程序代写代做代考 Java Lab 1 page 1

Lab 1 page 1

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EBU5304: Software Engineering

Lab 1: Java Revision (this Lab exercise is not assessed)

Exercise 1:

Finish the Java programs we discussed in tutorial 1 and test them.

Exercise 2:

Based on the work you’ve done in tutorial 1, write Java code of the following story. You


1. Draw a class diagram that show the relationship of the classes and the attributes and
operations of each class.

2. Write the Java code of each class.
3. Test each class.

A bank account has account number, account name and balance. Customers can pay in to the

account, withdraw from the account and check balance. A current account is a type of bank

account that has an overdraft limit. A saving account is a type of bank account, a minimum 7

days notice must be given before any withdrawal can be made.

Create a bank that can open new accounts (can be normal bank account, current account or

saving account), close accounts and suspend account (no transactions allowed).

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