CS计算机代考程序代写 mips arm computer architecture CPU Instructions

CPU Instructions
CS 154: Computer Architecture Lecture #4
Winter 2020
Ziad Matni, Ph.D.
Dept. of Computer Science, UCSB

•Lab 01 – due today!
•Lab 02 – description will be out soon!
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Lecture Outline
• Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) • MIPS instruction formats
• Refresher on some other MIPS instructions Reference material from CS64 – I’ll be going over this a little fast…
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Other Factors to CPU Performance:
Power Consumption
Market trends DEMAND that power consumption of CPUs keep decreasing.
BUT Power and Performance DON’T always go together… • Power = Capacitive Load x Voltage2 x Clock Frequency
• So:
• Decreasing Voltage helps to get lower power, but it can make individual
logic go slower!
• Increasing clock frequency helps performance, but increases power!
• It’s a dilemma that has contributed to Moore’s Law “plateau”
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Other Factors to CPU Performance:
Multiple Processors
• Multicore microprocessors
• More than one processor per chip
• Requires explicitly parallel programming
• Compare with instruction level parallelism
• Hardware executes multiple instructions at once • Hidden from the programmer
• Hard to do
• Programming for performance
• Load balancing
• Optimizing communication and synchronization
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Pitfalls: Amdahl’s Law
• Improving an aspect of a computer and expecting a proportional
• Your benchmark time is 100, 80 of which comes from a part of the CPU that you want to improve by a factor of n, so:
improvement in overall performance
Timproved = (80 / n) + 20
• If you wanted to improve your overall T by a factor of 2
(i.e. drop total from 100 to 50), then you’d need to make n = 2.7 because 50 = (80 / 2.7) + 20 …ok…
• Keep that up! Let’s go for a factor of n = 5, so drop total from 100 to 20:
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i.e. 20 ?= (80 / 5) + 20
…uh… can’t do that…L

Pitfalls: Idle Power
• Simply put:
CPUs will still draw disproportionate power when idling.
• Example, even when operating at 10% load,
the i7 will draw 47% of the power
• Becomes a problem when dealing with large scale implementations, like data centers (Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc…)
• Design challenge: design processors to draw power more proportional to load (requires Physics-level approach, tho…)
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Pitfall: MIPS as a Performance Metric
• Note: We’re NOT talking about MIPS the processor type!!!!
• MIPS (millions of instructions per second) is a popular performance metric, HOWEVER…
• Doesn’t account for
• Differences in ISAs between computers
(some ISAs may be more efficient than others) • Differences in complexity between instructions (weighted CPIs)
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Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
• The “contract” between software and hardware (hence, it’s an abstract model of a computer!)
• Typically described with:
• programmer-visible states (i.e. registers + memory) • the semantics/syntax of the instructions
• Examples abound in your MIPS Reference Card!
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Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
Many implementations possible for a given ISA
• Most microprocessor families have their own ISA
• Some can be shared across families (b/c they’re popular)
• Example: AMD and Intel processors both run the x86-64 ISA (orig. Intel). • Some of the same ISAs can be customized
• Many cellphones use the ARM ISA with specific implementations from many different companies including
Apple, Qualcomm, Samsung, Huawei, etc.
• We’ll be using the MIPS ISA in this class.
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Classification of ISAs
• By architectural complexity*
Intel, AMD (x86)
GPUs (AMD, Nvidia) Intel/HP (IA-86)
• Higher instruction complexity (and CPI)
• More transistors
• Higher power
• Commercial computers
vs. embedded computers
• CISC (complex instruction set computer) and RISC (reduced instruction set computer)
* Most popular distinction in commercial CPUs
• By instruction-level parallelism
• VLIW (very long instruction word) and
EPIC (explicitly parallel instruction computing) • By extreme simplification of instructions
• MISC (minimal instruction set computer) and OISC (one instruction set computer)
• Less commercial than CISC/RISC
• Server/supercomputer use mostly
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• Little to no parallelism
• Mostly in research

• Developed at Stanford then commercialized by MIPS Technologies, created/led by John Hennessey
• Stanford CS prof, President (2000-16), author of our textbook… • Started multiple important SV companies,
current Chair of Alphabet, Inc.
• Hennessey and Patterson won the 2017 Turing Award for their work in developing RISC architecture
• MIPS still has a large share of embedded core market
• Consumer electronics, storage peripherals, cameras, printers, …
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Code on MIPS
x = 5;
y = 7;
z = x + y;
li $t0, 5
li $t1, 7
add $t3, $t0, $t1
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Available Registers in MIPS
32 registers in all
• Refer to your
MIPS Reference Card
• Bring it to class from now on…
• Copy on main webpage
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Used for data

