CS代写 2021/12/8 ÉÏÎç3:56 Lab Exercise 10 – Ext2 directory entry structure – cscodehelp代写

2021/12/8 ÉÏÎç3:56 Lab Exercise 10 – Ext2 directory entry structure
Lab Exercise 10 – Ext2 directory entry structure Due: Nov 19, at 10 p.m.
This exercise follows on from Lab Exercise 9. If you wait until the deadline to do this exercise it is unlikely that you will be able to finish the assignment 4.

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You may work in pairs for this exercise, with your A4 partner, since some code will potentially be common with the assignment. MarkUs will only create the appropriate directory in your repository when you log into MarkUs and either create your group, or declare that you will work alone. The groups will get a new shared repository, and the students working solo may also get a new repository. Please log into MarkUs well before the deadline to take these steps. (If you create the directory in your repo yourself, then MarkUs won’t know about it and we won’t be able to see your work.)
It is your responsibility to log into MarkUs before the exercise deadline to ensure that you know where to commit your work, and so that MarkUs can connect your work to the grading system.
Your final task in this series of exercises (same simplifying assumptions as in exercise 8) is to print the directory block contents. While you are doing this, you should work out how the directory structure creates a linked list of directory entries by using rec_len to show where the next directory entry begins. Note that rec_len in the last directory entry takes you to the end of the block.
For emptydisk.img your output should exactly match the following. In other words, we should be able to use diff to compare your output to this and see that it is identical (the indentation below uses 4 spaces but we will ignore leading and trailing spaces when testing).
Inodes: 32 Blocks: 128 Block group:
block bitmap: 3 inode bitmap: 4 inode table: 5 free blocks: 105 free inodes: 21 used_dirs: 2
Block bitmap: 11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 Inode bitmap: 11111111 11100000 00000000 00000000
[2] type: d size: [2] Blocks: 9
Directory Blocks: DIR BLOCK NUM: Inode: 2 rec_len: Inode: 2 rec_len:
1024 links: 3 blocks: 2
9 (for inode 2)
12 name_len: 1 type= d name=. 12 name_len: 2 type= d name=..
Inode: 11 rec_len: 1000 name_len: 10 type= d name=lost+found
For twolevel.img your output should match the following:
Inodes: 32 Blocks: 128 Block group:
block bitmap: 3 inode bitmap: 4 inode table: 5 free blocks: 101 free inodes: 17 used_dirs: 4
Block bitmap: 11111111 11111111 11111110 00000000 00010000 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 Inode bitmap: 11111111 11111001 10000000 00000000
[2] type: d size: 1024 links: 4 blocks: 2 [2] Blocks: 9
[12] type: d size: 1024 links: 3 blocks: 2 [12] Blocks: 127
[13] type: d size: 1024 links: 2 blocks: 2 [13] Blocks: 23
[16] type: f size: 38 links: 1 blocks: 2
https://mcs.utm.utoronto.ca/~369/restricted/assignments/a4/te10.html 1/2

2021/12/8 ÉÏÎç3:56 Lab Exercise 10 – Ext2 directory entry structure
[16] Blocks: 41
[17] type: f size: 33 links: 1 blocks: 2 [17] Blocks: 36
Directory Blocks: DIR BLOCK NUM: Inode: 2 rec_len: Inode: 2 rec_len:
9 (for inode 2)
12 name_len: 1 type= d 12 name_len: 2 type= d
d name=lost+found
Inode: 11 rec_len: 20 name_len: 10 type=
Inode: 12 rec_len: 36 name_len: 6 type= d name=level1 Inode: 17 rec_len: 944 name_len: 5 type= f name=afile
DIR BLOCK NUM: 127 (for inode 12)
Inode: 12 rec_len: 12 name_len: 1 type= d name=.
Inode: 2 rec_len: 12 name_len: 2 type= d name=..
Inode: 13 rec_len: 1000 name_len: 6 type= d name=level2
DIR BLOCK NUM: 23 (for inode 13)
Inode: 13 rec_len: 12 name_len: 1 type= d name=. Inode: 12 rec_len: 32 name_len: 2 type= d name=.. Inode: 16 rec_len: 980 name_len: 5 type= f name=bfile
Ensure that you have a repository directory created by MarkUs for this exercise, then add and commit readimage.c and ext2.h to this directory.
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程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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