程序代写 FIT5202 Big Data – cscodehelp代写

FIT5202 Big Data
• Throughput: the amount of task completed given the time period
• Response time: the amount of time to complete taks
• Speed up: The time decrease by adding more resourses
• Scale up: The transaction size increase by adding more resourses
– Transaction scale up: the increase in the rate at which the transactions are processed.
– Data scale up:the increase in size of database.
Parallel obstacles
• Star up: Start up cost is associated with initiating multiple processes.
• consolidation costs: Consolidation cost refers to the cost associated with collecting results obtained from each processor by a host processor.
• Interference and Communication: Since processes executing in a parallel system often access shared resources, or one process may have to communicate with other processes. It will reduce overlap waiting time.
• Skew: Skew in parallel database processing refers to the unevenness of workload partitioning.
Parallelism form
• Interquery parallelism
Interquery parallelism is parallelism among the queries.
• Intraquery parallelism
Intraquery is parallelism within a query.
• Intraoperation parallelism
speeding up the processing of query by parallelzing the excution of each individual operation.
• Interoperation parallelism
(i) pipelined parallelism and (ii) independent parallelism.
speeding up the processing of query by executing in parallel different operation.
Parallel database structure
• Shared-Memory and Shared-Disk Architectures
• Shared-Nothing Architecture
• Shared-Something Architecture
Operations in parallel database systems normally follow these steps:
• Disk cost
• Main memory cost (select, result generation, data computation, data distribution) |∗𝑅𝑖|×𝑡𝑥
Parallel Search
Search queries
• Exact-match search
• Range search
• Multiattribute search
Data partitioning
Basic data partitioning
• Round-robin data partitioning
each record in turn is allocated to a processing element in a clockwise manner
• Hash data partitoning
Each reocrd is allocated based on hash function
• Range data partioning
spread the record based on given range of the partionning attribute
• Random-unequal data partitioning partionning function is unkonwn
Complex data partitioning
basic data partitioning is based on a single attribute, while complex data partitioning is based on multiple attributes.
• Hybrid-range partitioning strategy (HRPS)
1) Range partitioning data into fragments;
2) Round-robin data in fragments.
• Multiattribute grid declusterning (MAGIC)
• Bubba’s Extended Range Declustering (BERB)
1) Range partitioning on primary partioning attribute;
2) Scan each fragment , create ‘aux’ table;
3) Range partioning ‘aux’ table;
4) combine result from 1) and 3)
Search algorithms
Serial search algorithms:
• linear search
scanning cost: 1 × 𝑅/𝑃 × 𝐼𝑂
selectcost:1×|𝑅|×(𝑡𝑟 +𝑡𝑤) 2
Comparing cost: 1 × |𝑅| × 𝑡𝑐 2
result generation cost: 𝜎 × |𝑅| × 𝑡𝑤
Analytical Models