MIPS Instruction Formats
• Each instruction is represented with 32 bits
• There are three different instruction formats: R, I, J • These allow for instructions to take on different roles
• R-Format is used when it’s all about registers
• I-Format is used when you involve (immediate) numbers
• J-Format is used when you do code “jumping”
(i.e. branching)
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Since all instructions are 32-bits, then they each occupy 4 Bytes of memory. Remember: Memory is addressed in Bytes.
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Talking to the OS
• We are going to be running on MIPS emulator called SPIM • Optionally, through a program called QtSPIM (GUI based)
• What is an emulator?
• MIPS features a syscall instruction, which triggers a software interrupt, or exception
• Outside of an emulator (i.e. in the real world), these instructions pause the program and tell the OS to go do something with I/O
• Inside the emulator, it tells the emulator to go emulate something with I/O
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syscall (for spim use)
• The OS/emulator has access to the CPU registers
• So we have the OS/emulator’s attention, but how does it know what we want?
• We put special values (codes) in the registers to indicate what we want
• These are codes that can’t be used for anything else, so they’re understood to be just for syscall
• So… is there a “code book”????
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Yes! All CPUs come with manuals. For us, we have the MIPS Ref. Card

MIPS System Services
File I/O
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System call code: placed in $v0 Argument: placed in $a0

Bring out your MIPS Reference Cards!
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1. Instruction Format Types: R vs I vs J
3. Instruction formats: Where the actual bits go
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1. Pseudo-Instructions • There are more of
these, but in this class, you are ONLY allowed to use these + la
2. Registers and their numbers
3. Registers and their uses
4. Registers and their calling convention
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1. This is only part of the 2nd page that you need to know
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Bring Out Your MIPS Reference Cards!
Look for the following instructions:
• nor • addi • beq • move
Tell me everything you can about them, based on what you see on the Ref Card!
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Example 1
Syntax for “add”
add rd, rs, rt
destination, source1, source2
f = (g + h) – (i + j)
i.e. $s0 = ($s1 + $s2) – ($s3 + $s4)
add $t0, $s1, $s2
add $t1, $s3, $s4
sub $s0, $t0, $t1
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Example 2
i.e. $s0 = ($s1 * $s2) – $s3
mult $s1, $s2
mflo $t0
# mflo directs where the answer of the mult should go
sub $s0, $t0, $s3
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Recap: The mult instruction
• To multiply 2 integers together: li $t0, 5
li $t1, 6
mult $t1, $t0
mflo $t2
# t0 = 5
# t1 = 6
# multiply t0 * t1 # t2 = t0 * t1
• mult cannot be used with an ‘immediate’ value
• Then we multiply our multiplier ($t0) with our multiplicand ($t1)
• And we put the result in the destination reg ($t2) using the mflo instruction
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Memory Operations
• Main memory used for composite data
• e.g.: Arrays, structures, dynamic data
• In MIPS, use the .data declaration to initialize memory values (must be above .text declaration)
• Example: .data
var1: .word 42
la $t0, var1
lw $t1, 0($t0)
# t0 = &var1
# t1 = *(&var1) = 42
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name: .asciiz “Lisa speaks ” rtn: .asciiz “ languages!
” age: .word 7
What does this do?
la $t2, age
lw $a0, 0($t2)
li $v0, 1
li $v0, 4
la $a0, rtn
li $v0, 10
li $v0, 4
la $a0, name
# la = load memory address
What goes in here?à
What goes in here?à

.data Declaration Types
w/ Examples
var1: var2: var3: num1: num2: str1: str3: str2:
.byte 9
.half 63
.word 9433
.float 3.14
.double 6.28
.ascii “Text”
.asciiz “Text” # declare .space 5 # reserve
# declare # declare # declare # declare # declare # declare
a single byte with value 9
a 16-bit half-word w/ val. 63 a 32-bit word w/ val. 9433 32-bit floating point number 64-bit floating pointer number a string of chars
a null-terminated string
5 bytes of space (useful for arrays)
These are now reserved in memory and we can call them up by loading their memory address into the appropriate registers.
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YOUR TO-DOs for the Week
• Do your reading for next class (see syllabus)
• Work on Assignment #1 for lab (lab01)
• Meet up in the lab this Friday
• Do the lab assignment
• You have to submit it as a PDF using Gradescope • Due on Wednesday, 1/15, by 11:59:59 PM
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