程序代写代做代考 matlab 4H Mathematical Biology Computer Lab 1

4H Mathematical Biology Computer Lab 1

Epidemic models

An SIR model with partial immunity

The basic SIR model can be extended to model a disease for which immunity is only tem-
porary, in that individuals in the recovered class can be reinfected at a slower rate than the
susceptibles who have never been infected.
Consider the modified SIR model :


= µn� �si� µs


= +�si� �i+ ��ir � µi


= �i� ��ir � µr

where all the parameters are positive constants and 0  �  1.

1. Explain the terms in the model. Let s(T ) + i(T ) + r(T ) = N(T ) and N(0)=n, show
that N(T ) = n for all time, T � 0. Why it is su�cient to consider only equations for
s and i?

2. Nondimensionalise the model by setting

s = Sn, i = In, T = t/(µ+ �),

where S, I, t are scaled variables, susceptibles, infectives and time respectively. Show
the non-dimensionalised model is given by


= e�R0SI � eS


= +R0SI � I + �R0I(1� S � I)


Give the expressions for R0 and e in terms of the original model parameters. Explain
why the parameter R0 is the basic reproduction number for this model.

3. Letting
e = 0.0012, R0 = 3.5, � = 0.25

and initial conditions S(0) = 0.99, I(0) = 0.01. Write a matlab program to solve
equations (1) numerically using Matlab’s ODE solver ODE45. You should be creating
two files: a function file which contains the equations and a script file that calls the
ODE solver which will access your equation file. Plot your solution, I(t) against t, S(t)
against t and R(t) (= 1 � S(t) � I(t)) against t (on the same graph) for 0  t  50.
Now vary R0. What is the e↵ect of R0 on the graphs, pay particular attention to
features such as peak infection, whether the infection dies out, and the endemic steady
state. Why does R0 a↵ect the graph in this way?

4H Mathematical Biology Computer Lab 1

4. For R0 > 0 the number of infectives in the unique endemic steady state (I 6= 0) is
given by

I =





+ �

+ 4(R0 � 1)



+ �



Write a matlab program to plot the steady state value of I given in the equation above
versus R0, for 1  R0  6. Set � = 0.25 and e = 0.0012.

5. Try changing the value of �, how does this change the graph, try some other values
and study the e↵ect of partial immunity on the endemic steady state (remember 0 
�  1.). Consider your observations in terms of the e↵ect of partial immunity on the
terms in the model.

6. Now we modify the model so that a fraction v of the population are vaccinated at birth.
Introduce a new compartment for individuals who are vaccinated and are immune to
the disease. Modify your equations so that a proportion v go directly into this class and
the rest become susceptible (vaccinated individuals will still die with rate µ). Setting
R0 = 5 and using the same parameters as in part (c), explore the e↵ect of v on the
dynamics. In particular think about when infection dies out and when it persists. You
might find it helpful to pass a parameter into the ODE solver using the syntax:

% function

function dy=myfunction(t,y,R0)



[T,Y] = ode45(@(t,y)myfunction(t,y,R0),[0:1:500],[0.99 0.01]);

then run the solver within a loop.

Some useful matlab commands

hold on If you use this command directly following a plot it will allow any subsequent plots
to appear on the same figure (it will not overwrite them).

size size(Y) gives the size of the matrix Y . For example if Y is an 7 ⇥ 4 matrix then
size(Y)=[7 4].

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