程序代写代做代考 Haskell Assignment 4 CIS 252 — Intro to Computer Science
Assignment 4 CIS 252 — Intro to Computer Science
Coverage & Logistics
This homework covers material through the seventh chapter of Haskell: The Craft
of Functional Programming (HCFP). It is officially due in class on Thursday,
February 16, but it comes with an automatic extension: anything submitted
to the CIS 252 bin near CST 4-226 by noon on Friday, February 17 will be
accepted as being on time.
You may work singly or in pairs on this assignment.
What to turn in
The same general grading criteria from Assignment 2 applies for this assignment
as well. You should submit hard copies of (1) your source code and (2) a clean
transcript demonstrating convincingly that your code is correct. As always, in-
clude a completed disclosure cover sheet.
To receive maximal credit, do not use fst, snd, head, or tail for these func-
tions. Instead, use Haskell’s pattern-matching capabilities as discussed in lecture.
Include an import Data.Char directive at the top of your file (you’ll need it for
1. Write a recursive Haskell function
myProduct :: [Integer] -> Integer
such that myProduct ns returns the product of all of the numbers in ns; fol-
lowing by mathematical convention, the product of zero numbers is 1. For
example, myProduct [3,6,2,10] returns 360, myProduct [7,18,2,0,9]
returns 0, and myProduct [] returns 1.
2. Write a recursive Haskell function
shout :: String -> String
such that shout str returns the string obtained by replacing all lowercase
letters in str by their uppercase equivalents; all other characters are un-
changed. For example, shout “Let’s go, Orange!” returns “LET’S GO,
3. Write a recursive Haskell function
zap :: Char -> String -> String
such that zap c cs returns the string obtained by removing all occurrences
of c from cs. For example, zap ’a’ “abbadaab” returns “bbdb”.
4. Write a recursive Haskell function
pairUp :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
such that pairUp xs returns the list obtained by pairing up the first two
elements of xs, then the third and fourth elements, and so on; if xs has an
odd number of elements, the final element is paired with itself.
For example, pairUp [3,5,2,9] returns [(3,5),(2,9)], whereas pairUp
“abcde” returns [(’a’,’b’),(’c’,’d’),(’e’,’e’)].
5. Write a recursive Haskell function
neighbors :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
such that neighbors xs returns a list containing all pairs of “neigh-
boring” elements from xs. For example, neighbors [3,5,2,9]
returns [(3,5),(5,2),(2,9)], whereas neighbors “abcde” returns
6. Background: A bag is an abstract data type that is like a set, except that
it can contain multiple copies of the same item. We can represent a bag
in Haskell by a list of pairs: each pair contains the item, plus a positive
integer indicating how many copies of that item are in the bag. For the
purposes of this assignment, we’ll consider only bags of characters.
In the problems that follow, you must maintain the following two invari-
ants (that is, you should assume that these properties hold of any bag your
functions receive as input, but you must ensure that your functions’ results
also satisfy these properties):
• No character appears in two or more pairs within the same
Thus [(’a’,2),(’x’,3),(’a’,1)] is not a valid bag, because
the character ’a’ appears in two distinct pairs. In contrast,
[(’a’,3),(’x’,3)] is a valid bag (intuitively, it represents a bag
with three copies of ’a’ and three copies of ’x’).
Spring 2017
Assignment 4 CIS 252 — Intro to Computer Science
• No number smaller than 1 appears in any pair of a bag.
Thus [(’a’,0),(’x’,5)] is not a valid bag, but [(’x’,5)] is.
The order in which unique elements appear is unimportant, however: both
[(’a’,3),(’x’,5)] and [(’x’,5),(’a’,3)] are equally valid (both rep-
resent a bag that contains three copies of ’a’ and five copies of ’x’).
In the examples that follow, I make use of the following definitions (you
don’t need to use them):
bag1 , bag2 , bag3 :: [(Char ,Int)]
bag1 = [(’z’,1), (’e’, 2), (’k’,1)]
bag2 = [(’y’,2), (’a’,1), (’n’,1), (’c’,1), (’e’,1)]
bag3 = [(’j’,1), (’o’,1), (’u’,1), (’l’,1), (’e’,1)]
Important note: don’t use cut-and-paste to copy these into your code, be-
cause you’ll run into problems. If you want to use these definitions, you
should type them in by hand.
(a) Write a recursive Haskell function
bagCount :: [(Char ,Int)] -> Int
such that bagCount bag returns the total number of items in bag. For
Main > bagCount bag1
Main > bagCount bag2
Main > bagCount bag3
(b) Write a recursive Haskell function
addToBag :: Char -> [(Char ,Int)] -> [(Char ,Int)]
such that addToBag ch bag and returns the bag obtained by adding
one copy of ch to bag. For example:
Main > addToBag ’y’ bag1
Main > addToBag ’e’ bag1
You should assume that the initial input is a valid bag, and you must
ensure that result is also a valid bag.
(c) Write a recursive Haskell function
removeFromBag :: Char -> [(Char ,Int)] -> [(Char ,Int)]
such that removeFromBag ch bag returns the bag obtained by remov-
ing one copy of ch from bag. For example:
Main > removeFromBag ’e’ bag1
Main > removeFromBag ’e’ bag2
Main > removeFromBag ’a’ bag1
You should assume that the initial input is a valid bag, and you must
ensure that result is also a valid bag.
None of these functions requires more than five lines of code (not counting the type declaration), and most of them can be written using only
two or three lines. If your answers are significantly longer than that, then your approach is too complicated: please ask for assistance.
Spring 2017