程序代写 EECS 485 Lecture 14 – cscodehelp代写

EECS 485 Lecture 14
OS and Parallelism
John Kloosterman

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Learning Objectives
• Identify the role of the operating system in abstracting hardware resources
• Differentiate processes and threads, and identify when to use each
• Identify situations that need synchronization between threads and implement synchronization using locks
• Use sockets to perform network communication in Python

Processes and Threads

Project 4: MapReduce
• MapReduce: divide computation among many computers
• P4: simulate this on one computer
• Multiple programs (processes): manager and workers
• Multiple threads: do computation at same time as waiting for network

• Process: a running program

The process abstraction
• The process is the OS abstraction for execution • Also sometimes called a job or a task
• A process is a program in execution
• Programs are static entities with potential for execution
• Process consists of:
• A unique process ID (PID)
• An address space (memory)
• 1 or more threads (sequences of computation)
• Some other resources (file handles, open sockets,…)

Process address space
Static Data

When are processes useful?
• Multiple things happening at once
• Different programs running on the same machine • Same program running on different machines

• Multiple functions in a program running simultaneously

Say hi to partner

Thread Picture
def thread_body():
t = Thread(target=thread_body)
print(“Main thread”)
# exercise:
# which order will the print statements run in?

• jkloosterman.net/485: Lecture 14 Exercise 1
• Change num_threads, see what happens to execution time

repl.it picture

Process with multiple threads
Static Data
Thread 1 Thread 2

Operating systems scheduling
• Each CPU core can run one thread at a time • Every ~1-10ms, the OS can switch

When are threads useful?
• Multiple things happening at once • Within one program
• May need to share data in memory
• Usually some slow resource • Network server
• Controlling a physical system (e.g., airplane controller) • Window system
• Parallel programming

Web server example
• Web server example
• Receives multiple simultaneous requests
• Reads web pages from disk to satisfy each request

When to use processes vs. threads
• Threads have lower overhead than processes
• Often used when threads share data with one another
• Processes provide separate address space • Useful when there is not complete trust
• Useful to limit the damage caused by buggy code • Needed when threads are on different computers


Why synchronization: repl.it
• jkloosterman.net/485: Lecture 14 Exercise 2
• Run the code multiple times. What is happening? What is an explanation?

repl.it drawing

• Change num_increments to 100 • Do you see the same behavior? • Why or why not?

Fix: synchronization
• Synchronization: threads agree on ordering constraints
• Don’t allow read and write to be separated • atomic operation
• Lock: make a region where only one thread can be inside at a time

l = threading.Lock()
def thread_body():
for i in range(num_increments):

Fixing repl.it 2

• jkloosterman.net/485: Lecture 14 Exercise 3
• Multiple ways of locking
• acquire_loop_release: lock during entire loop
• acquire_inc_release: lock during each increment
• acquire_inc1000_release: lock during groups of 1000 increments
• What order are their speeds, and why?

repl.it 3 drawing

• How do we share the network?
• One (or a few) network interface cards/IP addresses • But many applications sending/receiving data
• A network socket provides virtual NIC for a process • Specify sender or receiver by both IP address and port #
• TCP establishes connection between two sockets • UDP sends packets from one socket to another
• Socket API is provided by the operating system, and lets application programs use network sockets

• A process sends cesssends/receives
messages to its socket ssagesto/fromits
hostor server
TCPwith buffers, variables
controlledby appdeveloper
hostor server
TCPwith buffers, variables
controlled byOS
ket• A process receives messages from its
ketanalogoustodoor socket
dingprocessshoves ssagesoutthedoor
dingprocessrelieson nsportinfrastructureon
othersideofthedoorto livermessagetothesocket
e thereceiverprocess

Sockets at the command line
Server Client
$ nc –l localhost 8000
hello world
$ nc –l –p 8000
$ echo “hello world” |
nc localhost 8000

$ echo “hello world” |
nc localhost 8000
Socket example
At the client
• Translate localhost into IP address • Decide to use the TCP protocol
• Create a socket
• connect to at port 8000 •sendthe data
• Close the connection

$ nc –l localhost 8000
hello world
Socket example
At the receiver (server)
• Note: receiver was started first
• Create socket
• Decide to use TCP
• bind the socket to port 8000 •listenon the socket
•acceptthe connection request •recvthe packets (until connection closed) • Close the socket

Socket server in Python
import socket
if __name__ == “__main__”:
sock = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET,
socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((“localhost”, 8000))
Create socket
IPv4 (AF_INET6 for IPv6)
Avoid “[ERROR] Address already in use”
bind the socket to port 8000

Socket server in Python
clientsocket, address = sock.accept()
print(“Connection from”, address)
message_chunks = [] while True:
data = clientsocket.recv(4096)
if not data:
break message_chunks.append(data)
listen on the socket, queue up as many as 5 connect requests before refusing outside connections
accept a connection request
recv() returns up to 4096 bytes.
Loop to receive all data. Assumes sender cleanly closes connection.

Socket server in Python
message_bytes = b”.join(message_chunks) message_str = message_bytes.decode(“utf-8”) print(message_str)
Close the socket
Join together chunks of bytes, then interpret as a UTF-8 string

Socket server in Python
Server Client
$ python3 test_server.py
Server: connection from
(‘’, 60980)
hello world
$ echo “hello world” |
nc localhost 8000

Socket server in Python
• When a TCP server accepts a new client, it returns a new socket to communicate with the client
• Allows the server to communicate with multiple clients
$ python3 test_server.py
Server: connection from
(‘’, 60980) hello world

Socket client in Python
import socket
if __name__ == “__main__”:
# create an INET, STREAMing socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# connect to the server s.connect((“localhost”, 8000))
# send a message
message = “hello world!” sock.sendall(message.encode(‘utf-8’)) s.close()

Socket client in Python
Server Client
$ nc –l localhost 8000
hello world
$ python3 test_client.py

Socket client/server in Python
Server Client
$ python3 test_server.py
Server: connection from
(‘’, 60980)
hello world
$ python3 test_client.py

Sockets and project 4
• Project 4 uses processes, threads and sockets to implement a Map Reduce server
• We need to do multiple things in parallel • Example: a manager and N workers
• N+1 processes
• Example: a worker’s task (a map function) and a worker’s heartbeat (“I’m alive” message)
• 2 threads
• Communicate between several machines
• Manager communicates with workers using sockets

Learning Objectives
• Identify the role of the operating system in abstracting hardware resources
• Differentiate processes and threads, and identify when to use each
• Identify situations that need synchronization between threads and implement synchronization using locks
• Use sockets to perform network communication in Python

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