Raveen de Silva,
office: K17 202
Course Admin: ,
School of Computer Science and Engineering UNSW Sydney
Term 3, 2021

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

Rates of growth
You should be familiar with true-ish statements such as:
Heap sort is faster than bubble sort. Linear search is slower than binary search.
We would like to make such statements more precise.
We also want to understand when they are wrong, and why it matters.

Asymptotic notation
We need a way to compare two functions, in this case representing the runtime of each algorithm. However, comparing values directly is surprisingly fraught:
Outliers Implementation details
We prefer to talk in terms of asymptotics.
For example, if the size of the input doubles, the function value could (approximately) double, quadruple, etc.
A function which quadruples will eventually ‘beat’ a function which doubles, in any circumstances.

“Big-Oh” notation
We say f (n) = O(g(n)) if
there exist positive constants C and N such that 0 ≤ f (n) ≤ C g(n) for all n ≥ N.
g (n) is said to be an asymptotic upper bound for f (n). Informally, f (n) is eventually (i.e. for large n) controlled by a
multiple of g(n), i.e. f(n) grows “no faster than g(n)”.
Useful to (over-)estimate the complexity of a particular algorithm, e.g. insertion sort runs in O(n2) time.

Big Omega notation
We say f (n) = Ω(g(n)) if
there exist positive constants c and N such that 0 ≤ c g(n) ≤ f (n) for all n ≥ N.
g (n) is said to be an asymptotic lower bound for f (n). Informally, f (n) eventually (i.e. for large n) dominates a
multiple of g(n), i.e. f(n) grows “no slower than g(n)”.
Useful to say that any algorithm solving a particular problem runs in at least Ω(g(n)), e.g. any comparison sort runs in Ω(n log n).

Landau notation
f (n) = Ω(g(n)) if and only if g(n) = O(f (n)).
There are strict versions of Big-Oh and Big Omega notations:
namely little-oh (o) and little omega (ω) respectively.
We say f (n) = Θ(g(n)) if
f (n) = O(g(n)) and f (n) = Ω(g(n)).
f (n) and g (n) are said to have the same asymptotic growth rate.

Properties of Landau notation
Sum property
Iff1 =O(g1)andf2 =O(g2),thenf1+f2 =O(g1+g2).
Product property
Iff1 =O(g1)andf2 =O(g2),thenf1·f2 =O(g1·g2).
In particular, if f = O(g) and λ is a constant, then λ · f = O(g) also.
The same properties hold if O is replaced by Ω, Θ, o or ω.

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

Fora,b>0anda̸=1,letn=logabifan =b.
aloga n = n
loga(mn) = loga m + loga n
loga(nk) = k loga n

Change of Base Rule
For a, b, x > 0 and a, b ̸= 1, we have
loga x = logb x . logb a
The denominator is constant with respect to x!
Therefore loga n = Θ(logb n), that is, logarithms of any base
are interchangeable in asymptotic notation. We typically write log n instead.

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

An old puzzle
We are given 27 coins of the same denomination; we know that one of them is counterfeit and that it is lighter than the others. Find the counterfeit coin by weighing coins on a pan balance only three times.
You can reduce the search space by a third in one weighing!

An old puzzle
Divide the coins into three groups of nine, say A, B and C. Weigh group A against group B.
If one group is lighter than the other, it contains the coun- terfeit coin.
If instead both groups have equal weight, then group C contains the counterfeit coin!
Repeat with three groups of three, then three groups of one.

Divide and Conquer
This method is called “divide-and-conquer”.
We have already seen a prototypical “serious” algorithm
designed using such a method: the Merge-Sort.
We split the array into two, sort the two parts recursively and
then merge the two sorted arrays.
We now look at a closely related but more interesting problem of counting inversions in an array.

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

Counting the number of inversions
Assume that you have m users ranking the same set of n movies. You want to determine for any two users A and B how similar their tastes are (for example, in order to make a recommender system).
How should we measure the degree of similarity of two users A and B?
Lets enumerate the movies on the ranking list of user B by assigning to the top choice of user B index 1, assign to his second choice index 2 and so on.
For the ith movie on B’s list we can now look at the position (i.e., index) of that movie on A’s list, denoted by a(i).

