….. execute register c as an Ex command :rg/p/c←􏰇……….execute Ex command c on range r
⌊ where pattern p matches
Complex movement
– +………line up, down on first non-blank character B W ………………. space-separated word left, right gE E ……….. end of space-separated word left, right n ……..down n−1 line on first non-blank character g0 ………………………. beginning of screen line g^ g$…………….first, last character of screen line gk gj……………………….screen line up, down fc Fc……….next, previous occurence of character c tc Tc …………. before next, previous occurence of c ; ,………….repeat last fFtT, in opposite direction [[ ]] ………….. start of section backward, forward [] ][ …………… end of section backward, forward [( ])……………..unclosed (, ) backward, forward [{ ]} ……………. unclosed {, } backward, forward [m ]m …….. start of backward, forward Java method [# ]# . unclosed #if, #else, #endif backward, forward [* ]* ………. start, end of /* */ backward, forward
Search & substitution
/s←􏰇?s←􏰇………….searchforward,backwardfors /s/o←􏰇 ?s?o←􏰇 . . . . . search fwd, bwd for s with offset o nor /←􏰇 ………………… repeat forward last search Nor ?←􏰇 ………………. repeat backward last search # * . . . search backward, forward for word under cursor g# g* …………. same, but also find partial matches gd gD . . . local, global definition of symbol under cursor :rs/f/t/x←􏰇…………..substitute f by t in range r
⌊ x : g—all occurrences, c—confirm changes :rs x←􏰇………..repeat substitution with new r & x
Basic movement
h l k j…………character left, right; line up, down b w………………………..word/token left, right ge e…………………end of word/token left, right { }………….beginning of previous, next paragraph ( )……………beginning of previous, next sentence 0 gm…………………….beginning, middle of line ^ $…………………….first, last character of line nG ngg ………………. line n, default the last, first n%. . . . . . . .percentage n of the file (n must be provided) n|……………………….column n of current line %…..match of next brace, bracket, comment, #define nH nL…………line n from start, bottom of window M………………………….middle line of window
Insertion & replace → insert mode
i a ……………………. insert before, after cursor I A………………..insert at beginning, end of line gI …………………….. insert text in first column o O. . . . . .open a new line below, above the current line rc……………replace character under cursor with c grc ……………. like r, but without affecting layout R …………. replace characters starting at the cursor gR …………….. like R, but without affecting layout cm………….change text of movement command m ccor S ……………………….. change current line C ………………………. change to the end of line s ………………… change one character and insert ~………………….switch case and advance cursor g~m ………… switch case of movement command m gum gUm . . . lowercase, uppercase text of movement m m ………. shift left, right text of movement m n<< n>>…………………..shift n lines left, right
x X ………….. delete character under, before cursor dm…………..delete text of movement command m dd D………….delete current line, to the end of line J gJ …….. join current line with next, without space :rd←􏰇 ……………………….. delete range r lines :rdx←􏰇 …………. delete range r lines into register x

Special characters in search patterns
. ˆ $………..any single character, start, end of line < > ……………………….. start, end of word [c1-c2] ………….. a single character in range c1..c2 [ˆc1-c2]…………….a single character not in range i k I K . . . . . . . an identifier, keyword; excl. digits f p F P . . a file name, printable char.; excl. digits s S…………….a white space, a non-white space e
……………….⟨esc⟩, ⟨tab⟩, ⟨←􏰇⟩, ⟨←⟩ = * + . . . . match 0..1, 0..∞, 1..∞ of preceding atoms |…………………..separate two branches (≡ or) ( )………………..group patterns into an atom &
……. the whole matched pattern, nth () group u l………..next character made upper, lowercase c C…………..ignore, match case on next pattern
Offsets in search commands
nor +n……………….n line downward in column 1 -n ……………………. n line upward in column 1 e+n e-n…….n characters right, left to end of match s+n s-n . . . . . . n characters right, left to start of match ;sc ……………… execute search command sc next
Marks and motions
