程序代写代做代考 data science algorithm Assignment Business Analytics and Data Science
Assignment Business Analytics and Data Science
Assignment Business Analytics and Data Science
Prof. Stefan Lessmann & Johannes Haupt
WS 2016/17
This assignment will allow you to apply your skills in business analytics on real-world data from the field of
e-commerce and customer targeting and practice the scientific methods for rigorous testing and documentation.
It will also determine your grade for the class Business Analytics and Data Science. The assignment consists of
the applied, “hands-on” development of a prediction model for real-world data and the scientific documentation
of your approach. For the first, you will apply the machine learning techniques studied in class by building a
predictive model. For the second, you will document, explain and justify your methodology, experiments, and
results in a term paper. The main part of term paper including relevant graphs and tables should not exceed
20 pages. You are required to complete the task in a group of 3-4 students for which you must register on
For the assignment, you are highly encouraged to go beyond the standard methods taught in class as well as
make use of the scientific literature and conduct and document your own experiments with the data. Make
sure to consider all stages of a typical modeling process, from gathering, cleaning and preprocessing relevant
data over algorithm and model selection, to model deployment, assessment, and possibly revision.
To faciliate easy communication and work distribution within your group, we recommend Github (and its
RStudio integration) for version control and Slack or a similar messenger for communication. We will discuss
GitHub in class.
– October 26, 2016: Data and task description available on moodle
– February 5, 2017: Submission of prediction on unknown data
– February 12, 2017: Submission of term paper
Please submit a total of three files via the moodle system: your code (in a zipped folder), prediction and the
written report. Only one group member will have to submit for the group. For the prediction, please make
sure to submit one .csv file with the order identifier and your prediction: ID | return_customer. You can
upload and also change your submissions at any time before the deadlines above.
Online customers often order in a specific online shop only once. One goal of customer relationship management
(CRM) is to maximize customer lifetime value, in this case by incentivizing customers to return to the shop.
A common method to do so are coupons sent to customers some time after an order. However, a coupon
poses a cost of foregone profit to the retailer when it is used. In cases where a customer would have made a
follow-up purchase even without the coupon incentive, the coupon value is effectively wasted. For this reason,
rather than sending coupons to all customers, only specific, promising ones are targeted.
For this assignment, you are provided with real-world data by an online retailer. Your task is to identify the
customers that can be expected to purchase again in the next 90 days based on customer characteristics,
order conditions and ordered products. The predicted return customers will not receive a coupon. The shop
estimates that sending a coupon to a customer, who does not plan to return, will convince her to place
another order in 20% of cases with an average order value of 20 e. Your job is to maximize revenue by
providing a list of promising customers to be targeted.
You are provided with two data sets containing 37 predictive variables. Data set known also includes
information about one target variable (return_customer) and should be used to build a predictive model.
The target values for data set class are not provided and need to be predicted. Be aware that the data has
not yet been pre-processed and will need some cleaning, so pay attention to variable types, missing values,
and plausibility of values.
Model assessment
You are expected to provide a binary estimate (0/1) if the customer will return naturally within 90 days
following the original purchase. The performance of your prediction model will be evaluated by the net
revenue gain. In this case, costs and gains are asymmetric. Sending a coupon to a customer that would have
returned anyway, i.e. a false negative, entails an effective loss of 10 e. Not sending a coupon to a customer
that does not plan to return foregoes an expected profit of 3 e. The resulting cost matrix is depicted in the
table below.
True value
non-repurchaser (0) repurchaser (1)
Prediction non-repurchaser (0) / coupon 3 -10
repurchaser (1) / no coupon 0 0
Table 1: Cost matrix for model assessment
Model assessment