程序代写代做代考 python matlab Excel Hull-white model [European simple call and put]

Hull-white model [European simple call and put]
1. A valuation model as a formula or process as a closed-form solution [if available], binomial tree, trinomial tree and monte carlo simulation and compare the results
这个主要是二叉树 三叉树 还有蒙塔卡洛建模 (得出r值); 数据来源跟大小根据自己想要的来,数据量可大可小的, 来源的话靠谱的网站就可以,建模工具不限,c++, python,matlab,excel都可以
在这个基础上算 European option
1. 我发的word里面4个步骤对应 European call 跟 put  要分别做的 ,写成两个proejct  形式 (如果对某些细节不明确 请随时跟我沟通)
2. A simulation mode for a corresponding short-term rate or a forward interest rate.
3. Calibration for volatilities, mean reversion speeds, a long-term means, drifts and correlations if needed.
4. Greeks/Sensitivities.

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