程序代写 CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning – cscodehelp代写

CSC 311: Introduction to Machine Learning
Lecture 11 – Convolutional Neural Networks
Anthony Bonner &
Slides by , Amir-massoud Farahmand, and

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Intro ML (UofT) CSC311-Lec11 1 / 1

Neural Nets for Visual Object Recognition
People are very good at recognizing shapes
I Intrinsically dicult, computers are bad at it Why is it dicult?
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Why is it a Problem?
Dicult scene conditions
[From: Grauman & Leibe]
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Why is it a Problem?
Huge within-class variations. Recognition is mainly about modeling variation.
[Pic from: S. Lazebnik]
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Why is it a Problem?
Tons of classes
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Neural Nets for Object Recognition
People are very good at recognizing object
I Intrinsically dicult, computers are bad at it Some reasons why it is dicult:
I Segmentation: Real scenes are cluttered
I Invariances: We are very good at ignoring all sorts of variations that do
not a↵ect class
I Deformations: Natural object classes allow variations (faces, letters,
I A huge amount of computation is required
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How to Deal with Large Input Spaces
How can we apply neural nets to images?
Images can have millions of pixels, i.e., x is very high dimensional How many parameters do I have?
Prohibitive to have fully-connected layers
What can we do?
We can use a locally connected layer
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Locally Connected Layer
Example: 200×200 image 40K hidden units Filter size: 10×10
4M parameters
Note: This parameterization is good when input image is registered (e.g., 34 face recognition). Ranzato
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When Will this Work?
When Will this Work?
This is good when the input is (roughly) registered
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General Images
The object can be anywhere
[Slide: Y. Zhu]
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General Images
The object can be anywhere
[Slide: Y. Zhu]
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General Images
The object can be anywhere
[Slide: Y. Zhu]
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The Invariance Problem
Our perceptual systems are very good at dealing with invariances I translation, rotation, scaling
I deformation, contrast, lighting
We are so good at this that its hard to appreciate how dicult it is
I Its one of the main diculties in making computers perceive I We still don’t have generally accepted solutions
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Locally Connected Layer
STATIONARITY? Statistics is similar at different locations
Example: 200×200 image 40K hidden units Filter size: 10×10
4M parameters
Note: This parameterization is good when input image is registered (e.g., 35 face recognition). Ranzato
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The replicated feature approach
The red connections all have the same weight.
Adopt approach apparently used in monkey visual systems
Use many di↵erent copies of the same feature detector.
I Copies have slightly di↵erent positions.
I Could also replicate across scale and orientation.
I Tricky and expensive
I Replication reduces the number of
free parameters to be learned.
Use several di↵erent feature types, each
5 with its own replicated pool of detectors. I Allows each patch of image to be
represented in several ways.
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Convolutional Neural Net
Idea: statistics are similar at di↵erent locations (Lecun 1998)
Connect each hidden unit to a small input patch and share the weight across space
This is called a convolution layer and the network is a convolutional network
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolutional Layer
hn = max(0, hn1 ⇤ wn )
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Convolution layers are named after the convolution operation. If a and b are two arrays,
(a⇤b)t =Xa⌧bt⌧. ⌧
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“Flip and Filter” interpretation:
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2-D Convolution
2-D convolution is analogous:
(A⇤B)ij =XXAstBis,jt.
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2-D Convolution
The thing we convolve by is called a kernel, or filter. What does this convolution kernel do?
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2-D Convolution
What does this convolution kernel do?
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2-D Convolution
What does this convolution kernel do?
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2-D Convolution
What does this convolution kernel do?
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Convolutional Layer
Learn multiple filters.
E.g.: 200×200 image 100 Filters
Filter size: 10×10 10K parameters
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Convolutional Layer
Figure: Left: CNN, right: Each neuron computes a linear and activation function Hyperparameters of a convolutional layer:
The number of filters (controls the depth of the output volume) The stride: how many units apart do we apply a filter spatially (this
controls the spatial size of the output volume)
The size w ⇥ h of the filters
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MLP vs ConvNet
Figure : Top: MLP, bottom: Convolutional neural network
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Pooling Layer
By “pooling” (e.g., taking max) filter responses at different locations we gain robustness to the exact spatial location of features.
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Pooling Options
: return the maximal argument
Average Pooling: return the average of the arguments Other types of pooling exist.
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Figure: Left: Pooling, right: max pooling example Hyperparameters of a pooling layer:
The spatial extent F The stride
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Backpropagation with Weight Constraints
The backprop procedure from last lecture can be applied directly to conv nets.
This is covered in csc421.
As a user, you don’t need to worry about the details, since they’re handled by automatic di↵erentiation packages.
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Here’s the LeNet architecture, which was applied to handwritten digit recognition on MNIST in 1998:
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Imagenet, biggest dataset for object classification: http://image-net.org/ 1000 classes, 1.2M training images, 150K for test
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AlexNet, 2012. 8 weight layers. 16.4% top-5 error (i.e. the network gets 5 tries to guess the right category).
Figure 2: An illustration of the architecture of our CNN, explicitly showing the delineation of responsibilities
between the two GPUs. One GPU runs the layer-parts at the top of the figure while the other runs the layer-parts
The two processing pathways correspond to 2 GPUs. (At the time, the network
at the bottom. The GPUs communicate only at certain layers. The network’s input is 150,528-dimensional, and
couldn’t fit on one GPU.)
the number of neurons in the network’s remaining layers is given by 253,440–186,624–64,896–64,896–43,264– 4096–4096–1000.
AlexNet’s stunning performance on the ILSVRC is what set o↵ the deep learning boom of the last 6 years.
neurons in a kernel map). The second convolutional layer takes as input the (response-normalized
and pooled) output of the first convolutional layer and filters it with 256 kernels of size 5 ⇥ 5 ⇥ 48. CSC411 Lec11 32 / 43
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012)
The third, fourth, and fifth convolutional layers are connected to one another without any intervening

150 Layers!
Networks are now at 150 layers
They use a skip connections with special form
In fact, they don’t fit on this screen
Amazing performance!
A lot of “mistakes” are due to wrong ground-truth
[He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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Results: Object Classification
Slide: R. Liao, Paper: [He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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Results: Object Detection
Slide: R. Liao, Paper: [He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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Results: Object Detection
Slide: R. Liao, Paper: [He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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Results: Object Detection
Slide: R. Liao, Paper: [He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.
arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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Results: Object Detection
Slide: R. Liao, Paper: [He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S. and Sun, J., 2015. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. arXiv:1512.03385, 2016]
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What do CNNs Learn?
Figure: Filters in the first convolutional layer of Krizhevsky et al
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What do CNNs Learn?
Figure: Filters in the second layer [http://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.2901v3.pdf]
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What do CNNs Learn?
Figure: Filters in the third layer
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What do CNNs Learn?
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Tricking a Neural Net
Read about it here (and try it!): https://codewords.recurse.com/issues/five/ why-do-neural-networks-think-a-panda-is-a-vulture
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2IebCN9Ht4
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More on NNs
Figure : Generate images: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.06434v1.pdf Zemel, Urtasun, Fidler (UofT) CSC 411: 11-Neural Networks II 52 / 55

More on NNs
Generate text: https://vimeo.com/146492001, https://github.com/karpathy/neuraltalk2, https://github.com/ryankiros/visual-semantic-embedding
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More on NNs
Figure : Compose music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VTI1BBLydE
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Great course dedicated to NN: http://cs231n.stanford.edu Over source frameworks:
I Pytorch http://pytorch.org/
I Tensorflow https://www.tensorflow.org/ I Ca↵e http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/
Most cited NN papers:
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