程序代写代做代考 1. Build code to calculate bootstrap confidence bounds for an mpg prediction on one of the cars listed in the AUTO data only with the weight cut in half.

1. Build code to calculate bootstrap confidence bounds for an mpg prediction on one of the cars listed in the AUTO data only with the weight cut in half.
This bound includes model selection across many models including quadratic models.
Submit the code, the vector for the car used in your prediction, the bootstrap bound and the normal theory bound using the best model you predicted.
要用的code和方法在PPT Class March 21里面
2. Convert instructions on veiw graphs for finding FDR into function to identify interesting hypothesis
Submit code and graph based on testing against a set of 5000 numbers uniformly selected from 0,0.15, testing at Q=0.05
按照ppt class march 24 第4页 也就是标题是how do we do it那一页来做 数据从数据集里面自选 做完应该和下图差不多


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