CS代考 ELEC373 Digital Systems Design – cscodehelp代写

ELEC373 Digital Systems Design
Assignment 2
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter)
Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Coursework name
Assignment 2
Component weight
Assignment 2 = 25%
HE Level
Lab location
EEE Building PC labs 301, 304 as timetabled – Friday 2-5pm
Timetabled time
15 hours (3 hours per week – Friday 2pm – 5pm)
Suggested private study
10 hours including report writing
Assessment method
Individual, formal word-processed reports (Block diagrams and ASMs can be hand drawn and scanned into the report)
Submission format
Online via CANVAS
Submission deadline
Assignment 2: Friday Week 1 Semester 2 – 4th February 2022
Late submission
Standard University penalties apply
Resit opportunity
Students Failing Assignment 2 and the full module will have an equivalent Assignment 2 as the resit opportunity to complete over the Summer.
Marking policy
Marked and moderated independently
Anonymous marking
Via comments on CANVAS submission on-line
Learning outcomes
LO1: Ability to design digital systems using the ASM design method
LO2: Ability to implement digital systems using the Verilog Hardware Description Language

Marking Criteria
Marks available
Indicative characteristics
Adequate / pass (40%)
Very good / Excellent
and structure
• Containscoverpage
information, table of contents, sections with appropriate headings.
• Comprehensiblelanguage; punctuation, grammar and spelling accurate.
• Equationslegible,numbered and presented correctly.
• Appropriately formatted
reference list.
• Appropriate use of technical,
mathematic and academic
terminology and conventions.
• Word processed with consistent
• Pages numbered, figures and
tables captioned.
• All sections clearly signposted.
• Correct cross-referencing (of
figures, tables, equations) and citations.
Introduction, Method and Design
• Problembackground introduced clearly.
• EvidenceofaTopDownDesign approach
• ConceptualDesignChoices introduced.
• Design of each module follows a logical sequence.
• ASMscorrespondtodesignsfor required blocks.
• Appropriate range of references used.
• Design decisions justified with alternatives given.
• Calculations shown in full, justifying and explaining any decisions.
• Correct ASM Syntax used.
• Well-structured Verilog Code
• Fully synchronous design
• Simulationresultspresentfor
each block and well annotated.
• Resultsoffullsysteminboth
simulation and experimentally
• Results for each task
accompanied by a commentary.
• Screenshotsofresults
• Simulations demonstrate that
every pathway in each ASM is
functioning correctly.
• Tests indicate that there are no
problems caused by asynchronous inputs.
• Discussiononwhatworkedand what didn’t.
• Criticalassessmentonthe design – strength and weaknesses
• Discussion on how the system was fully tested.

ELEC 373 Verilog Assignment 2 (2021-2022)
Assignment Overview
This assignment continues from Assignment 1 which was set to get you familiar with designing digital systems and synthesising them from a Verilog description. Again, you should develop your design using Altera’s Quartus II V13.0-SP1.
The second assignment is for you to undertake the full design process i.e. the conceptual design, communicated by block diagrams, and the embodiment design communicated by ASM charts. You should then code in Verilog and test the design on the DE2 boards in the lab. You will use a USB->RS232 cable to connect the DE2 Board to the PC.
Assignment Outline
The DE2 Board has a 9 pin D type connector and associated level shifting circuitry to allow the board to be connected to the RS232 port of another electronic device. Figure 1 shows the circuit on the DE2 board which includes a MAX232 device that performs the voltage conversion and also two LEDs which indicate if there is any activity on the transmit or receive signals.
Figure 1 RS232 Level conversion circuit
Table 1 shows which pins of the FPGA are connected to the MAX232 device. Note that UART_RXD is the input received signal as received on pin 3 of the 9 pin D-Type and UART_TXD is the output transmitted signal sent to pin 2 of the 9 pin D-Type. Pin 5 carries the GND signal between the two systems.
Table 1 FPGA Pin connections
For the first assignment you developed a UART transmitter to serially transmit data from the DE2 board via the serial link to a PC running a terminal program. The PC should then have displayed the ASCII value of the data transmitted. For example if 0x41 was transmitted a capital ‘A’ should be displayed. The data is entered by keying in the binary data on the “inputs” and then transmitted when the “send” key is pressed. You should also have displayed in HEX on the T-Display seven segment displays (indicated in Table 2) the value of the data to be transmitted. The data should be transmitted with the baud, parity and number of bits indicated in Table 2.

For the second assignment you are allowed to modify your design for the 1st Assignment but also include a receiver in your design such that when a keyboard character is pressed in Putty (or any other terminal emulator on the PC) the ASCII code is displayed in HEX on the R- Display 7 segment displays. You should also drive 2 LEDs to indicate if the last character received had a Parity Error or if it had a Framing Error. A Framing Error is when, instead of a stop bit (Logic 1) being received, a Logic 0 is received.
Make sure that your design is fully synchronous, i.e. all the D type flipflops should be clocked by the system clock. You should also aim to re-use modules, for example you probably need two shift registers, one for the transmitter and one for the receiver. It is best to design once and use twice as you will then only need to design, test and document one shift register rather than two. If logic isn’t used in a block then the synthesiser will remove the logic so it won’t be wasting resources. Similarly you may want to design a single counter but use it a number of times with the count value set by a parameter.
You should include a top level file to connect your modules together. This top level file can be either a “bdf” or Verilog file.
Remember you need to follow a top-down design methodology.
Report – Assignment 2
Your report should include the following.
1) Description of Architecture(s) and Controller(s) (with block diagram showing interconnections). (Maximum 2 pages A4)
2) Description of each module to be documented by the following information
a. ASM Charts for any Algorithmic State Machines and any combinational logic (Remember Combinational Logic can be treated as a single state ASM).
b. Commented Verilog code for each module.
c. Full simulation of each module. (With annotations indicating what the simulation proves).
This information should be grouped together for each module i.e. there should be a single section covering the above for each module. Don’t list all the ASMs then all the Verilog, Document each block almost as a stand-alone report.
3) Schematic of the full system.
4) Simulation of the full system. (With annotations and maximum 1⁄2 page on any comments)
5) Explanation of experimental test results. (Max 1 page)
6) Conclusion (Maximum 1⁄2 page)
7) You should also submit your design via Canvas. Make sure all the files need to compile simulate and test the design are included.
Please format your report in the order indicated above, i.e. fully document each module before describing the next module. Also, as this is being marked on a computer screen, please rotate any landscape pages in the pdf file so that they are the correct way up when viewed on the screen. Note that you can reuse any text, diagrams from your Assignment 1 report for the Assignment 2 report.

When marking the reports I will be looking very closely for any signs of collusion, as this is unacceptable. I need to assess your own ability not that of your friend or colleague. If I find any evidence of collusion then the formal University rules will be followed which may result in your suspension.

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