CS计算机代考程序代写 assembly computer architecture mips CPU
CS 154: Computer Architecture Lecture #11
Winter 2020
Ziad Matni, Ph.D.
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB
• Exam grades will be announced by the weekend • New lab this week (Lab 6)
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Lecture Outline
• Logic Design Refresher • Datapaths
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General (and Simplified) CPU Hardware Design
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REMEMBER: This is drawn in abstract blocks, NOT in the exact way the logic hardware actually is!!
Information Encoding
• At the very basic level, an electronic logic circuit has:
• Input(s)
• Output(s)
• Power Supply
deal with logic levels of “0” and “1” and nothing else
it’s how the circuits actually work
• Power supply (i.e. a battery) voltage range allows for 2 distinct
”levels” within that range • Low voltage ≡ Logic 0
• High voltage ≡ Logic 1
• One wire per bit
• Multi-bit data encoded on multi-wire “buses”
e.g. 1.8 V
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e.g. 0 V, aka “ground”
The 2 Types of Logic Building Blocks
• Combinatorial Logic
• Output is a direct “result” of a combination of inputs • Input changes mean output changes immediately*
• Sequential Logic
• Output can optionally** remain unchanged
• It means that this kind of logic can keep an old output the same even if the input(s) change(s)!
• In other words, these circuits have “memory” of “old states” * In the physical world, there is no such thing as “change occurring immediately”.
The use of this term here just means “practically immediately”.
** This means the output must rely on a “special” input to enable the output to change.
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Graphical Symbols of
Basic Combinatorial Logic Elements
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Multiplexers (Muxes)
• Combinatorial circuits who function as a “chooser” between multiple inputs to be “driven to” the output
• Always multiple inputs (N), always ONE output (N-to-1 mux) • Can be drawn symbolically in 2 ways (trapezoid vs oval)
— there’s NO difference, just a preference in drawing
• 1 of the input data lines gets selected to become the output, based on a 3rd “select” (sel) input
• Ifsel=0,thenI0 getstobetheoutput • Ifsel=1,thenI1 getstobetheoutput • So: OUTPUT = I1.sel + I0.sel
• The opposite of a Mux is called a Demulitplexer (or Demux)
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ALUs and Adders
• Combinatorial logic
• ALU takes 2 bus (i.e. multi-bit) inputs and outputs 1 bus, depending on what function (F) is chosen
• Y = F(A,B)
• Adder is really a sub-set of any ALU – we sometimes want to symbolize it separately
• Y=Abit-addB(i.e.A+B)
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• Sequential Logic
• Input passes on to the output ONLY IF enabled
• Otherwise, the output remains in its “old” state
• Typically, registers are D-Flip Flop circuits
• Uses a clock signal to determine when to update the stored value • Edge-triggered: update when clock signal changes from 0 to 1
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Registers with Write Control
• Sometimes registers have an additional enabling mechanism: a WRITE-ENABLE input
• Only updates on clock edge when write-enable control input is 1
• Useful if we don’t need to write something right away
• You can’t “mute” the clock signal because it is a global one
• WRITE-ENABLE is a local signal only to that particular register
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Clocking Methodology
• The same clock signal is propagating to multiple parts of the CPU • Combinational logic transforms data during clock cycles
• i.e. between clock edges
• Input from state elements, output to state element
• Longest delay determines clock period
• Or better said: clock period determines how long the longest delay can be
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Building a Datapath
• Datapath: Elements that process data and addresses in the CPU
• Example: Registers, ALUs, muxes, memories, …
• We will build a MIPS datapath incrementally
• Refine the overview “simple” design
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Simplified CPU Design
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REMEMBER: This is drawn in abstract blocks, NOT in the exact way the logic hardware actually is!!
Now showing Muxes and Control Lines
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One Instruction Type at a Time…
Let’s Review it
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First: The Instruction Fetch
Not showing: the clock signal, any W-E, etc…
1. To execute any instruction, we must start by fetching the instruction from memory.
2. To prepare for executing the next instruction, we must also increment the PC so
that it points at the next instruction, 4 bytes later.
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R-Format Instructions: 3 Steps
• Read two register operands ($rs, $rt) • Perform arithmetic/logical operation • Write register result ($rd)
This is the register file
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includes add, sub, and, or, slt e.g.: add $t1, $t2, $t3
Register File Read and Write
• The register file always outputs the contents of whatever register numbers are on the Read register inputs.
• Writes are controlled by the write control signal, which must be asserted for a write to occur at the clock edge.
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The ALU Operation
• The ALU takes two 32-bit inputs and produces a 32-bit result
• Also produces a 1-bit signal if the result is 0.
• The 4-bit control signal of the ALU (“ALU operation”) tells it what op it’s performing on the inputs
• It’s a decoded set of bits… more on those later
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Load/Store Instructions
• Read register operands
• Calculate address using 16-bit offset (immediate) • First take the offset and sign-extend it to 32-bits
• Then use ALU
• Load: Read memory and update register • Store: Write register value to memory
We’ll also need…
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includes lw, sw
e.g.: lw $t0, 4($sp)
Branch Instructions
• Read register operands • Compare operands
• Use ALU, subtract
and check Zero output
• Calculate target address
• Sign-extend displacement
• Shift left 2 places
• AddtoPC+4 (already calculated by instruction fetch)
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includes beq, bne
e.g.: beq $t1, $t2, Label
Next Time… Putting them all Together
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YOUR TO-DOs for the Week
•Lab 6 will be up soon…
•Assembly programming assignment
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