Disk write cost: 𝜎 × 𝑅/𝑃 × 𝐼𝑂 • Binary search
scanning cost: 𝑙𝑜𝑔2(𝑅)/𝑃 × 𝐼𝑂 select cost: 𝑙𝑜𝑔2(|𝑅|) × (𝑡𝑟 + 𝑡𝑤) Comparing cost: 𝑙𝑜𝑔2(|𝑅|) × 𝑡𝑐 result generation cost: 𝜎 × |𝑅| × 𝑡𝑤 Disk write cost: 𝜎 × 𝑅/𝑃 × 𝐼𝑂
Parallel search algorithms
• Processor activation or inovation
Hash for Discrete Range Selection: Selected processor involved
Range for all Range Selection: Selected processor involved
• local searching method Ordered: Binary Search Unordered: Linear Search
• key comparision
Only Exact Match for unique values can stop
Parallel join
serial join algorithms
The complexity of the three join algorithms as discussed above is as follows:
• Nested-loop join algorithm O(NM)
• Sort-merge join algorithm
• Hash-based join algorithm O(N+M)
Parallel join algorithm
Divide and broadcast
“Divide and broadcast”-based parallel join algorithms are composed of two stages: data partitioning using the divide and broadcast method and a local join.
No load imbalance problems;
No broacast in share-memory structure.
cost model
• Sacan data from disk to memory as disk block(page)
scanning cost: 𝑆𝑖 /𝑃 × 𝐼𝑂
• get record out of page
• Data broadcasting
Data transfer cost: (𝑆𝑖 /𝑃) × (𝑁 − 1) × (𝑚𝑝 + 𝑚𝑙) = (𝑆/𝑃 − 𝑆𝑖/𝑃) × (𝑚𝑝 + 𝑚𝑙)
Receiving cost: (𝑆/𝑃 − 𝑆𝑖/𝑃) × 𝑚𝑝
• Disk cost for sorting table
Disk write cost: (𝑆/𝑃 − 𝑆𝑖 /𝑃) × 𝐼𝑂 Disjoint data partitioning
Disjoint partitioning-based parallel join algorithms also consist of two stages: a data partitioning stage using a disjoint partitioning and a local join.
cost model
• Sacan data from disk to memory as disk block(page)
scanning cost: (𝑅𝑖 /𝑃 + 𝑆𝑖 /𝑃) × 𝐼𝑂
• get record out of page
select cost: (|𝑅𝑖| + |𝑆𝑖|) × (𝑡𝑟 + 𝑡𝑤)
• Data partioning
Finding destination cost: (|𝑅𝑖 | + |𝑆𝑖 |) × 𝑡𝑑 Data transfer cost: (𝑅𝑖/𝑃 + 𝑆𝑖/𝑃) × (𝑚𝑝 + 𝑚𝑙) Receiving cost: (𝑅𝑖 /𝑃 + 𝑆𝑖 /𝑃) × 𝑚𝑝
• Disk cost for sorting table
Disk write cost: (𝑅𝑖 /𝑃 + 𝑆𝑖 /𝑃) × 𝐼𝑂
Cost for local join
Scan cost: (𝑅𝑖//𝑃 + 𝑆𝑖/𝑃) × 𝐼𝑂
Select cost: (|𝑅𝑖| + |𝑆𝑖|) × (𝑡𝑟 + 𝑡𝑤)
Joincost:(|𝑅|×(𝑡 +𝑡 )+|𝑆|×(𝑡 +𝑡 +𝑡)) 𝑖𝑟h𝑖𝑟h𝑗
if main memory not enough for entire hash table, over flow buckets cost is incurred:
(1−𝑚𝑖𝑛( 𝐻 ,1))×(𝑆𝑖 ×2×𝐼𝑂) |𝑆𝑖| 𝑃
generatingresultcost:|𝑅|×𝜎 ×|𝑆|×𝑡 𝑖𝑗𝑖𝑤
Diskcostforsortingresult:(𝜋 ×𝑅 ×𝜎 ×𝜋 × 𝑅𝑖𝑗𝑆
𝑆𝑖/𝑃) × 𝐼𝑂
Parallel outer join
• ROJA (redistribution outer join algorithms) 1)redistribute;
2)local outer join
based disjoint partitoning.
• DOJA(duplication outer join algorithms) 1)replicate;
2)inner join;
3)hash and redistribute; 4)outer join.
based on divide and bradcast
• DER(duplication & efficient redistribution) 1)replicate;

2)inner join;
3)hash the ROW id and redistribute; 4)outer join.
when it comes join with more than two tables, say R,S,T
first redistribute first two R,S
then outer join R,S as J
redistribute J,T based on join attributes outer join J,T
• OJSO(outer join skew optimization) 1)redistribute R,S;
2)outer join R,S, store the result into Jredis and Jocal;
3)redistribute Jredis and T;
4)union the final.
Internal sorting
External Sorting
Phase 0: divide the
Parallel External Sort
• Parallel Merge-All Sort 1)local sort;
2)final merge.
• Parallel Binary-Merge Sort
1)local sort; 2)binary merge.
Binary merge vs k-way merge
• Parallel Redistribution Binary-Merge Sort 1)local sort;
2)redistribution; 3)binary merge; 4)redistribution; 5)final merge.
• Parallel Redistribution Merge-All Sort 1)local sort;
3)final merge.
• Parallel Partitioned Sort
1)redistribution; 2)local sort.
Serial GroupBy Processing
Read record from disk into memory;
if memory is not enough, hash data partioning base on attribute
Hash record into hash table in memory;
Store hash table as query result in disk
Parallel GroupBy
• Traditional methods (Merge-All and Hierarchical Merging)
1)local aggregate ;
2)global aggregation.
• Two-phase method 1)local aggregate ;
2)global aggregation.
• Redistribution method
1)redistribute(task stealing); 2)global aggregation.
key concepts
• model: a specification of mathematical relationship btw different variables
• machine learning: modifying and implementing models that learnt from data
• bias: Difference between predict value and actual value
• variance: Difference between predictive value with others.
• how to prevent overfitting
– train more data
– remove features
– early stopping
– cross validation
• precision: TP/(TP+FP)
focus on positive prediction, among the postive prediction, how many of them are true postive
• recall: TP/(TP+FN)
focus on real postive, how many postive is predicted right among all the real positive.
• F1: harmonic mean of precsion and recall.
Types of machine learning:
• Supervised
The input data has associate label
– Classification: Binary and multinomial logistic regression, decision tree, gradient boosted tree, random forest, naive Bayes, support vector machine.
– regression
Linear regression, decision tree, gradient boosted tree, random forest.
• Unsupervised
– Clustering

