程序代写代做代考 Lab 3 page 1

Lab 3 page 1

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EBU5304: Software Engineering

Lab 3: Simple Banking System

(Lab2- Lab7 will be assessed at the end. Individual work, online submission and


You should carry out one phase in the development lifecycle of the Banking system.

In this lab, you are suggested to do the following activities:

1. Review your Iteration plan.
2. Start working on Sprint 1.
3. Choose the stories you are going to implement in this cycle.
4. Identify classes, their attributes and operations.
5. Identify class relationships.
6. Do analysis/design and draw a class diagram.
7. Start writing the code. Consider using TDD in some of code development.

You do not have to use any tools for drawing the class diagram. Simply using pen/paper, Word

or any drawing app is fine. If you prefer to use professional UML tools, you can use Visual
Paradigm for UML (which is available in the lab), Argo UML, StarUML and others.

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