CS代考 13/05/2022, 23:04 Assignment 2 – Report Submission – cscodehelp代写

13/05/2022, 23:04 Assignment 2 – Report Submission
Criteria Ratings Pts
Experiments using Derby with and without a secondary index.
15 Pts Outstanding

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All data loaded correctly into Derby and appropriately indexed with thorough and very clear explanation of scripts; complete set of queries with correct answers and all required timings for Derby with and without secondary index; after a reboot and then again; outstanding clear presentation of queries, answers and all timings. Very well written justification of a carefully considered design; outstanding critical analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternatives.
12.5 Pts Excellent
All data correctly loaded and indexed in Derby with a clear explanation of scripts; complete set of queries with correct answers and all required timings for Derby with and without secondary index; after a reboot and then again; outstanding clear presentation of queries, answers and all timings. Justification of a carefully considered design with analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternative designs.
10 Pts Good
Data load correctly into Derby and indexed with some explanation and timings of script. Justification of an appropriate design and some consideration of alternatives.
7.5 Pts Acceptable
Data loaded into Derby and indexed with limited explanation
2.5 Pts Unsatisfactory
Some data loaded into Derby but incomplete scripts contain major errors.
0 Pts No Marks

13/05/2022, 23:04 Assignment 2 – Report Submission
Criteria Ratings Pts
Index on heap file in Java
Experiments comparing range query using index on heap file implemented in Java
20 Pts Outstanding
All data loaded and queried using heap file and index implemented in Java with thorough and very clear explanation of scripts and details of time taken to load data; very well written justification of a carefully considered design without outstanding critical analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternatives.
17.5 Pts Excellent
All data loaded and queried using heap file and index implemented in Java with a clear explanation of scripts and details of time taken to load data. Justification of a carefully considered design with analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternative designs.
15 Pts Good
Data loaded and queried using heap file and index implemented in Java with some explanation and timings of script. justification of an appropriate design and some consideration of alternatives.
10 Pts Acceptable
Data loaded and queried using heap file and index implemented in Java with limited explanation.
5 Pts Unsatisfactory
Some data loaded and queried using heap file and index implemented in Java but incomplete scripts contain major errors.
0 Pts No Marks
Index on heap file in Java
Experiments comparing use of index construction on heap file implemented in Java
35 Pts Outstanding
All data loaded and indexed correctly using heap file implemented in Java with thorough and very clear explanation of scripts and details of time taken to load data; very well written justification of a carefully considered design without outstanding critical analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternatives.
25 Pts Excellent
All data loaded and indexed correctly using heap file implemented in Java with a clear explanation of scripts and details of time taken to load data. Justification of a carefully considered design with analysis of advantages and disadvantages of alternative designs.
20 Pts Good
Data loaded and indexed correctly using heap file implemented in Java with some explanation and timings of script. justification of an appropriate design and some consideration of alternatives.
15 Pts Acceptable
Data loaded and indexed using heap file implemented in Java with limited explanation.
10 Pts Unsatisfactory
Some data loaded using heap file implemented in Java but incomplete scripts contain major errors.
0 Pts No Marks

13/05/2022, 23:04 Assignment 2 – Report Submission
Criteria Ratings Pts
Total points: 70

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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