– Association
feature extractors
Easy to understand/generate rules Less hyper-parameter Visualisation
poor for non-numerical Low prediction accuracy Complex when much label
count vectorizer word count problmes
term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
log based on 2
using vector to calculate the similarity
stopwords, appears requently but no meaning
Random forest
1. consists of many decision trees.
2. vote final predictions
• Bagging: Bootstrap aggregating is a method that result in low variance.
Rather than training each tree on all the inputs in the training set (producing multiple identical trees),
each tree is trained on different set of sample
• Gradient boosting: selecting best classifiers to
improve prediction accuracy with each new tree.
It works by combining several weak learners (typically high bias, low variance models) to produce an overall strong
Advantages and Disadvantages
feature transformers
• string index
categorical -> numerical issues: assume nature ordering
• one hot enconding categorical -> binary array
Classification techniques
• Decison tree
• K-nearest neighbours
• Random forest
• Naive bayes
• support vecotr machine
Decison tree
root node, leaf/terminal node(do not split), decison node(split into further sub-nodes)
Splitting: divide nodes into sub-nodes
Pruning: remove sub-nodes of descion nodes
ID3(interative dichotomiser 3)
1. Compute the entropy for data set
2. For every attribute/feature:
2.1. Calculate entropy for all categorical values 2.2 Take average information entropy for the current attribute
2.3 Calculate gain for the current attribute
3. Pick the highest gain attribute
4. Repeat until the tree is complete
Advantage vs disadvantage
• • • • • •
Robust to correlated predictors Both regression and classification Unsupervised ML problems
No variable selection
As feature selection tool
Take care missing data
Difficult to interpret
Erratic predictions for observations out of range Longer time
Parallel classification
Data parallel: vertial data partioning
result parallel: horizontal data partitioning
• K-means is a partitional clustering algorithm
• The k-means algorithm partitions the given data
into k clusters.
• Each cluster has a cluster center, called centroid.
• k is specified by the user

Algorithm k-Means:
• Specifies k number of clusters, and guesses the k seed cluster centroid
• Iteratively looks at each data point and assigns it to the closest centroid,
current clusters may receive or loose their members.
• Each cluster must re-calculate the mean (centroid)
• The process is repeated until the clusters are stable (no change of members)
The K-means Notice
• The number of clusters k is predefined.
• The final composition of clusters is very
sensitive to the choice of initial centroid values.
– Simple and fast for low dimensional data
– Scales to large data sets
– Easily adapts to new data points
– It will not identify outliers
– Restricted to data which has the notion
of a centre (centroid)
Data Parallelism of k-means
Data parallel: each processor classify all clusters then combine in final stage
Result parallel: each processor classify only one cluster
recommendation system
• content based
requries sufficient amount of items (feature)
• collaborative filtering
use previous user input/behaviours to make futhure recommendation
collaborative filtering
• it benefits from large user bases
• flexible with diff domain
• produce level of recommendation
• capture nuance
Overview of streaming join
• Nested-loop stream join
• Sorted-merge join
• hash join & symmetric hash join
Problem for hash join: miss match (if hash Si, if r come later than its pair s, then r and s will not pair)
unbounded stream join
• Tuple-based window stream join
• Time-based window stream join
• handshake join
soultion to fix missing match:
– alternating tuples must be left empty in
the stream.
– handshake twice with adjcent then move
bounded stream join
• nested-loop join
m-way join: first join R,S into RS, then join RS,T
• symetric hash join
• Mjoin: Probe hash table then hash
• Amjoin: probe Bit-vector hash table then update
Bit-vector, last hash
Granularity reduction in data stream
granularity is the level of details at which data are store in the database.
garanularity is not only of retirval efficency but also about managing complexity.
Reduce granularity from hourly to daily, then to weekly, it is easier to see the trend. Identify trend fron streaming data is very important.
Fixed-size windows
Overlapped windows
Slide time is less than window size
no granularity reduction
when the time slide is one unit of time
with granularity reduction
when the time slide is more than one unit of time
Non-overlapped windows
with gramularity reduction
consecitive windows are not overlapped (no gap between the windows)
Mixed-level of granularity
temporal-based spatial-based

Sensor Array
a sensor array is a group of sensors, usually developed ina certain geometry pattern.
• multiple sensors measuring the same things
• specialize on sensing a very specific samll region
• Get more accuracy of the results
• reduce and the merge
• merge and then reduce
• multiple sensors measuring the different things
• reduce, normalize, and then merge
• Normalised, merge and then reduce

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