CS计算机代考程序代写 open List
open List
open Nfa
(* Types *)
type regexp_t =
| Empty_String
| Char of char
| Union of regexp_t * regexp_t
| Concat of regexp_t * regexp_t
| Star of regexp_t
(* Utility *)
let fresh =
let cntr = ref 0 in
fun () ->
cntr := !cntr + 1 ;
(* Part 3: Regular Expressions *)
let regexp_to_nfa (regexp: regexp_t) : (int, char) nfa_t =
failwith “unimplemented”
(* Below this point is parser code that YOU DO NOT NEED TO TOUCH *)
exception IllegalExpression of string
(* Scanner *)
type token =
| Tok_Char of char
| Tok_Epsilon
| Tok_Union
| Tok_Star
| Tok_LParen
| Tok_RParen
| Tok_END
let tokenize str =
let re_var = Str.regexp “[a-z]” in
let re_epsilon = Str.regexp “E” in
let re_union = Str.regexp “|” in
let re_star = Str.regexp “*” in
let re_lparen = Str.regexp “(” in
let re_rparen = Str.regexp “)” in
let rec tok pos s =
if pos >= String.length s then [Tok_END]
else if Str.string_match re_var s pos then
let token = Str.matched_string s in
Tok_Char token.[0] :: tok (pos + 1) s
else if Str.string_match re_epsilon s pos then
Tok_Epsilon :: tok (pos + 1) s
else if Str.string_match re_union s pos then Tok_Union :: tok (pos + 1) s
else if Str.string_match re_star s pos then Tok_Star :: tok (pos + 1) s
else if Str.string_match re_lparen s pos then Tok_LParen :: tok (pos + 1) s
else if Str.string_match re_rparen s pos then Tok_RParen :: tok (pos + 1) s
else raise (IllegalExpression (“tokenize: ” ^ s))
tok 0 str
let tok_to_str t =
match t with
| Tok_Char v -> Char.escaped v
| Tok_Epsilon -> “E”
| Tok_Union -> “|”
| Tok_Star -> “*”
| Tok_LParen -> “(”
| Tok_RParen -> “)”
| Tok_END -> “END”
S -> A Tok_Union S | A
A -> B A | B
B -> C Tok_Star | C
C -> Tok_Char | Tok_Epsilon | Tok_LParen S Tok_RParen
FIRST(S) = Tok_Char | Tok_Epsilon | Tok_LParen
FIRST(A) = Tok_Char | Tok_Epsilon | Tok_LParen
FIRST(B) = Tok_Char | Tok_Epsilon | Tok_LParen
FIRST(C) = Tok_Char | Tok_Epsilon | Tok_LParen
let parse_regexp (l : token list) =
let lookahead tok_list =
match tok_list with
| [] -> raise (IllegalExpression “lookahead”)
| h :: t -> (h, t)
let rec parse_S l =
let a1, l1 = parse_A l in
let t, n = lookahead l1 in
match t with
| Tok_Union ->
let a2, l2 = parse_S n in
(Union (a1, a2), l2)
| _ -> (a1, l1)
and parse_A l =
let a1, l1 = parse_B l in
let t, n = lookahead l1 in
match t with
| Tok_Char c ->
let a2, l2 = parse_A l1 in
(Concat (a1, a2), l2)
| Tok_Epsilon ->
let a2, l2 = parse_A l1 in
(Concat (a1, a2), l2)
| Tok_LParen ->
let a2, l2 = parse_A l1 in
(Concat (a1, a2), l2)
| _ -> (a1, l1)
and parse_B l =
let a1, l1 = parse_C l in
let t, n = lookahead l1 in
match t with Tok_Star -> (Star a1, n) | _ -> (a1, l1)
and parse_C l =
let t, n = lookahead l in
match t with
| Tok_Char c -> (Char c, n)
| Tok_Epsilon -> (Empty_String, n)
| Tok_LParen ->
let a1, l1 = parse_S n in
let t2, n2 = lookahead l1 in
if t2 = Tok_RParen then (a1, n2)
else raise (IllegalExpression “parse_C 1”)
| _ -> raise (IllegalExpression “parse_C 2”)
let rxp, toks = parse_S l in
match toks with
| [Tok_END] -> rxp
| _ -> raise (IllegalExpression “parse didn’t consume all tokens”)
let string_to_regexp str = parse_regexp @@ tokenize str
let string_to_nfa str = regexp_to_nfa @@ string_to_regexp str