程序代写 Example sheet 3 – cscodehelp代写

Example sheet 3
1. For a number n, the factorial of n (factoral(n), or n!) is the product of all the whole numbers between 1 and n (inclusive). So, for example,
factorial(3) = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6
factorial(4) = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 factorial(10) = 1 x 2 x … x10 = 3628800

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The following code contains 3 methods which calculate the factorial of a number n using a do loop, a while loop and a for loop respectively:
public​ ​static​ ​int​ factorial1(​int​ ​n​){ //use a do-while loop
int​ ​top​ = ​n​;
int​ ​prod​ = 1;
do​{​prod​ = ​prod​*​top​; ​top​–;
} ​while​ (​top​ > 1);
return​ ​prod​; }
​public​ ​static​ ​int​ factorial2(​int​ ​n​){ ​// use a while loop
​int​ ​top​ = ​n​;
​int​ ​prod​ = 1;
prod​ = ​prod​*​top​;
return​ ​prod​; }
​public​ ​static​ ​int​ factorial3(​int​ ​n​){
// use a for loop
int​ ​prod​ = 1;
for​(​int​ ​top​ =​n​; ​top​>1; ​top​ –) ​prod​ = ​prod​*​top​; return​ ​prod​;

(a) Look at each of the methods carefully and try each with a few different values of n to check that they return the correct value
(b) Write three methods of your own, ​sum1​, ​sum2​ and ​sum3​, each calculating the sum of the first n whole numbers (>0) that are divisible by 3. So for example, for n=4 your methods should return the value 30 (i.e. 3+6+9+12). Like the examples above, your methods should use a ​do ​loop, a ​while ​loop and a f​ or ​loop respectively.
In the previous example, there wasn’t much difference between the ​do​ and ​while loops. Consider instead the following methods:
​public​ ​static​ ​void​ danger1(){ boolean​ ​alligator​ = ​true​;
boolean​ ​safe​ = ​true​; do​{​//swim in rock pool
System.​out​.println(​”eaten by alligator”​);
​safe​=​false;​ }
while​(​alligator​==​false)​ ;
if​(​safe​) System.​out​.println(​”still alive!”​);
public​ ​static​ ​void​ danger2(){ boolean​ ​alligator​ = ​true​;
boolean​ ​safe​ = ​true​; while​(​alligator​==​false)​ {
//swim in rock pool
System.​out​.println(​”eaten by alligator”​);
​safe​=​false;​ }
if​(​safe​) System.​out​.println(​”still alive!”​);
In each case, what would happen if the method was called?

3. In the lecture you have learned about string formatting. Here are some of the examples that you saw (where “~” denotes space).
Format specifier: %15s
%5d %-5d %05d %5.2f
Applied to: “Bill” “Cuthbert” “Bill”
gives: “~~~~~~~~~~~Bill” “~~~~~~~Cuthbert” “Bill~~~~~~~~~~~” “~~~23”
Fill in the right hand column of the table below:
Format specifier: %14s
%6d %-6d %06d %2d %6.2f %6.3f %6.4f %10.6f
Applied to: “Annabelle” “Annabelle” “Annabelle” 145
145 145 145 22.167 22.167 22.167 22.167

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