CS代考计算机代写 University of Sussex 28 April 2017
University of Sussex 28 April 2017
Limits of Computation Test
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• Please answer ALL questions by writing on THIS SHEET. You are not
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• Please write your candidate number in the box above.
• Questions are equally weighted (but Q1 – Q2 which have 2 extra marks each). Special “Spring” treat: your lowest scoring answer won’t count.
• You have 40 minutes to answer all 17 questions.
1. On the right hand side, write the program-as-data representation of the WHILE-
program on the left (variable numbers start at 0):
test read X { [ Y:= cons X X;
while X {
X:= tl X } }
write Y
2. Write the list below as element in D using only nils and ⟨ . ⟩-operations (linearly) [[0],[1]]
3. Complete: E cons E Fσ = .
4. Complete our definition of the Halting Problem below:
HALT = { [ p, d ] ∈ D | }
5. Complete the sentence: “For an L-program p, the term [p]L denotes the
of p which is a
function of type → .”
6. Every acceptable (i.e. reasonably expressive in a certain sense) programming language
automatically admits reflective programming. This is a consequence of
7. Complete the sentence: “ ‘Game of Life’ is a 2-dimensional automaton with four rules for: underpopulation, overcrowding, and .”
8. Complete: “To show that a problem A is decidable it suffices to show that is effectively reducible to
9. Which of the following problems are decidable? Tick the ones that are. TSP HALT Complement of HALT Matching Tiling
Primes P.T.O
10. Which of the problems below can be shown to be undecidable (by Rice’s Theorem)? (a) A={d∈D|d=pandtimeWHILE(d)>|d| }
undecidable by Rice’s theorem undecidable by other reason
(b) A={d∈D|d=pandprunwithinputdisnotnil } decidable
undecidable by Rice’s theorem undecidable by other reason
11. Complete the following judgements about WHILE expressions and statements (n is a
natural number). No need to show your working unless outlined:
T tl X =
X := tl X ⊢time {X:n} ⇒ whileX{X:=tlX}⊢time {X:4}⇒
Tick only the statements that are correct. p ∈ WHILEtime(f ) where f (n) = n3 + 456
phasatimeboundinO(n3) p∈PWHILE
13. Complete: L1 ≼linear−pg−ind L2 means that
14. Complete Cook’s thesis: “Computability
is equivalent for all (reasonable)
of computation.”
15. True, false or unknown? Tick the boxes accordingly.
TIMEWHILE(n) TIMEWHILE(n · log n) There are no problems that aren’t in NP 0-1 Knapsack is in P
WHILE ≼ptime TM ThereisanA∈EXPsuchthatA∈/P
true false unknown true false unknown true false unknown true false unknown true false unknown
× +
12. Assume we have a WHILE-program p such that timeWHILE(d) = |d|3 + 5|d|2 + 2|d| + 8.
times loop body is executed
p ∈ WHILElintime
f(n)=n3 +16n2 isatimeboundforp
16. Complete: “Robustness” of P refers to the fact that decidability of problems in is independent of
17. Complete: “It is difficult to show that a problem is not in P. Currently, the closest
to “TSP is not in P” that one can actually prove is “TSP is
” under the assumption P NP.