Summative Assessment
· To apply the phases of the Internet-based software development life-cycle and to understand and appreciate the problems that are associated with each of the individual phases and the best practice for their solution.
· To encourage students to critically evaluate the applicability of existing and emerging technologies and software tools to be used in development.
· Development methodologies: Agile, iterative and incremental development, plan-driven;
· Test-driven development: Requirements specification, use cases, approaches to software testing;
· Configuration management: management of system information, handling of system changes, change Management (CM) tools.
Learning Outcomes:
Subject-specific knowledge:
· A knowledge of software development that is relevant and applicable to Internet-based software development in industry.
· An appreciation of the problems facing the software development industry in terms of the software development process.
Subject-specific skills:
· An ability to plan, organise, manage and create a large scale software application as part of a team.
· An ability to use and critically evaluate software tools and systems with regard to the principles of software engineering so that this use and analysis aids the production of software applications.
· An ability to conduct self-study to further their knowledge in the integration of the topic areas and to undertake a critical evaluation of software methodologies.
Key skills:
· An ability in technical writing, oral presentation, and social interaction.
· An ability to work with others as part of a team.
· An ability to solve problems in a team environment.
· An ability to critically evaluate their own work and that of others.
· Recognise and apply the principles of software engineering.
· Communicate technical information.
Marking criteria:
There are three team elements of the assessment (50%):
1. A requirement specification (summative) – a template is provided in DUO;
2. A presentation and demonstration of the prototype (summative);
3. Contribution matrix (formative) – a template is provided in DUO.
There are two individual elements of the assessment (50%):
1. Each student must deliver an individual reflective report (summative) – see further instructions in DUO;
2. A peer evaluation form (formative) – a template is provided in DUO.
Submission format:
· One team requirement specification to be submitted in .pdf format. Maximum of 15 pages.
· An additional zip archive shall be submitted (by one member of the team) that includes supplementary files (program code) as well as the presentation slides or other presented material.
· The individual reflective report will be submitted in .pdf format and comprise of a maximum of 4 pages of A4.
Project Mandate
Palatine University Police: A prototype evidence repository
1. Background
The use of closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, has been proven to act as deterrent and significantly reduce the levels of reported crime. Palatine University Police have installed numerous CCTV cameras across the university campus. Unfortunately, incidents still incur and CCTV video footage analysed by the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) team is used to investigate the crimes and, on occasion, also used as evidence in court. However, the CSI team is small and have recently been spending more time dealing with requests for files than processing the evidence. This is generating a backlog of evidence to be processed and delays in investigations, causing the Palatine University Police to miss last year’s targets. Therefore, the Head of CSI at Palatine University Police, in collaboration with the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Durham University, has asked for a prototype evidence repository to be developed. If proven feasible, the Palatine University Police will submit an application for funds from the Home Office to develop a full system.
2. Brief
In partnership with the Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) team at Palatine University Police, the aim is to develop a prototype system to act as a repository for CSI reports and supporting evidence files for criminal cases. The aim is to reduce the time spent dealing with requests from third-parties such as the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Her Majesty’s Courts Service (HMCS), and other authorised agencies. Other authorised agencies may include other police forces, the National Crime Agency (NCA) etc. The CSI team perform, in the course of its duties, the analysis of CCTV footage. An example case with test files is supplied:
“An opportunistic burglary took place on the main campus at Palatine University. A window was forced open at the rear of one of the buildings and £6000 of computer equipment was stolen from a computer science laboratory. On reviewing the CCTV archive footage, a
suspicious individual was seen loitering around the location at the same time of the crime. Based on the CCTV footage, a local police officer recognise the individual as Steve McShifty, a habitual thief who is already well-known to the Palatine University Police. In fact, Steve McShifty was arrested the following day attempting to sell two stolen University laptops at a local second-hand shop. To determine whether the suspect is involved in the more serious offence of commercial burglary (which commands a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison), the CSI team were tasked to analyse the footage.”
The CSI team have undertaken the analysis and are confident the individual in the CCTV footage is Steve McShifty. Palatine University Police have charged Steve McShifty with commercial burglary. The evidence from the CCTV footage and facial analysis is to be used in the upcoming court case. Alongside the CSI report, the evidence files consist of the original CCTV video, video frame captures, other images such as custody photographs (“mugshots”). Also, critically, the hash value of each of the files is recorded to ensure the file is the same as the original generated by the CSI team. This is because the evidence may be inadmissible in court if the integrity of the image is in any way questionable.
In summary, the Palatine University Police are looking for:
A database to hold case files including CSI reports, evidence such as image files.
A front-end to allow Palatine University Police CSI users to upload files to the database and store an associated hash value.
A website that enables read-only access to authorised users.
3. Outline Requirements
Below are the outline requirements of the evidence repository. These should be refined into a set of deliverables:
· Ability for Palatine University Police CSI users to logon and upload files on to the repository.
· Allow read-only access to the evidence repository to other authorised users.
· Ability to record a hash against each uploaded file on the repository.
· Ability for the CSI user to tag files to a specific case.
· Ability for the any user to print (to file) a list of all files and hash values associated with a specific case.
· Ability to set case-level permissions so an external user can only access files for a specific case they are authorised to do so.
Marking Criteria:
The individual reflective report is 50% (see template on DUO for the marking criteria) The team work element is worth 50% made up of:
· Requirements specification 15% (see template on DUO for the marking criteria)
· Team presentation/demo 35% (see template on DUO for the marking criteria)
· Presentation (design approach) (5%)
· Demonstration of a prototype system (30%)