CS代考 Software Engineering G6046 Exam – list of revision topics – cscodehelp代写

Software Engineering G6046 Exam – list of revision topics
Project management
Team types and dynamics
PERT charts and critical path / slack time analysis Risk analysis

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Process models
Waterfall methodology – what is it and what projects is it suited for? Agile – what is it and what projects is it suited for?
Agile – Extreme Programming/Pair wise programming/Scrum/sprints Agile – user stories, task cards, the Agile manifesto
Requirements analysis
User requirements
System requirements – functional /non-functional / domain, mandatory and desirable Requirements engineering and getting the requirements right. The spiral model Domain requirements – what to do about them
Object oriented programming principles
Cohesion, coupling, responsibility driven design, encapsulation, abstraction
UML – use cases, domain models, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams Choosing classes for a sample problem
Design patterns
What are they and why are they useful? Software design patterns
Architectural design patterns
Client server
3 tier and N-tier Model View Controller
Unit testing
Using Junit in the Java language, including how to write Java unit tests System level testing
Other types of testing
Test driven development
React and React Native
What are they and what problems do they solve? What kind of projects are they useful for?
Basic elements of React and React Native application Node.js – what is it and why might it be useful?

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