代写代考 Solution to Problem 1 – cscodehelp代写

Solution to Problem 1
We see that deg(a) = 3, deg(b) = 3, deg(c) = 3, deg(d) = 2, deg(e) = 4, and deg(f) = 1.
Therefore, the sequence is 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1.
Solution to Problem 2

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(a) As the number of odd-degree vertices has to be even, no graph exists with these degrees. Moreover, a vertex in a simple graph with 6 vertices, can have a maximum degree of 5.
(b) As the vertices with degree 5 are connected to all other vertices, each vertex should have a degree ≥ 2. The given sequence includes a degree of 1. Thus, it is not graphic.
Solution to Problem 3
It will have total v(v − 1)/2 − e number of edges.
Solution to Problem 4
It can be obtained by subtracting each of these numbers from 4 (the maximum degree for a simple graph with 5 vertices) and then reversing the order. Thus, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0 is the degree sequence of G.

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