程序代写代做代考 Haskell data structure concurrency Introduction to Computer Science: An Overview
Introduction to Computer Science: An Overview
Introduction to Computer Science: An Overview
Prof. Susan Older
17 January 2017
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Myriad Aspects of Computer Science
1 Component-based problem solving
Building solutions to complex problems by “glueing” together
solutions to smaller problems
2 Data structures and operations on them
stacks, queues, lists, trees, . . .
3 Recognition and reuse of useful computational patterns
4 Capabilities and limitations of computation
5 Languages, environments, and tools
6 Analysis of different approaches and understanding tradeoffs
We’ll be exploring many of these items using the language Haskell.
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Why Haskell?
Strong support for working with patterns
patterns of data
computational patterns
Well suited for logical analysis and assurance arguments
Useful for rapid prototyping of ideas
Future of computing (e.g., concurrency and multi-cores) depends on
higher-levels of abstraction
Weight lifting for your mind!
You’re forced to deal with types, pattern matching, and recursion.
You’ll get practice thinking about problem solving in a different and
systematic way.
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Don’t be Fooled: This is Not a Standard Intro Course
Expect to work outside of class:
The only way to learn programming is to practice.
Start early, and ask for help if needed.
You need to keep up to date with the material.
Later topics build on previous topics.
If you wait to work on assignments, the intervening lectures likely won’t
make much sense.
We may seem to start slow, but we’ll ramp up within a couple weeks.
Develop good habits early!
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Course Administrivia: See Syllabus for Details!
Labs start tomorrow!
Office hours: Mon (3-5pm), Fri (1:30-3pm), appointment (email!)
Course web site:
I generally use Blackboard only for grades.
Grades are based on:
Labs (10%): every week (except exam weeks)
Homeworks (24%): every week (except exam weeks)
Exams (60%): three in-class exams, one optional final
Pop quizzes and/or in-class activities (6%)
It’s essential to keep up to date: later topics build on previous topics.
Start assignments early: late assignments are not accepted.
Academic integrity matters.
Don’t be shy in asking for help: that’s why we’re here!
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