程序代写代做代考 mips computer architecture assembly Microsoft PowerPoint – CSE220 Unit01 Introduction to Digital Systems.pptx

Microsoft PowerPoint – CSE220 Unit01 Introduction to Digital Systems.pptx


1Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

CSE 220:

Systems Fundamentals I

Unit 1:

Introduction to Digital


2Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

The Landscape of Computing
• Three broad classes of modern computing devices:

• Personal computers: general-purpose, low-performing

• Servers and supercomputers: more powerful
machines usually built for a particular purpose
• Modern supercomputers typically have 10,000+

processing units and terabytes of memory
• Embedded computers: special-purpose computers that

are embedded in a larger system, such as a car, TV,
network router, etc.

• For which of these computing platforms will fault tolerance
be the least? (i.e., for which computer type is a failure
totally unacceptable?)

3Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

But Wait, There’s More!
• Harder to categorize are devices like smart phones and

• Somewhere between a personal computer and an

embedded system? Or a totally different category?
• Cloud computing systems also don’t fit well into these

• An evolution of server technology
• SaaS: software as a service – why buy an expensive

server when you can rent one at a fraction of the price?

4Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Architecture vs. Organization
• The terms computer architecture and computer

organization are often thrown about without clear
explanation of what these terms mean

• Computer architecture refers to those aspects of the
hardware that are visible to the programmer
• e.g., instructions the computer is capable of executing,

word size (native unit of data of CPU), data formats
• Computer organization (also called microarchitecture)

refers to how the physical components of the machine
interact to implement the architecture
• A particular computer architecture could be

implemented by several different microarchitectures


5Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Eight Great Ideas in Architecture
1. Design for Moore’s Law

• Moore’s “Law” refers to the trend that
circuit complexity/speed doubles
every 18-24 months

• Anticipate where technology will be
when a system is completed, not when
it is being designed

2. Use abstraction to simplify design
• Abstraction refers to ignoring irrelevant

details and focusing on higher-level
design/implementation issues

• Part of software development too

6Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Eight Great Ideas in Architecture
3. Make the common case fast

• Enhance the performance of those operations which
occur most frequently

4. Increase performance via parallelism
• Perform operations in parallel (simultaneously) when

5. Increase performance via pipelining

• A form of parallelism in which single instructions are
broken into multiple stages and executed in parallel

6. Increase performance via prediction
• The computer “guesses” which operation will be

executed next and starts executing it early

7Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Eight Great Ideas in Architecture
7. Implement a hierarchy of memories

• Fastest, smallest and expensive memory at the top;
slowest, largest and cheapest at the bottom

8. Increase dependability via redundancy
• Include redundant components that can take over when

a failure occurs
• Of particular importance in cloud computing systems

and other server technologies

8Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

The Three Y’s
1. Hierarchy

• We will look at the design of a CPU from the bottom-up
as a collection of collaborating modules

2. Modularity
• These modules have well-defined functions and

3. Regularity

• Modules can be reused many times in a single design,
thereby reducing then umber of distinct components
that must be designed

• Note how well these concepts apply also to software design
and implementation


9Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

von Neumann Architecture
• The term von Neumann architecture refers to a

particular computer hardware design model for a stored-
program digital computer (e.g., PCs)

• Separate central processing unit (CPU) and random-
access memory (RAM)

• Both instructions and data stored in RAM
• Data to be processed is transferred from RAM to CPU, and

results are transferred back to RAM
• Named for Hungarian-American mathematician John von

Neumann, but others participated in the original design
• Most modern computers follow this basic design model,

but are substantially more complex

10Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

von Neumann Architecture
• CPU: performs the actual processing

• control unit: performs instruction decoding and control
• arithmetic/logic unit (ALU): performs basic

arithmetical and logical operations
• registers: small amount of memory used to hold

addresses, instructions and data
• RAM: larger memory used to store both program

instructions and data
• I/O devices permit data to enter/leave machine

• We’ll concern ourselves with standard input, standard
output, standard error and also file I/O

11Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Stored-program Computer
• In a stored-program computer, the program to be executed

is stored in RAM along with the data to be processed
• So please note: by saying “stored program” it does NOT

mean we are storing the programs on a disk
• A program consists of binary instructions stored in RAM
• Each instruction or small piece of data in RAM has an

associated memory address to indicate its location
• A program counter (or instruction pointer) register in

the CPU stores the memory address of the next instruction
to be executed

• Earlier computers were “hard-wired” to a particular
program via switches, patch cables, etc.

12Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Fetch/Decode/Execute Cycle
• So what is a 3 GHz CPU doing 3 billion times per second?
• The basic cycle of operation of a von Neumann-style

• Fetch: the next instruction is retrieved from RAM
• Decode: the instruction is examined to determine what

the CPU should do:
• Opcode: field that determines the type of instruction
• Operand(s): fields that determine the source and

destination of data to be operated on
• Execute: the operation specified by the instruction is

performed, which may involve one or more memory


13Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Fetch/Decode/Execute Cycle

14Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Instruction Set
• The instruction set of a computer is the repertoire of

instructions that the CPU can perform
• Determined by the computer architects/designers
• “Hard-wired” as part of the computer design
• Different for each type of CPU

• What is an “instruction”?
• Answer: it depends on the kind of CPU
• In RISC (reduced instruction set computer) CPUs, the

instruction set is small and consists of simple instructions
• In CISC (complex instruction set computer) CPUs, the

instruction set is larger and consists of instructions that
vary in length and complexity

15Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Typical RISC Instructions
• In this course we will study the MIPS architecture

(Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages),
which is of the RISC type. Instructions include:
• Load data from memory to CPU register
• Copy (“Store”) data from CPU register to memory
• Add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc. data in CPU

• AND, OR, XOR, NOT, etc. data in CPU registers
• Shift and rotate data in CPU registers
• Jump based on CPU state flags (“condition codes”)
• Call a subroutine (function) and return to caller

16Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

• A high-level programming language statement like

X = A + B would be translated to assembly language
instructions as follows:
• ADD C, A, B

• Naturally, the real assembly instructions are a little more
sophisticated than this (e.g., from what memory address
are loading the data?), but the beauty of RISC machines is
that the instructions are quite simple

• The assembly language instructions are then translated
into machine language (1s and 0s) for execution by the CPU


17Kevin McDonnell Stony Brook University – CSE 220

Course Roadmap
• Data representations: numbers, characters
• MIPS assembly programming: basics, conditionals, loops
• MIPS assembly programming: functions, 1D arrays
• Digital logic design: basic circuit design
• Digital logic design: computational units, timing
• Digital logic design: circuit simplification
• MIPS assembly programming: 2D arrays
• MIPS architecture: single-cycle data path
• MIPS assembly programming: recursive functions
• MIPS architecture: multi-cycle data path
• MIPS architecture: pipelined data path

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