CS计算机代考程序代写 #pragma once

#pragma once


/// bytevec is a short name for a vector of unsigned chars, so that we don’t
/// have to clutter by writing `std::vector` over and over again.
/// bytevec also serves as a reminder that “vector of char” doesn’t mean
/// “string” or even “characters”, and most of the code in this application
/// should not be thinking of these vectors as being characters/strings.
typedef std::vector bytevec;

/// Create a bytevec from the contents of a string
/// @param s The string to copy
/// @return A bytevec
bytevec bytevec_from_string(const std::string &s);

/// Append the contents of a string to the end of a bytevec
/// @param v The bytevec to which we will append
/// @param s The string to append to the end of the bytevec
/// @return The bytevec that was passed in as “v”
bytevec append(bytevec &v, const std::string &s);

/// Append the contents of one bytevec to another bytevec
/// @param to The bytevec into which we should copy
/// @param from The bytevec from which to copy
/// @return The bytevec that was passed in as “to”
bytevec append(bytevec &to, const bytevec &from);

/// Append a binary representation of an integer to the end of a bytevec
/// @param v The bytevec into which we should append
/// @param i The integer to put into the bytevec
/// @return The bytevec that was passed in as “v”
bytevec append(bytevec &v, int i);

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