Counting the number of inversions
a(9) = 3 a(4) = 8 a(7) = 5
a(2) = 11

Counting the number of inversions
A good measure of how different these two users are, is the total number of inversions, i.e., total number of pairs of movies i,j such that movie i precedes movie j on B’s list but movie j is higher up on A’s list than the movie i.
In other words, we count the number of pairs of movies i,j such that i < j (movie i precedes movie j on B′s list) but a(i) > a(j) (movie i follows movie j on A’s list, in positions a(i) and a(j) respectively).
For example 1 and 2 do not form an inversion because 1 = a(1) < a(2) = 11, but 4 and 7 do form an inversion because 5 = a(7) < a(4) = 8. Counting the number of inversions An easy way to count the total number of inversions between two lists is to test each pair i < j of movies on one list, and add one to the total if they are inverted in the second list. Unfortunately this produces a quadratic time algorithm, T(n) = Θ(n2). We now show that this can be done in a much more efficient way, in time O(n log n), by applying a divide-and-conquer strategy. Clearly, since the total number of pairs is quadratic in n, we cannot afford to inspect all possible pairs. The main idea is to tweak the Merge-Sort algorithm, by extending it to recursively both sort an array A and determine the number of inversions in A. Counting the number of inversions A We split the array A into two (approximately) equal parts Alo = A[1..m] and Ahi = A[m + 1..n], where m = ⌊n/2⌋. Note that the total number of inversions in array A is equal to the sum of the number of inversions I(Alo) in Alo (such as 9 and 7) plus the number of inversions I(Ahi) in Ahi (such as 4 and 2) plus the number of inversions I(Alo,Ahi) across the two halves (such as 7 and 4). 1 11 9 12 7 10 3 4 6 8 2 5 Counting the number of inversions We have I (A) = I (Alo ) + I (Ahi ) + I (Alo , Ahi ). The first two terms of the right-hand side are the number of inversions within Alo and within Ahi , which can be calculated recursively. It seems that the main challenge is to evaluate the last time, which requires us to count the inversions which cross the partition between the two sub-arrays. Counting the number of inversions In our example, how many inversions involve the 6? A 1 11 9 12 7 10 3 4 6 8 2 5 It’s the number of elements of Alo which are greater than 6, but how would one compute this systematically? The idea is to not only count inversions across the partition, but also sort the array. We can then assume that the subarrays Alo and Ahi are sorted in the process of counting I(Alo) and I(Ahi). Counting the number of inversions We proceed to count I(Alo,Ahi) (specifically, counting each inversion according to the lesser of its elements) and simultaneously merge as in Merge-Sort. Each time we reach an element of Ahi , we have inversions with this number and each of the remaining elements in Alo. We therefore add the number of elements remaining in Alo to the answer. 1 7 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Counting the number of inversions On the other hand, when we reach an element of Alo, all inversions involving this number have already been counted. We have therefore counted the number of inversions within each subarray (I(Alo) and I(Ahi)) as well as the number of inversions across the partition ((I(Alo,Ahi)), and adding these gives I(A) as required. Clearly this algorithm has the same complexity as Merge-Sort, i.e. Θ(n log n). Next: we look to generalise this method of divide and conquer. Table of Contents 1. Preliminaries 1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms 2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences 3. Puzzle Recurrences Recurrences are important to us because they arise in estimations of time complexity of divide-and-conquer algorithms. Recall that counting inversions in an array A of size n required us to: recurse on each half of the array (Alo and Ahi ), and count inversions across the partition, in linear time. Therefore the runtime T(n) satisfies T (n) = 2T 􏰷 n 􏰸 + c n. 2 Recurrences Let a ≥ 1 be an integer and b > 1 a real number, and suppose that a divide-and-conquer algorithm:
reduces a problem of size n to a many problems of smaller size n/b,
with overhead cost of f (n) to split up the problem and combine the solutions from these smaller problems.
The time complexity of such an algorithm satisfies
T (n) = a T 􏰷 n 􏰸 + f (n). b

Technically, we should be writing
T (n) = a T 􏰷􏱉 n 􏱊􏰸 + f (n)
but it can be shown that the same asymptotics are achieved if we ignore the rounding and additive constants.

Recurrences of the form T (n) = a T 􏰵 n 􏰶 + f (n) b
size of instance = n
size of instances = n/b
size of instances = n/b2 .
a many instances

….. ….. …

…. .
. .
depth of recursion: log! 𝑛
size of instances = 1

Solving Recurrences
Some recurrences can be solved explicitly, but this tends to be tricky.
Fortunately, to estimate the efficiency of an algorithm we do not need the exact solution of a recurrence
We only need to find:
the growth rate of the solution i.e., its asymptotic
behaviour, and
the (approximate) sizes of the constants involved (more about that later)
This is what the Master Theorem provides (when it is applicable).

Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
1.1 Asymptotic notation 1.2 Logarithms
2. Divide and Conquer 2.1 Counting inversions 2.2 Recurrences
3. Puzzle

A puzzle
Five pirates have to split 100 bars of gold. They all line up and proceed as follows:
The first pirate in line gets to propose a way to split up the gold (for example: everyone gets 20 bars)
The pirates, including the one who proposed, vote on whether to accept the proposal. If the proposal is rejected, the pirate who made the proposal is killed.
The next pirate in line then makes his proposal, and the 4 pirates vote again. If the vote is tied (2 vs 2) then the proposing pirate is still killed. Only majority can accept a proposal.
This process continues until a proposal is accepted or there is only one pirate left.

A puzzle
Problem (continued)
Assume that every pirate has the same priorities, in the following order:
1. not having to walk the plank;
2. getting as much gold as possible;
3. seeing other pirates walk the plank, just for fun.

A puzzle
Problem (continued)
What proposal should the first pirate make?
Assume first that there are only two pirates, and see what happens. Then assume that there are three pirates and that they have figured out what happens if there were only two pirates and try to see what they would do. Further, assume that there are four pirates and that they have figured out what happens if there were only three pirates, try to see what they would do. Finally assume there are five pirates and that they have figured out what happens if there were only four pirates.

That’s All, Folks!!

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