mc ……… mark current position with mark c ∈ [a..Z] ‘c ‘C ………..go to mark c in current, C in any file ‘0..9………………………go to last exit position ‘‘ ‘”……….go to position before jump, at last edit ‘[ ‘] . . . . . go to start, end of previously operated text :marks←􏰇……………….print the active marks list :jumps←􏰇……………………..print the jump list nˆO …………… go to nth older position in jump list nˆI ………….. go to nth newer position in jump list
Key mapping & abbreviations
:map c e←􏰇…….map c 􏰈→ e in normal & visual mode :map! c e←􏰇….map c 􏰈→ e in insert & cmd-line mode :unmap c←􏰇 :unmap! c←􏰇 ………. remove mapping c :mk f ←􏰇 . . . write current mappings, settings… to file f :ab c e←􏰇……………..addabbreviationforc􏰈→e :ab c←􏰇…………show abbreviations starting with c :unac←􏰇…………………..removeabbreviationc
:ta t←􏰇……………………………jump to tag t :nta←􏰇………………jump to nth newer tag in list ˆ] ˆT . . . jump to the tag under cursor, return from tag :ts t←􏰇 . . . . list matching tags and select one for jump :tj t←􏰇 . . jump to tag or select one if multiple matches :tags←􏰇……………………………print tag list :npo←􏰇 :nˆT←􏰇 . . . . . . jump back from, to nth older tag :tl←􏰇………………….jump to last matching tag ˆW} :pt t←􏰇………..preview tag under cursor, tag t ˆW]………..splitwindowandshowtagundercursor ˆWzor:pc←􏰇……………..closetagpreviewwindow
Scrolling & multi-windowing
ˆE ˆY ……………………….. scroll line up, down ˆD ˆU………………….scroll half a page up, down ˆF ˆB ………………………. scroll page up, down ztor z←􏰇 …………. set current line at top of window zzor z. ………..set current line at center of window zbor z-………..set current line at bottom of window zh zl ………… scroll one character to the right, left zH zL …………. scroll half a screen to the right, left ˆWsor :split←􏰇 ………………. split window in two ˆWnor :new←􏰇…………….create new empty window ˆWoor :on←􏰇…….make current window one on screen ˆWj ˆWk……………..move to window below, above ˆWw ˆWˆW. . . . . . . . .move to window below, above (wrap)
Ex commands (←􏰇)
:e f ……. edit file f, unless changes have been made :e! f . . . . edit file f always (by default reload current) :wn :wN ……… write file and edit next, previous one :n :N………………..edit next, previous file in list :rw ………………….. write range r to current file :rw f………………………write range r to file f :rw>>f …………………..append range r to file f :q :q! . . . . . quit and confirm, quit and discard changes :wqor :xor ZZ………….write to current file and exit ⟨up ⟩ ⟨down ⟩ . . . . recall commands starting with current :r f …………..insert content of file f below cursor :r! c……..insert output of command c below cursor :args ………………….. display the argument list :rco a :rm a………copy, move range r below line a
, ; . . . . . . separates two lines numbers, set to first line n………………………an absolute line number n . $…………….the current line, the last line in file % * ……………………….. entire file, visual area ’t ……………………………. position of mark t /p/ ?p?…….thenext,previouslinewherepmatches +n -n………..+n, −n to the preceding line number
zfm ………………….. create fold of movement m :rfo……………………….create fold for range r zd zE…………..delete fold at cursor, all in window zo zc zO zC……….open, close one fold; recursively [z ]z……….move to start, end of current open fold zj zk……..move down, up to start, end of next fold
:sh←􏰇 :!c←􏰇…start shell, execute command c in shell K……………lookup keyword under cursor with man :make←􏰇 . . . . . . start make, read errors and jump to first :cn←􏰇 :cp←􏰇……….display the next, previous error :cl←􏰇 :cf←􏰇 . . . . . . . list all errors, read errors from file ˆL ˆG…….redrawscreen,showfilenameandposition gˆG . . . show cursor column, line, and character position ga………show ASCII value of character under cursor gf………….open file which filename is under cursor :redir>f←􏰇………………redirect output to file f :mkview [f] ……… save view configuration [to file f] :loadview [f ] . . . . load view configuration [from file f ] ˆ@ ˆK ˆ Fn ˆFn………………..unmapped keys
This card may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU general public licence — Copyright ⃝c  by ́egoire — v1.7 — The author assumes no responsibility for any errors on this card. The latest version can be found at http://tnerual.eriogerg.free.fr/

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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